Sunday Selections #700

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

I have to say I am NOT happy with blogger's new picture selection process which only allows me to select and upload one picture at time.

Beginning with the July calendar picture

a mural I have shown once before

but forgot to add the date

and the artist

lemon chicken with rice on the menu tonight

with a few of these really yummy biscuits (cookies) for dessert. Available in Coles supermarkets for $5.50, other flavours are available too. 10 cookies per pack

I remembered this mini plastic greenhouse was sitting in my shed

so I carried it to the porch

and placed my rhubarb and lettuce seedlings in it, to keep warm and slug free.

"no-one" has bought this cutting called string of shells, tortoise shells I think, and when it grows enough by next year I'll get a piece from her.

she also bought this very pretty "gypsy woman" hyacinth, so different from the usual blue/purple ones

a neighbour's smaller Jade bush is flowering much more profusely than mine, it gets more sunshine.

it's woolly caterpillar season again

they can reduce entire plants to lace overnight, these are hollyhock leaves

Just across the road and down by the corner are several clumps of these miniature iris plants, about 30cm tall

rain filled clouds looming over the city, I was waiting for the bus to get home from the twins home and expected to get wet but it held off until I was safely inside

Lola wanting to be close to me thinks I won't notice her

creeping closer

and closer, she eventually laid down and slept there

only one twin photo this week, Ana took a tumble off the back porch step, doesn't look too bad, but I'm told the bruising that came later was quite colourful and extensive

finishing with the August calendar page.


  1. I love the wall art and the calender shots. Tuxedo used to want to sit right in front of me when I was on the computer or on the top of my chair if he was gently pushed aside.

    1. Bob; Lola is the same and usually ends up in front of me with her face buried in the crook of my elbow while I try to reach around and type stuff. I love how colourful most wall art is.

  2. I like the hyacinth and the irises.
    Poor Ana - I bet she howled. I'm always surprised little children don't damage themselves more.
    Winston, then Isambard and now Jellicoe like to blog, too. It's nice to have literary cats:-)

    1. jabblog; I love the new hyacinth and hope to get one myself. I wasn't there when Ana fell, I'm on the other side of town, but I was told she went right back to playing as soon as the blood was cleaned off. Lola has no interest in blogging, it's me she wants.

  3. Owie Ana! Makes me wonder how we do manage to live beyond childhood!

    1. Linda Sue; it does look painful, but they seem to forget the pain almost instantly. I remember spending a lot of time up in trees, and I rarely fell.

  4. I wish we could have some of these flowers from my childhood in the middle of the US. Rhubarb? I wish. Ana really took a shiner!

    1. Susan Kane; could you do a post about the flowers you remember? Maybe you could grow rhubarb in a large pot. Ana is fine again now, even the bruising is mostly gone.

  5. Poor Anna. I hope she recovers quickly and expect she will. I may be jinxing myself but I can (for the moment) upload more than one photo at a time.
    Your dinner looks good and I love the flowers.

    1. Elephant's Child; Ana was back to playing as soon as she was cleaned up. I used to be able to select a whole alphabet of photos, then click on "select" and they would load onto the post. Now it's one at a time which takes so much longer.

  6. The jade bush looks lush and colourful. Do whatever you need to do to maximise your own sunshine eg turn your house around :)

    1. hels; my "house" is the ground level flat in a block of four attached "T" style to the block of four right behind. I face north and west so I get plenty of sunshine, but my jade bushes are as tall as me so the lower branches don't get as much sun. I could hack the off at waist level but there's seven of them and it seems like too much work.

  7. I hope Lola received the email she was waiting for!

    Poor little Ana...I bet she got a fright, the dear little girl.

    Take care, River...I hope the week ahead treats you kindly. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I think Ana was more shocked than frightened, as in "how dare my feet trip me up?" She was back to playing as soon as she got cleaned up. Lola is getting far too many cuddles and I'm not getting much else done. Probably next week she'll be back to ignoring me.

  8. Replies
    1. Dora; my thoughts exactly. They haven't made it to my garden yet and might not, the one shown here is around the block a bit on someone else's hollyhocks. Last year I didn't see a single caterpillar anywhere.

  9. We get wooly caterpillars in the fall and folklore says the color of their "wool" predicts the winter. Do yours tell of the summer?

    1. Joanne; I've never heard of that folk tale. The caterpillars are an orangey brown and this particular one wasn't very wooly or very fat so perhaps he's just a juvenile.

  10. I noticed a while ago the photo upload system had and changed and I think for the better. I can still upload multiple photos, as I did for this Sunday's post just last night.

    Things are moving in your garden. Nothing much here yet but I must check magnolia buds.

    Poor Ana. I am sure there were tears and quite justified by the look of it.

