Sunday Selections # 217

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections but this week I have a random selection.

the new striped marigold I mentioned last week

from the same punnet, more patchy than striped

this gorgeous clear yellow caught my eye, I just couldn't leave it in the nursery.

this is what I found on day three, badly wilted new plantings.
I'd planted them, watered in well, then left them to settle in. Day two saw me in bed for most of the day with a hot water bottle pressed against my spasming back (*~*) when I was able to stagger outside on day three all my new marigolds had wilted in the heat from day two. 
I gave them a good watering immediately and they recovered nicely.

tiny, tiny flowers, smaller than my pinky nail, on one of the freckle plants.

shadows on the shade as the sun began to go down.

stuff dumped on the couch

bored cat

toys the bored cat doesn't want to play with, he'd rather run that little green ball along the snake at 1am when I'm asleep so the sound infiltrates my dreams.


  1. I hope your spasming back is MUCH better. Love the marigolds and am glad they recovered.
    Sadly I am too familiar with the sleep all day, play in the small hours cat mentality. Angel is gorgeous though (as he, and you know).

  2. That back business is the pits; I hope rest and heat (and ice, alternately) help. Too much gardening? The good news is it takes a lot do in hardy little marigolds.

  3. That striped marigold is exquisite!!

  4. Seems the heat is knocking the plants around all over the nation River. Really sorry to hear about your back - nasty business.
    I've just been house-sitting and looking after 4 X cats!! An experience. :)

  5. Hi there River...I hope your back has recovered like your marigolds have. Take things easy; don't push yourself - what you can't do today, will still be there tomorrow- or until you can get around to doing it. I empathise with you.

    Have a good week and cuddles to Angel. :)

  6. The clear yellow marigold is very nice. Angel looks huge. Seems like just yesterday when he made his debut here.

  7. Love the marigolds and their verity.

  8. Those marigolds are beautiful and love the striped one. Yellow is my colour so they really appeal to me.
    Your house looks normal....I too dump my handbag and other 'stuff' on my sofa.
    That cat is adorable and we are fortunate that Candy sleeps right through the night and we have now trained her not to want to go out at first light. She woke at 8am this morning which we can't complain about.
    I noticed you'd had a few hot days and it's sad to see plants wilt like that but great they responded so well after having a drink.
    Saddened to know your back is hurting you and hope with rest and TLC it will soon be much better. I can empathise as well as sympathise. A visit to your physio perhaps? Sometimes it helps, at least for a while.

  9. Elephant's Child; my back is much better, the hot water bottle always does the trick. If I didn't have things to do in daylight hours, I'd sleep when Angel does and be on the computer at night while he runs around.

    Joanne; no ice, heat is best when my back locks up, it's much better now. The marigolds are doing well too, they're tough little beauties.

    fishducky; isn't it just!

    Rose~from OZ; only the new marigolds have been suffering, everything else is established enough to weather a couple of days without water. Four cats?

    Lee; thank you, my back has recovered, thank heavens for hot water bottles. I'll try not to push myself, but I have bulbs waiting to be planted...maybe one variety per day.

    Andrew; I love the yellow, it's golden, almost orange, a lovely rich shade. Angel is a big boy and it's all fur.

    joeh; the variety is a bonus, I like them for their toughness too. they'll grow almost anywhere.

    Mimsie; I thought you'd like them. I'm hoping angel will sleep at night as he gets older and copies my routine. It's happened a couple of times, last Friday he played until 10pm then we went to bed and both slept until 5.30 am, it was great!
    my back if fine now, until next time. Usually a day with a hot water bottle does the trick, sometimes it takes two days.

  10. Hahaha, cats soon let you know who's boss!! And it's surprising how they find the one little thing that's going to REALLY irritate you! We can't have a cat now because of travel and living in a semi-rural area, but I still miss having one despite all of the above!

  11. I know what bad back is like, no fun at all, hope you are in top condition soon.
    Love the two coloured flowers.

  12. Is that couch new? Did your home change very much this year? It just looks so different in these pics!

  13. Red Nomad OZ; I don't mind hearing him play, it's the 2.30am constant pitiful meowing that bothers me. Because he won't stop until I get up and sit at the table with coffee and a book. Lately he's had a few nights where he doesn't wake me until 5-5.30. I'd like to see that continue.

    Merle; the back comes and goes, usually I avoid doing things that will set it off, but sometimes they're unavoidable. The flowers are really cheery aren't they?

    Happy Christine; the couch is two years old, it looks different because I take the blankets off in summer. I put a blanket back on it this morning, (Monday), apart from that the house hasn't changed much at all. I did give one table back to my daughter and put a chest of drawers in its place, for more storage.


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