Musical Monday # 49

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Pussycat



  1. Not one I knew. Not my preferred genre, but learning something new is always a plus. Thank you.

  2. I love this song; I always have, and I've not heard it for ages...thanks playing it, River....a great start to my Monday and my week.. I think I might be singing it to myself all day...which is not a bad long as I keep it to myself only! :)

  3. Hi River,

    I remember that song (from my childhood). At first I thought it was called Mrs Hippy. I wondered who Mr Hippy was.




  4. Elephants Child; this is one that appeals to just a few.

    Lee; I liked this the very first time I heard it, so of course I bought it. On vinyl!! A 45rpm with a yellow and orange label. I have no idea what is on the B side. It's been on every playlist I've ever made since then.

    Plasman; Mrs Hippy! That's funny. How long did it take you to work out it was about a river?

  5. This one is new to me but nice and smooth.

  6. Wow, I remember listening to this on my wireless radio back in the seventies!!
    I hadn't heard it since then.
    Ah, the age of disco... and those skirts :)

  7. If I could, my hips would be swaying right now...........ahhhhhhhhhh

    LOVE IT. Makes me feel like dancing.

  8. I had never heard of the artist or the song. I listened to it right through. Very pleasant but probably not something I would want to hear too often. I have quite a varied taste in music from rock and roll to classical but western type songs have never been my favourites. I still appreciate you sharing it with us though.

  9. Merle; it's been around for a long time, but not many people I know are into country music.

    Vicki; I discovered this in the 90s when my daughter listened to MTV on Foxtel.

    lotta joy; my hips do the swaying thing when I hear this and several other songs too. i play this stuff when I'm washing dishes or doing any sort of cleaning that doesn't require vacuuming.

    Mimsie; I knew this one wouldn't be for you, but I'm glad you listened and didn't hate it.


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