    1. Andrew; not much is moving in my garden but the rhubarb and lettuces are taking off now they are sheltered. For uploading photos, I get a big white screen with a cloud on it and I can only browse and load one photo. I tried multiples but only one made it to the post so I had to go back and start over. In the past I would get a window to select from and I would choose a bunch and click on "select" and the whole lot would load onto the post.
      I'm sure Ana did cry, but not for long, she's tough.

  11. Your lemon chicken looks good, but I could do without the peppers. Poor Ana! Sounds like she bounced right back, though having battle scars to show. Lovely lady Lola, just looking for some love. I also dislike the new Blogger photo format. I've had it before, then it reverted back to the old way.

    1. Val; I put the peppers in for colour and the green beans too, also for the nutrition content, but mostly for the colour. Ana does bounce back quickly, both girls do, they're tough and you can't keep them down for long. I'm hoping the photo format reverts back to the old way soon. I'm happy to give Lady Lola her cuddles but not for several hours straight, I have things to do!

  12. That would be a nasty bruise then, purple, yellow I expect R.
    Love Lola there in the photos, the bugs do a good job of eating!
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; I didn't see the bruising part and I think it is all mostly cleared up now, there is just a hint of it in the latest photos S sent me two days ago. Lola likes being so close but it gets a bit annoying after and hour or two.

  13. I kinda feel a bit sorry but a fellow blogger, who sadly passed away in her mid-40´s started the recap of the week on T-Days and I followed her. Now I have the (stupid) feeling I have to stick with that, so I cannot join on Sundays.
    Blogger has another change. Oh, yikes, sad it´s never for the better.

    Love your calendar page! And Pirate life, of course. Teddy says hi!
    I plan this recipe from Jamie tomorrow, need only half a lemon - maybe I get some chicken, too!
    Ya. Ingo.Ate up all the salted caramel ice cream. And you rub it in ;-)
    (Here Sunday groceries are closed).

    Good luck with your greenhouse. Rain here destroyed everything... interesting with the shells!
    I´m sorry, but the caterpillar looks cute. Devil, that.
    Lola is so cute!
    Oh, poor Ana. She looks mad, LOL.
    Oh, I hope to find a calendar like that - thank you for sharing and have a great Sunday.

    1. Iris; don't feel bad that you don't do Sundays, there's no rules and you blog when and where you want. Pirate Teddy Cookie says Hi back!. I made my lemon chicken with a jar of Lemon Sauce, it made a large amount so I froze a few portions.
      The caterpillars do look cute but they eat a LOT.
      Ana does look mad, maybe because her face was stinging like things do when you scrape them accidentally. but she is fine again now.
      I buy my calendars from "Booktopia" but they are closed now, have been bought out now by Amazon, so maybe you can find the calendars there.

    2. Hi to Cookie :-) Next year I´ll first look at local Graff for calendars. But I admit, amazon is a dangerous alternative!
      Kids fall, I remember lots of bloody knees... and hands... aw, well.

  14. P.S. Ingo just put some Salted Caramel m&m´s in front of me :-)

    1. Salted caramel M&M's ?? That's new. I never buy M&M's because there are too many blue and green ones and I am allergic to the artificial blue colour #133, so I can't eat them. Not life threatening, just an itchy rash.

    2. I am so lucky I have no allergies!!! You could much around those and share the rest with the twins?

  15. Poor Ana! Cats are funny when they try to move in on your territory. They just don't get reading.

    I like the mini greenhouse -- looks very handy!

    1. Steve Reed; Ana is fine again now, nothing keeps her down for longer than a minute. Lola is avoiding me again now, spending days in bed instead. The mini greenhouse has come in very handy.

  16. Those tumbles come at the worst times and can't be prevented no matter how safe you try to be.

    Cats would probably push us totally out of the way if they could, at least, mine would.

    I really enjoyed your selections!

    1. messymimi; thank you. Usually the girls don't tumble much but I think Ana tried the set of three brick steps down off the back porch, the one without a railing. Lola would love to push me away from the laptop, but settles for getting between it and me.

  17. I'm so happy Ana is okay. My kids were climbers and tumblers, all day, every day. We've had our fair share of scrapes and bruises and sometimes even stitches and broken bones. Now the kids all have kiddos of their own doing the same things. We call them growing bumps. :) - Ugh. Those caterpillars. There has got to be something that works to keep them away. They're so annoying. I do like that little green house you have. You'll have to show us the fruits of your labor. - I love that Lola nudges her way into your space. Sweet girl. - Happy Monday, River!

    1. MMM; I was a climber but very rarely fell and I allowed my kids to do the same things. Like me, they rarely fell. I'm very glad to hear your grandchildren are having the same fun activities, too many sit inside with screens all day. The caterpillars are seasonal and will be gone in a couple of weeks. The little greenhouse only has lettuce and rhubarb at the moment.
      Ana is okay, nothing keeps her down for long.


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