Musical Monday # 52

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Kay Starr with her #1 hit from 1956 (according to you tube)

Rock and Roll Waltz


  1. I love to hear music which gives peace to our mind and make our mind feel free!

  2. Kay Starr was about 5' nothing & had a HUGE voice--loved her!!

  3. I am am a musical moron and love having my boundaries expanded. And am more than a little surprised at how much as snuck past and lodged itself somewhere in my head - like this one. Thank you.

  4. Come on girl, WRITE. You've got a boatload of experience and ideas I want to hear about.

  5. My goodness, that does take me back! It was a huge hit in its day. Mum used to play it on the piano all the time, too. Wow! I've not heard it in years and years. :)

  6. Great song but new to me, I don't remember this one at all.

  7. Weekend-Windup; I like my mind to be peaceful too, the music I like helps because it is easy to listen to.

    fishducky; I'm 5' nothing myself, but missed out on the voice :(

    Elephant's Child; I'd forgotten this one too, until I heard it on the easy listening station about 4 years ago.

    lotta joy; I have experience and ideas? Gosh I must look around and see if I can find them. I bet they're up in that suitcase in the top of the wardrobe....but Mondays are music day here.

    Lee; I would have loved to hear your mum play. I almost never hear it on radio now, but it's on all 3 of my ipods.

    Merle; this one is from the early-mid 50s, it isn't likely to become popular again now.

  8. Now you're on my wavelength. Loved this song and Kay Starr was a fantastic singer in her day. Thank you for sharing this one.
    P.S. For some reason yesterday it wouldn't play but fine today but it wouldn't let me reply to a comment you put on my last post. Will try again later.


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