A little addition to last Saturday's post on the Queensland floods


this is a photo I took from the newspaper, showing more than 30 semitrailers, loaded with goods and foods, stranded near a small town, unable to proceed because of flooded roads, while people in towns and cities see their grocery stores with empty shelves.

Floods impacting peoples' lives year after year after year....

From the paper:

"Dozens of trucks delivering food and goods to flood-affected areas of North Queensland have become stranded in a rural town, as floodwaters cut off roads in all directions."


  1. Time to raise the roads out of the flood plain.

    1. Mike; time to build catchment dams and pipelines to feed that water to the rest of my very dry country.

  2. It's sad we have so many floods, and then there is the dry - we can't win.

    1. Margaret D; but we CAN win if the government is willing to invest in construction of dams and pipelines. It's been done before, my brother, while living in Murray Bridge, began his working life at age fifteen, working on the pipeline construction from I don't remember where, to another place I don't remember, also on the outskirts of Port Pirie there is a huge concrete pipeline from somewhere to somewhere else, I have a photo of we three kids sitting on it. So it CAN be done!

  3. How often does it have to happen until they DO something to make use of the water? How short sighted is this government? What about the mayors? Somebody? Empty stores is bad, all the money the drivers lose - the houses ruined... Crops lost - what are they waiting for, money growing on trees? Waiting it out instead of investing in the future? As long as they sit in the perfect climate themselves likely nothing will change...

    1. Iris; how often? This has been happening forever. Queensland is tropical with cyclones and monsoonal rains, yet nothing has ever been done. Generations of governments have been short-sighted on this issue.

  4. Replies
    1. jabblog; very shocking, but as soon as the floods are over governments handily forget. EVERY year!

  5. As with things on so many parts of the world, all I can do is shake my head and hope sanity will prevail someday.


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