Sunday Selections #600

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

Back in May 2014, I took a little trip to the local zoo, with a couple of the girls I used to work with:

this first photo is actually from 199? or 2000. I took several shots of these two bison until the male came lumbering towards me and I took off not-quite-running

this is 2014, feeding day for the lions, so there was quite a crowd waiting to see it happen.

this is the day I learned from J how to get a shot with the focus on the subject not on the fence

isn't she just lovely?

quite a bit more fierce when taking the chunk of meat dropped through the feeding gate, there were three lionesses, all growling and pacing until they got their food.

in the next door enclosure the male came out of his cave and began pacing

and pacing, faster and faster as he smelled the meat, they only get fed every fourth day, so he was quite hungry

he stopped pacing for a second and ROARED! more than a few people backed away, even though there is a six foot space between his enclosure and the barrier keeping us back from it.

right before he began pacing again.

Fast forward to 2022 again:

the Caribbean Lily bulb is quite tall now, although smaller than the ones I saw in the original garden

here you can see the buds beginning

and here is a closer look, can you see the purple buds at the base of the green bits? They look like beads.

this photo is my Hoya leaves, see the brown drips? The possums have been hanging in the trees and peeing on my garden! It stinks! 

here are the sleeping beauties, 13 weeks old now and tired out from watching their mobile toys. I'm not a fan of the see-through dummies (pacifiers, binkies, whatever you call them where you are)


  1. This is a wonderful selection - with the exception of the possum pee. Eeeuw.
    And of course the twins are confident of their role as heart stealers.

    1. There is less possum pee this year, but the smell is the same. The twins stole my heart before they were even born.

  2. Aww, poor lions only eating every 4 days. I'd be cranky too. Both sexes looked thin in the face.
    Yikes on the possum pee. That isn't very nice of them.
    But those twins make everything right again don't they?

    1. Arkansas Patti; the zoo keeps the lions, and all the big animals, on a similar feeding schedule as to what they would have out in the wild, where they normally don't eat every day. The possums don't understand nice, I doubt one could ever be toilet trained.
      The twins certainly do make everything right.

  3. Lions are such magnificent animals..all members of the cat family are, in my opinion. Majestic creatures they are.

    The twins are at peace with their corner of the world, it would seem. It will be a most happy Father's Day for your son

    Have a good week ahead, River...take care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I love the big cats, lions and tigers and the black panthers.
      The twins are very much at peace, they are well loved and well cared for. This is J's very first Father's Day :)

  4. The lion photos are good, especially considering how long ago they were taken. Binkies? That's a new one to me. Are dummies good things? Neither I nor my siblings ever had them.

    1. Andrew; the lion photos were taken when I first got the Fuji camera with the 30x zoom, so that helped a lot. The bison were taken with the point and shoot and I think only 4x zoom on that one. Dummies are good things, but for babies only, I think they should learn to do without them once they begin walking or sooner if they can. Three of mine gave up their dummies around 7-8 months.

  5. My what big feet you have, Mr. Lion
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Darn those peeing possums! They need to hang elsewhere. The twins are having a restful sleep. So peaceful. Genius never liked a binky. He'd spit it out like a fizzy bottle rejecting a cork. The Pony loved his hospital-issue brown binky, but no others. Much drama when it was "lost" for a couple days. Found it in the middle of the laundry room floor, though he was not old enough to crawl, and I'd not done laundry for two days. Almost like somebody had left it there for me to find!

    1. Val; I'm planning on buying some long handled loppers and trimming off the branches close to the roof. The twins are good sleepers, a bonus for the whole household.
      My eldest threw her dummy out of the cot and I gave it back to her so she did it again, twice, then I threw it in the bin and she saw me do it. I said it was gone now, no more dummy and she didn't seem to care at all. She was 7 months old. The next baby put himself to sleep without one much earlier, third child threw hers out of the pram one day at eight months and I didn't bother looking for the spare I knew I had and she didn't care. Fourth baby gave his up close to his first birthday.

  7. These photos are good, much better than mine when I went to a zoo some years ago..

    1. Margaret D; cameras have improved a lot in the last twenty years and with digital you can take dozens of shots, then just keep the best of them.

  8. I think I would´ve run from a bison - they must be huge.
    Oh! Only every fourth day?! Poor Henry and his girls (and ladies first, huh, LOL).
    Henry says hi! All he gets as food are people saying "Hi Henry!" when passing by or thanking him. He lives from love.

    Just yesterday "The Lion King" was on TV, btw, I watched it (first time) - and the King roared a lot and LOUD!

    Oh, those possums, LOL! I have funny memories.

    Yes. My Nieces never had pacifiers. And I can´t remember my Brother or I had them.
    But I see kids who can walk already and still have them. Even if first teeth - not good, also how do they learn to speak?
    Either way, these two look cute :-)
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; the bison were huge, I don't know if the zoo still has them, their field was very large and they were a long way from me. The lions get fed as they would in the wild, they don't eat every day on the plains of Africa. I have watched The Lion King several times, but not lately.
      I don't know if I had pacifiers, I think back then they weren't as prevalent as now. I prefer them to thumb sucking, because when the child is ready you can throw it away, but you can't do that with thumbs and I have seen children old enough to start school still sucking their thumbs. There are many children who just don't need such things.

  9. I was going to post a couple of pictures until I spotted the rule that they must not be rude or vulgar. Drat!.... Lovely picture of the heavenly babes.

    1. Yorkshire pudding; surely you have some that aren't rude or vulgar? the babies are little angels aren't they?

  10. Lions are great aren't they? They would make great pets if they were the size of a domestic cat.




    1. Plasman; lions are my favourite of the big cats, with tigers a very close second. I think all domestic cats imagine they are lions.

  11. Peeing possums! Now THERE's something we don't have to deal with, thank goodness. I don't think I've ever heard a lion roar at close range before, but I heard them in the distance when I was in Botswana back in 2006.

    1. Steve Reed; be thankful you don't have possums. Hearing the roar at close range is quite an experience.

  12. All excellent selections, especially those two cuties at the end.

  13. Replies
    1. William Kendall; lions and tigers are my favourite big cats.

  14. The lions are so majestic. I would've loved to hear them roar!

    1. MMM; it's very loud when they are only six feet away :)


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