Sunday Selections #640

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

late afternoon sun across my grass

no prizes for guessing what I am making

ready to bake, the tiny white blobs are>

baby bocconcini

ready to eat, it was very yum.

these two front-end loader/ backhoe machines

were parked out front of my flats for almost a week

some moody clouds

which promised a storm

but broke up and floated away

Gen likes to help with the shopping now that she can reach the shelves from the pram

mmm, let's try this cake stuff

doesn't taste like broccoli

do I like it?

yes I do.

now for a couple of short videos, turn on your sound, I hope they play.

Ana with her birthday toy

and Gen with hers.

Gen is beginning to copy word sounds now when her mum and dad speak to her.


  1. Did you go for a midnight ride on one of the backhoes?

    1. Mike; absolutely not. By midnight I am sound asleep. and the keys probably weren't in them anyway.

    2. too bad. I can picture some adventures with those things.

  2. Such happy babes. I love those clouds and your pizza looks good.

    1. Elephant's Child; I put the clouds in just for you. The pizza was delicious in spite of too much garlic. I'm happy the babies are always happy.

  3. Oh, that pizza looks so yummy!
    ... "for almost a week". Here it is weeks and weeks often and you see no progress.
    I am so glad I have no car no more. Sometimes Ingo due to that needs nearly an hour to find a place to park his car - I am not exaggerating , sadly.
    Nice cloud-captures.

    It must be so awesome to learn new things every day. Sad we cannot remember.
    All the firsts... It must be a world full of wonders!

    Have a wonderful Sunday. Here summer arrived hopefully for good!

    1. Iris; the pizza was one of the best I ever made. I'm not sure why the backhoes were here, they are gone now, maybe were used to clear and level a block for new housing to be built.
      I love hearing babies try to make word sounds and it's wonderful once they can talk. I am having a very peaceful Sunday.

    2. Oh, sooo sad I could not join you with the pizza! We enjoy 27C on the balcony, ahhh, the life :-)

  4. Soon the girls will be talking won't be able to shut them up!. More wonderful fun times ahead.

    And may the week ahead treat you well, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee; that's true, we won't be able to shut them up once they learn. That's when night times become more precious as kids go to sleep and adults get quiet time. Lola gets plenty of cuddles.

  5. The girls seem quite advanced at one.

    1. Andrew; they're normal, doing all the things my kids did at that age, except walking on their own, they walk around holding onto furniture etc.

  6. I am full of tonight's supper pizza as I read this, or else it would make me want pizza. The girls will be starting their own blog before you know it! I like the clouds. That's what I'm missing with all the haze we've had this week.

    1. Val; I wish I felt like making pizza, but I'm kind of blah right now, had a busy week. I wonder if blogging will still be around when the girls are older? I'm sorry you still have haze, I saw the fores on TV last night, really out of control aren't they?

  7. The twins are beautiful. Your pizza's look very nice.

  8. Delicious pizza - mouthwatering, The girls have rhythm, clearly. Children's toys don['t come with ear defenders - I sometimes think they should.

    1. jabblog; thank you. I think the ear defenders would be a good idea. or at least a volume control.

  9. The pizza does look so good, now i wish i could get a "big, fat, Greek pizza" from a place around here.

    Interesting cloud patterns. If you needed rain, i'm sorry they didn't produce. If you've had enough of the wet stuff, i'm glad they went away.

    Those babies are a delight.

    1. messymimi; go ahead and get a pizza, it's worth it. We got the rain a coupe of days later with a huge noisy thunder and lightning storm that lasted a couple of nights with just rain on the day in between. The babies are so delightful.

  10. Your Sunday selections were awesome. Nicely done, River.

    1. Mr Shife; thank you. Perhaps you could join us one Sunday.

  11. I liked all of your photos, but I really think the angry clouds going away take the prize.

    1. Charlotte; they were beautiful clouds, the camera just didn't capture the "feeling" of them.

  12. Ana and Gen are such sweet babies! Would love to borrow them for about 2 hours!

    1. Susan Kane; they are quite active rolling around the floor and pulling themselves up to standing, I think two hours would be plenty for you. It is for me, but if I lived closer I would definitely visit them more often. Probably daily.

  13. The twins are sure getting big.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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