Sunday Selections #213

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I'm not sure EC is joining us this week.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week's theme is Architecture. Or Design. Or both. 

In particular: Angles and Curves, with a few shadows thrown in, maybe a reflection here and there. Older photos that speak for themselves, so there won't be any running commentary. 
You may have seen them before if you were dropping in here around 2010.
A couple of the photos may be a little dizzying for some of you.

all of these were taken in Norwood South Australia.


  1. Love it. The curved stairs in particular speak to me.

  2. I wasn't cruising around the ridges in 2010 so I've not seen this pics before....and I'm glad you posted them again...they're great...well done. :)

    Have a great week, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Well, I was cruising around the ridges in 2010, but not around the same ridges as you, River. :)

  3. I like those curved stairs.

  4. The stairs were my favorites, too!!

  5. Really well put together. My favourite too is looking down the curved stairs.

  6. Oh wow, nice images River but boy those stairs all had my tendonitis hips groaning!
    I've quite a few of your posts to catch up on! :)

  7. Another stair vote. Smooth and graceful.

  8. Elephant's Child; I love them too, they're so sleek.

    Lee; glad you like them. angel had his cuddle, then he bit me. but gently, didn't break any skin this time.

    Delores; me too.

    fishducky; everyone likes the stairs.

    Andrew; last time I put these up, people complained the looking down the stairs made them dizzy.

    Rose~from OZ; I look at them and wish I could still run up and down stairs like I used to.

    Joanne; they do look graceful, kudos to the designer I'd say.

    1. Tell Angel if he keeps up that biting I'll cancel my cuddles. :)

  9. I'm really impressed by these shots! And I see you've taken the time to figure out how to put your blog name on each pic. How did you do that?

  10. Happy elf Christine; I had a really long comment here explaining how I did the blog name and it got lost when Blogger asked me to sign in again! grr. Did your computer come with the "Paint" program pre-installed?

  11. I am rather a fan of geometric design so really loved all these photos. No need for captions as they speak for themselves.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I too have often wondered how you put your name on your pics. I am so ignorant when it comes to computering in general that I get lost trying to follow instructions. lol

  12. I really like the interplay of shadow and light from structural components such as these.


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