Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. boxy 

2. honey 

3. clock 

4. yearn 

5. erupted 

6. drift 


1. goblin 

2. differences 

3. relax 

4. shimmer 

5. porch 

6. rainwater

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.


  1. I have almost everything I need. I love my home and I have sufficient income to meet my needs. I would be content to relax in the countryside, and let the days drift by, but I am lonely. Very lonely. My last date told me ‘you are boxy’ and erupted with cruel laughter at the thought of another meeting. I am never going to meet the accepted criteria for beauty, but I yearn for love.
    So I went to my village’s WiseWoman. Granny Humble told me that she had a spell that would meet my needs – but to be careful what I wished for. She told me to wash myself and my clothing in rainwater, and put out a bowl of honey (for the sweetness). She said that if I waited by the clock at midnight I would fall in love with the first living thing that I saw before the chimes had stopped ringing and that they would love me too.
    The eleventh chime had rung and I was starting to despair when I caught sight of you, reflected in the candlelit shimmer over the honey. A goblin was not what I expected (or would have thought to ask for), but it is perfect. Our differences are unimportant. Both of us are small, neither of us are beautiful. You are mischievous, and can be malevolent if you think I am treated badly. I am grateful. We sit together on the porch, sharing companionship, sharing love – and thanking Granny Humble.

    1. EC; I was sad to find your character lonely, but happy that she found companionship and love thanks to Granny Humble. I certainly didn't expect a Goblin, but why not? They need love too.

    2. You, Mimi and I all have girls with boxy figures. LOL

    3. This was delicious. Thanks to Granny Humble - I suspect the Goblin was likewise lonesome.

  2. EC, that's a beautiful story with a happy ending.

    My words will be over here.

    1. messymimi; I'll be over to read as soon as yours pops up.

  3. I can imagine you coming up with a good story about a 'goblin' River.

  4. People have been meeting up with vampires and werewolves for years. Why not a goblin?

    1. MMM; I think it's time Goblins were recognised, even if they aren't as glamorous.

  5. River, you have done a great job with the prompts this month. Can't wait to give these words a try.

  6. THE SQUARE GIRL by Granny Annie

    Randall always called her his square girl. Yes, she was a bit boxy but he loved Honey a lot. As he watched the clock, he could only yearn for her immediate return. They had found her adrift in the ocean after the volcano had erupted. Randall had been assured she was safe and would soon be in his arms again.

    Honey did not want to be rescued. She knew that the touch of lava to her face and body had given her the appearance of a goblin. Randall would not want her to be his after seeing the differences in her looks.

    The Coast Guard Captain told her to relax and simmer down. A little time on their front porch and a good dose of rainwater poured over her would cause the lava to disappear before Randall held her in his arms again.

    Randall did not even notice a change in his square girl. Honey was the love of his life and was beautiful to him. He vowed she would never go hiking alone again

  7. You have some very inventive good-writers visiting your Blog. I doubt I could make a story using these words. Perhaps I could try if it was just one word prompt.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; you don't have to use all the words, you could choose just one.

  8. I have posted my story now. WfW. Tomorrow I'll be back to read your stories.

  9. I´ll join you tomorrow, you got clever words again!

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you. I mostly choose my words from books I am reading.


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