
Showing posts from March, 2017

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words were supplied by me right here on this blog. Next month's words will be supplied by Lee from the Kitchen Connection . This week's words are: 1. angry 2. tried 3. street 4. slashed 5. astounded 6. swore and/or: 1. involved 2. solitary 3. longest 4. change 5. library 6. needling This week I continue with Chapter Four of last week's story where we learned of Oliver Machenko. Here is my story: Jim Macleod placed Oliver's parole application on the pile to be read by the parole board. All applications and files were read early,  so any necessary investigations could be made well before the actual ...

Whimsical Wednesday # 272 (on a Thursday)

Welcome back to Whimsical.....šŸ˜Ž The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump and sliding down into the weekend. A Turkey Cloud ! Have you ever seen anything like it?  

next month's Words for Wednesday

will be brought to us by Lee, from the Kitchen Connection. Don't forget to hop on over, she's bound to have some good words. Every Wednesday in April.  Thank you all for the wonderful stories this month.

Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here . This week's words are: angry tried street sla shed astounded swore and/or: involved solitary longest change library needling Have fun! My story will appear at this site on Friday. If I can think of something.

click on the link (and I hope it works) Highlight the link and right click then select "open link" I received the above link via email from no-one who likes to watch the Marvel comics TV series Supergirl, The Flash etc  The video is a musical crossover segment with people from both shows and the lovely Jeremy Jordan on the piano. I planned on using it as a Musical Monday post, but today is as good a day as any (and I might accidentally delete the email ) so sit back and enjoy a little love.

Musical Monday # 145

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site. I think itā€™s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time.  Iā€™ll be finding my clips on you tube , so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldnā€™t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist. Todayā€™s clip is: Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers   Swing the Mood

Sunday Selections # 320

Welcome back to Sunday Selections. Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules. Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please. If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look. Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing. Today we will see more of the photos I took walking to and from the local shopping center last week. this looks like a banana palm to me, but probably a sterile one, the dried flower husks you see here would have developed into bananas, you can see the black stem at the top of one bunch, this would have supported the bunch of bananas and is where the bunch would have been cut from the palm. Abelia Grandiflora, with some white ...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words are supplied by me and can be found here . This week's words are: 1. kitchen 2. multiple 3. facility 4. wing 5. gourmet 6. straight and/or: 1. pancake 2. flipping 3. considered 4. decent 5. apart 6. weak Here is my story:  a new installment for Papa's Cookhouse. Chapter Three.  While work began with the emptying and cleaning of the old woodshed, Papa worked out the next part of is plan. First, a to-do list of people that must be contacted, followed by a second list of things to be done.  Number one, of course, was a long chat with his old friend Philip Pfeiffer. Of similar age to Papa, Philip...

Whimsical Wednesday # 271 (on a Thursday)

Welcome back to Whimsical ummm, Thursday. Doesn't quite "sing" does it? The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump and sliding down into the weekend. Your call will be recorded for training porpoises.  

Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here . This week's words are: kitchen multiple facility wing gourmet straight and/or pancake flipping considered decent apart weak Have fun!  My story will appear at this site on Friday. If I can think of something.

Musical Monday # 144

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site. I think itā€™s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time.  Iā€™ll be finding my clips on you tube , so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldnā€™t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist. Todayā€™s clip is: Neil Sedaka Laughter In the Rain

Sunday Selections # 319

Welcome back to Sunday Selections. Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules. Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please. If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look. Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing. Today (yesterday) we're taking a walk from my home to the local shopping centre, because I'm out of ice cream and that just won't do. Also to buy the newspaper to read the Real Estate section, something I do every Saturday. A new home foundation on the block down the street. Again, this will be two homes on one block, but instead of side by side, these will be one in front and one behind. and protected by Termi Mesh, w...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here . This week's words are: 1. riverbank 2. leadership 3. impressive 4. watchful 5. gifts 6. cheesecake and/or: 1. fountain 2. neck 3. conclusion 4. singed 5. purple  6. lion Here is my story: Papa's Cookhouse Chapter Two (Chapter One can be found here: If the link works , otherwise find it in the archives for March 20th, 2015) As soon as the Police Station opened the next morning, Papa, Ed and George walked in the front door. Nathan had left his statement with the off...

Whimsical Wednesday # 270 (on a Thursday!)

Welcome back to Whimsical umm, Thursday. The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump and sliding down into the weekend. A little toilet humour :) Enlarge the picture to see it better.  

Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it. This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here . This week's words are: riverbank leadership impressive watchful gifts cheesecake and/or: fountain neck conclusion singed purple lion

Musical Monday # 143

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site. I think itā€™s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time.  Iā€™ll be finding my clips on you tube , so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldnā€™t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist. Todayā€™s clip is: Paul Kelly & the Coloured Girls Before Too Long from the 1986 album Gossip

Sunday Selections # 318

Welcome back to Sunday Selections. Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules. Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please. If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look. Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing. Today we'll continue walking through the grounds here, now that Angel is safe at home. not the garden, obviously, these are my footprints in the dust on my scales, which shows just how little I bother to weigh myself. Usually these scales live under my bed, guess I should vacuum under there more often (*~*) the clivia under the lilly pilly tree are into their third year now and each clump is bigger than when first planted. They...