Sunday Selections #641

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

going way back into the past:

My very first captures of The Roulettes

back in about 2009 I think, taken with my very first digital camera.

More recently, about 2013 or later:

I had bulbs in my garden before I put the Jades in, these are Ixias,

in varied colours

all beautiful, but tall with flower heads too heavy for the thin stems so they flopped over,

I planted many of them inside the windmill frame hoping it would support them but it didn't.

here we see Mick and Paddy digging for gold but finding coal instead

one of my sleeping gnomes

and the other one, these all now live inside the back porch, there's no point having them in the garden where they can't be seen.

this was Angel, before he got big enough to stretch all the way across the bed.

Genevieve studies the options on the toy piano

Anastasia does the same, they have one each

Genevieve tries singing

While Anastasia can't quite decide, maybe another toy is a better option

and after piano practice:



  1. Ixias look like they're related to Crocuses, maybe? Those kids will have so much fun growing up together!

    1. Steve Reed; I don't know about the ixias/crocuses, they grow differently, ixias being quite tall at 60cm and crocuses grow low to the ground. the girls already have so much fun together and I hope it stays that way for them.

  2. The twins are delightful (as you know). I really liked the trip down memory lane for the rest of the post too. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll see the twins again next Thursday and they may be walking by then :)
      I haven't been out and about to take new photos, so memory lane to the rescue!

  3. OH my, those little girls! Babies for such a blink and then it is off to the races! I love the age of the twins right now.

    1. Linda Sue; the year went so fast! one day I'm looking at sonograms and now they are one. it's a great age for discovery with them being so mobile.

  4. Boy! I had a hard time trying to respond this morning! But, finally, here I am!

    A great array of pics...and not disappointed...we get to see more of the beautiful bubs. :)

    Have a good week ahead, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; I'm glad you made it, blogger still being a pain in the ...? I plan to have a good week, but you know what they say about plans and God laughing. We'll see.

  5. Your babies make me smile every time I watch them.. They are so loving to each other, most of the time, I am sure.

    1. Susan Kane; they make me smile too. I don't think I've ever seen them NOT be loving, they enjoy being together. When they were tiny they would both wriggle in their sleep until they could touch each other.

  6. It is surprisingly hard to get decent photos of planes in formation like that. You want to zoom in but then it is so easy to lose sight of them when you do. And they are fast. I compared my Roulette photos taken this year with similar I took five years ago with an older camera and the older photos were better.
    Lots of pretty flowers. I don't remember seeing the windmill before. I guess I have forgotten.
    The girls are growing fast and look lovely.

    1. Andrew; the Roulettes certainly were fast, I had a hard time capturing those shots, I remember taking several dozen photos just to get two good ones. Nowadays I don't even try. The windmill is easy to forget, it blends right in. I plan on painting it with bright colours but never actually get around to it.
      The girls are growing fast and won't be babies much longer, I agree they do look lovely. it helps that they smile a lot.

  7. Those little girls like each other, that's for sure.

    1. Joanne; yes they do and I am glad of that.

  8. So many nice selections! The girls get more precious every day.

    1. messymimi; thank you, they do get more precious every day.

  9. The flower are looking pretty. The gnomes, well are just something else, having a lovely time at your place. The plane photos are good.
    The twins are delight to see having fun, and it's great that you have videos of rather good quality of them to keep.

    1. Margaret D; the flowers are long gone, the succulents took over and the gnomes live in my back porch now. The twins mum sends me the videos and I am grateful since I can't see the girls every day.

  10. I´ve never heard of The Roulettes. But I remember the Ramstein air show disaster in 1988 and sure I will never attend such a show, brrr...
    Beautiful flowers. And cute gnomes. I am lucky, I can put stuff out on the balcony - I see them from where I type right now.
    Angel looks cute. As are the twins.

    1. Iris; the Roulettes used to perform when the Grand Prix was held here in Adelaide, now they are in Melbourne instead.
      The flowers are long gone, I pulled up all the bulbs when the bigger succulents hid the flowers from view and they all flopped over, being too heavy anyway. The gnomes are in my back porch, all dusty now from the South winds blowing through the shadecloth. Angel is also long gone, six years now since he was stolen.
      The girls are the best thing ever.

    2. Angel was stolen?!! Who the heck does something as cruel as that! I am very sorry. So you have no idea where or how he is. People can be heartless...

  11. The ixias are so striking but I can see why you don't grow them any longer. The twins are adorable, as ever, and well worth all the hard work, I'm sure.

    1. Jabblog; I wish I had known the ixias were too tall for the heavy flower heads, then I wouldn't have planted any. live and learn eh? The twins are worth every minute of the work.

  12. Entranced with the name roulettes, sounds like a dancing group :D The twins, as always, are a delight. Watch out for the adventures of walking - loads of fun.

    1. WWW; it does sound like a dancing troupe. Walking twins are going to keep the parents busy for sure.

  13. It's nice to see a picture of Angel, having heard about him but not having an image. The twins, as always, are captivating! So fun to watch them grow.

    1. Val; I forgot you hadn't seen Angel before, I wasn't reading your blog then I think, he was taken from my front yard six years ago now. Before then I had plenty of pictures of him on the blog here. it is fun watching the twins grow, but I wish I lived closer so I could help out more, especially when they start walking.

  14. Oh, so pretty flowers. I like your gnomes, they make me smile!

    1. Charlotte; thank you. The gnomes make me smile too. I'm sad I can't buy nice ones like this anymore, at the same shop all I see now are smaller ones in different colours but all with the same face and the same pose. So boring.

  15. Love all of the photos that you shared, River. Good stuff and thank you.


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