There's a meme going around

 called "Poetry Monday"

Each Monday a word is given and those participating write a poem using that word. 

I'm useless at writing poetry, so I don't participate, though some of my blog friends do, Charlotte and messymimi, for example. 

Last week's word was "Funky"and while some great little poems were written, the word brought to mind two of my favourite songs, so here they are. 

Funky Town by Psuedo Echo

Play that Funky Music by Wild Cherry

I hope they play and I hope you enjoy them. 


  1. I know people who use AI for poetry writing. I dunno...

    1. Jenn Jilks; I don't like AI and won't be doing anything with it.

  2. OK, this will sound silly given that the lyrics to that Wild Cherry song are "play that funky music, white boy," but I've been hearing that song for almost 50 years and I had no idea the band members were white!

    1. Steve Reed; I had an idea when one line told them "play that funky music white boy" but I looked up the song to be sure.

  3. I do love that song. It was on yesterday. Play that funky music white boy. So fun!

    1. The Happy Whisk; I love both songs, they're toe tappers for sure.

  4. What a fun riff off of our Poetry Monday topic! It's just right for Music Monday.

    1. messymimi; I forgot to label it Music Monday. I probably can't find songs for every poetry word though.

  5. I like both of them. But I don't know if I've ever heard of Psuedo Echo.

    1. Mike; Psuedo Echo are an Australian band and coincidentally were on the TV news last night (Sunday), they had a "flashback" section and showed Psuedo Echo playing on Glenelg beach back in 1964 when a drunken mob started rioting and the six policemen on patrol quickly became 100 policemen trying to control the raging crowd. Many were hurt with beer bottles being thrown and general fighting. It made the news because such an out of control crowd was previously unheard of here in Adelaide or anywhere else in Australia back then.

    2. My mistake it wasn't 1964, must have been much later.

  6. I sure know this music and weeeee the hairdos! So cool!

    1. Iris; it's great music! I like both songs and many more from those years.

  7. I only know Funkytown by Lipps Inc. And yes, I've listened to Play That Funky Music over many years. Can't beat the old "classics."

    1. Val; I haven't listened to that Lipp Inc version in a long time, probably because I prefer the Psuedo Echo one. The old "classics" are some of the best in my opinion.

  8. Replies
    1. jabblog; such music usually wakes me up too!


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