Sunday Selections #539

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Everyone remembers the house from a few weeks ago? it was about to be demolished. 
This is what the block looked like just a couple of days later:

mounds of earth

and some very deep trenches

this is the machine doing all the digging

you wouldn't want to be standing too close when they lower this bit at the end of the day

very important signage. I missed getting a photo of the tons and tons of broken concrete slabs they'd dug up. I saw them on my way home from the shop and went to get my camera and it began to rain, naturally I don't like to get my camera wet, so no photo for me. Or you.

some of the caravan gnomes have had themselves a boozy campfire party

here is "my" magpie singing to me, when he/she does this I go out with mealworms for him/her

here are three magpies snacking on the mealworms, I call them all Maggie

see the one at the back keeping a beady eye on this one. For a while he would swoop down and chase her away along with any other birds that came close to my home. I'm wondering if they are now a mated pair, so he is allowing her to eat.

This is the one that sings to let me know I should come out, he/she always comes quite close now and watches my hand to see if I am ready to throw the mealworms. I don't feed them much as I don't want them to become dependent on me, they still need to know how to forage for themselves.

here are my four small ramekins in a pan of cold water

whole milk gently heating

four large eggs and three tablespoons of caster sugar

thoroughly whisked

oh look, there's my kitchen scissors, neatly hung so they don't get lost

just before boiling point add the hot milk to the whisked egg/sugar mix, stir well and pour into the ramekins

sprinkle some nutmeg on top and bake in the pre-heated oven at 180C until set. When the rim of the custard looks a little brown and "crunchy" they're set.

here they are just out of the oven, baked egg custards.

I use kitchen tongs to lift them out of the hot water. Lunch for the next four days.

this photo, NOT taken by me, is the morning sky K (no-one) saw when she was leaving for work one day last week

These are some fabric pieces I bought to make dresses for my four little redheads. Fat quarters and remnants. I haven't told them yet, I think I'll wait and surprise them when they are done. Now all I need is somewhere to put up the sewing machine and the motivation to get started.


  1. What wonderful fabrics for your four redheads! Great colors and patterns---they will love them.

    I thought the four custards would be for the four sisters... I hope they don't sneak in and eat them up.
    My mother made egg custard just like that--including the nutmeg. I haven't made it for years... Too hot here now, but in the fall I will!

    Hey, I just noticed the ramekins are sitting on one of Joanne's towels!

    1. GOOD EYE!!! That is a lovely color too!

    2. Fresca and Linda Sue; I love Joanne's towels :)
      These custards are eaten cold so they are great for quick summer lunches. I don't know when I will get around to sewing dresses, I just don't have the space. I miss my seven feet long dining table, which doesn't fit in here so I gave it to one of my daughters.

  2. What a delightful and varied selection you have given us this week. Love those fat quarters and am looking forward to seeing what you create with them.
    While many of 'our' birds are very pretty, I delight in the much plainer magpie's warble. Their song sings of home to me.

    1. Elephant's Child; I took almost an hour choosing the fat quarters, they come prepacked and most seemed to have bright sunburn orange or ugly brown in the mix. I was lucky to find this one pack.
      I love the magpie's song too, and love that the colony here seems to be growing nicely.

  3. The Magpies certainly have you trained quite well. Bet it didn't take long at all.
    That custard looks wonderful. Now I'm hungry for it. Might have to do something about that. Thanks.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it started with me training the magpies, with just one young one landing on the grass and watching as I threw out mealworms. He or she soon learned that if she sang I would come out with worms, but I don't feed too much, they need to still be relying on natural methods.

  4. Little Reds will make short work of those custard cups! What pattern are you going to use to make little frocks?

    1. Little Reds didn't get the custards, they were too busy watching TV and didn't even notice me in the kitchen on a rainy day. I have skipper doll patterns and will make one dress first to see how and where the adjustments need to go. I think it's just a matter of length.

