Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by David M. Gascoingne and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. lions 2. resources 3. choice 4. course 5. systematically 6. predator 


1. occasionally 2. firestorm 3. land 4. sight 5. reproducing 6. humans

Here is my continuing story, a short chapter with only half the words:

“It sounds wonderful,” said Theresa, “I shall introduce you to Mary Arcady and her daughter Stephanie, they both like to sing and would welcome a male voice. Also you both need to visit the library scribe and have your names written in the big book if you can’t write yourselves.” “We can write,” said Gunther “and read as well, if anyone here needs to learn we will be happy to help teach.” “I will pass on this information,” said Theresa, “our learning resources are small, over the course of several hundred years successive government organisations have systematically decimated the choice of the people, occasionally one might try to reverse the trend, but those ‘predators’ who owned the lion’s share of the world’s wealth always cut them down.”

“I suspect many of them are now suffering as we are,” said Gunther, “wealth is worthless when there is nothing left to buy and none had learned to work to survive, simply having others do for them their whole lives.” Theresa packed up her treatment bag and instructed them to wait a few hours before walking more than a few steps at a time. “I shall bring Mary and Stephanie with me when I bring your evening meals, tomorrow you may prefer to come to the dining room.”

Happy First Birthday to the twins!! 💖💖


  1. Very wise follow up, so true, all of it.
    And oh, one year already! I wish you a happy party!!!! Double happy :-)

    1. Iris; thank you, I had a bit of trouble with the words this week. The party tomorrow should be fun.

  2. First birthday trumps everything :-)
    Your story is developing nicely. I hope there's going to be a happy ending . . .

    1. jabblog; first birthdays mean everything, except to the babies who don't have a clue what all the fuss is about. My stories almost always have a happy ending.

  3. A very Happy Birthday to the twins - and to everyone who loves them.
    A great addition to your story - and sadly true.

  4. The twins will be starting college before you know it.

    1. Mike; people in my family don't tend to get that far, they finish high school and get jobs instead. We'll see what happens with these two.

  5. This continuation is good. Happy birthday to the twins.

  6. I wish the girls many, many happy returns of the day!

    I like your story continuation, i hope they can teach many of the people to read and write. It frees the mind.

    1. messymimi; me too although they won't understand why yet. Thank you about the story, a lot of people learn to read and write.

  7. I am interested in what kind of food they will be served, and what kind of reading material will be available to teach others to read. Curious about censorship, and what people are "allowed" to know. Also, if the food is what they grow there, or if there are government rations that might be designed to keep the people's strength at a minimum. Maybe they have operatives who can get them "forbidden" things for special occasions.

    Speaking of special occasions... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANA and GEN!!!

    1. Val; similar interests to mine, I do know these are "free" people living like villagers of "olden" days after escaping from the ruins of city life. Learning to grow food, learning to do things for themselves and others, much like stoneage people might have learned. There won't be limits on what people are allowed to know or learn.

  8. Lions have many innate resources. Choice of use is of course systematically achieved by any predator. Occasionally, I have found myself in the odd firestorm across the land where the only sight and sound has seemed to be reproducing humans.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; interesting use of the words.

    2. Too kind River. It was not my best effort. Must try harder.


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