Sunday Selections # 639


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Nothing but babies here today and I am using photos sent to me from other people's phones so the order is quite mixed up. I didn't take my camera, thinking I would rely on my phone, but I don't know how to transfer photos from phone to computer, something I still have to learn.

Anyway, get ready for twins overload, at their birthday party.

Anastasia, one year old now

Genevieve also one year old now

me saying hello to each in turn, notice the little curls beginning on the back of their heads!

Ana smiling for someone's phone camera

Gen wondering what all the fuss is about

they have birthday dolls from their Grandpa K

and tutus made by...

Auntie T

silver balloon initials above each high chair was helpful

a visitor blowing tiny bubbles for Ana to pop

Ana waiting for her barbecued sausage

Gen inspecting her slice of cake, this is the girls first experience with cake

but they managed to eat the crumbs

here's Ana eating her slice, they were surprised to find it breaking up as they tried to hold it.

Gen enjoying her slice

 home made deliciousness

Ana reached over the edge and pulled off a ribbon of the crepe paper decorating her "throne"

so Gen had to copy her, they both tried to eat them, but they were exchanged for sausage bits instead. 

the cake with the candle on it

King J presents the offering to his Princesses

wearing his favourite hat which Ana later tried to eat, or maybe it was Gen.

let loose to travel after all the eating was done. 

There are more photos but they have other people in them so won't be shown here.


  1. Aww.. cuteness in abundance.

    1. JayCee; welcome to drifting. So much sweetness, yet somehow not enough, I could cuddle those two all day.

  2. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; Awww indeed, they were so good about staying in their "thrones" for so long.

  3. A grand time was had by all :-))

    1. jabblog; yes it was a grand time and the weather was perfect all day.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to the two most beautiful girls. How that time has flown. Such joy the must bring you....

    All the best for the coming week, River...take good care....cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; tank you, the time certainly has flown. They do bring so much joy, they are happy little girls. Lola got her cuddles after I arrived home.

  5. I can't remember, your daughter or your son?

    1. Mike; my son, King J and his princesses G and A.

  6. Happy BD to the girls. A grand party!

    1. Joanne; it was a low-key party, no organised games since the visiting kids were so diverse in ages, they just had a small ball pit and nerf guns with a target to shoot at and free run around the yard time.

  7. Happy Birthday to the twins, they are gorgeous.

  8. This sounds like a wonderful party. Happy birthday to the two princesses.

    1. Charlotte; it was a lovely day, thank you.

  9. Such a big day! I love their "thrones" and cake. Of course the girls are stars of the party!

    1. Val; a big day and they don't even realise why :) Their first experience with cake was funny to watch.

  10. What a joyful time, i wish them many, many happy returns of the day!

  11. Aw! They are so sweet and I love the stripey curtains or tassels on their high chairs.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; thank you, those were strips of crepe paper which the girls tried to eat.

  12. Oh, I am very late for the party!!! It is great to have a twin!
    I remember my Niece´s first birthday - it was overwhelming for her, she cried. So many people. So many new things. But with a twin you must feel safe...
    One year already. Time flies...

    1. Iris; first birthdays are often overwhelming, but these two are used to having a lot of people around so they coped very well. Time certainly does fly.

  13. Too much cuteness. Thanks for sharing those amazing babies. They are adorable.

    1. Mr Shife; is there such a thing as too much cuteness? Thank you.

  14. Cute! Love the pink ribbon theme.

    1. Steve Reed; the whole day was pink and purple, even the balloons and the cupcakes.

  15. What sweet twins! Such cute little faces and dressed to be ballerinas!

  16. What gorgeous girlies! they must bring so much joy to everyone. Happy birthday!!!!

    1. WWW; thank you, they are gorgeous and have happy natures too.


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