  5. Thank you for this look into your world. All beautiful photos.

    1. Charlotte; thank you, I like seeing your garden too.

  6. You are most industrious, River...making dresses for the girls! You put me to shame. My little sewing machine has forgotten completely what it is, and what it is meant to do!! I know! I know! I'm lazy! :

    On Friday night I watched, via Netflix, the final episode of Season 8 of "The Blacklist" the wait is on for Season 9 to appear. I hope the wait is not long.

    Have yourself a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; I haven't started making dresses yet, don't know for sure when I will start, I know I used to love sewing. I haven't seen the rest of The Blacklist yet, only up to episode 17. I remember the wait for season 8 was far too long because of covid, they weren't filming, but hopefully season 9 will be sooner.

  7. I love custard, any meal of the day.
    The orphans will shriek with delight when they get new clothes.

    1. Joanne; I love custard too, but don't make it too often. If the orphans are anything like me, with new clothes they might want to change clothes every half hour. I'll have to teach them how to hang things up!

  8. Lovely selection as always R.
    You custard look delicious.

  9. Hope your Sunday will be more fun

    greetings from Indonesia
    I follow your blog

    1. Penghuni 60; thank you, Sunday was a quiet day.

  10. Yes. You are quick over there - here it would take ... not even kidding , months, or years to get a house down.
    Two darn years for a piece of street with some plumbing-thing underneath! It was a pain!

    "Or you" :-)
    And a boozy campfire party, LOL!

    Awwww, your magpie, so sweet.
    OK. You have Maggies, I have Peanuts. Are we creative ;-)

    Here all is thrown in a drawer - guess. You can hear Ingo "yell" cause he does not find anything!
    Nutmeg on something sweet?
    This is how our first tongs look like. From Australia, 1999 (or 1995) - we still have them!

    Great pic from no-one!
    Wish I could sew like that (but I admit.... I´m too lazy to learn! Also too clumsy).

    1. Iris Flavia; quick to tear down but much longer to build. Some houses further down the street were started just before Covid began here and they are still not finished, similar several houses closer to the shops, by the same builder, two years to build. I think he takes care that every part settles properly before the next part is begun, a quality builder.
      I do have a junk drawer where things are just thrown in, but they are things rarely used, everything I need everyday is hung up to find easily.
      Nutmeg is perfect on egg custards.

  11. Wonderful photos of the magpies. Not sure whether I like them more than the ramekins though.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you, I love the magpies. The ramekins are old and probably can't be found anymore in shops so I am careful with them. They are the perfect size for a single serve.

  12. Hi River,

    Never trust gnomes. They are evil and want to take over the world.




    1. Plasman; I believe you. I started out with two gnomes, now there are many and about a dozen meerkats too. I love them.

  13. Such a variety, all pleasing to the eye. I like the drunken gnomes and kitchen shears, but I would want to hide the latter from the former. I keep thinking of a movie that was creepy: "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark." It's from the 70's, and stars Kim Darby (from the original True Grit) as a housewife who finds gnomes that plot to kill her! That's how I remember it, anyway.

    1. Val; the drunken gnomes will never get into the kitchen so the shears are safe. I've never seen that movie and probably never will.

  14. It's smart of you to not feed the magpies too much.

    Egg custards sound lovely for a cold lunch.

    Here's hoping you find a place (or make a temporary place) to put the sewing machine.

    1. messymimi; I don't want the birds to become dependent, in case housing suddenly decides to move everyone. There have been rumors several times these buildings might get sold to a developer, thankfully they have all come to nothing, but this is a lovely large piece of land where a developer could easily fit three or four times as many homes and make a fortune selling them.
      For the sewing machine it would mean completely emptying everything off my desk for several days while I sew all the dresses. That would mean nowhere for the laptop and nowhere to eat my dinner. Unless I turn the desk sideways and just use half, that might work.

  15. I enjoyed the series of photos. Especially the gnomes!


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