Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here.

This week's words are:




Have fun! My story will appear at this site on Friday. If I can think of something.


  1. Great choice of words. My tired old brain is starting to chug to life.

  2. only slightly confused; I'm looking forward to what you write, it's always something good.

  3. I look forward to seeing what you do with those. You make it look easy but I would be hard pressed to be that creative.

  4. Cheryl; I have a further chapter to my story from last week scribbled down on paper, I'll refine it for posting on Friday. Really just need to find a bridging paragraph.

  5. Here is my topical tale for today.... (Starting from next Wednesday I will be hosting "Words for Wednesday" for the month of April). My door is always open!

    "Cyclone Debbie, like an ANGRY, tantrum-throwing child, spent what seemed to be the LONGEST time out in the Coral Sea building up her strength and wind speed,

    NEEDLING those living in her predicted path, it was unknown if she would CHANGE direction and head further south. She was an unknown force.

    Cyclones are unpredictable, teasing and tormenting us mere humans. Mother Nature showing she has, at all times, the upper-hand just in case we forget.

    Everyone INVOLVED did their best to prepare for the onslaught.

    Many were ASTOUNDED by reports of the wind speeds around the eye of the storm. Others SWORE or mumbled under their breath as they packed their bags and TRIED to find an escape to safer surrounds.

    Out in the main STREET of Airlie Beach the strong winds had already SLASHED some of the fronds from the palm trees and ripped down signs and awnings.

    A SOLITARY, soaked white cockatoo was found huddled amongst the rubble. One kind soul rescued the bird from further peril.

    Townsfolk who had been told to evacuate their homes were safely ensconced in a local LIBRARY, and in other solid, secure structures. There they remained to ride out the wild storm."

    1. Lee, I love this. I hope the damage is less than predicted. And was pleased to hear that a baby has been born in the middle of the debacle. We all need good news.

    2. Thanks, EC.

      It's only now that since the sun rose this morning that they've been able to begin to assess the damage.

      Thousands are without power and phone connections...and reports just came through the status quo could remain for a few weeks. I can't get through to my friend in Collinsville. I'm glad I was able to speak with her yesterday morning. Likewise with friends of mine just south of Mackay who live on the beachfront at Grasstree Beach.

      Crops have been destroyed and soon shoppers ignorant of the facts of life will be whinging because prices of some fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, capsicums, bananas, rockmelons etc., have skyrocketed. That's life...that's the way it goes.

    3. Lee; this is a great story! Not only because it's true. I watched a bit of that storm on TV last night, but haven't had the TV on since then. More will be on the news tonight I expect.
      You did really well working the words into that.

    4. What a neat direction you took with this week's words. Loved your story. Looking forward to your words in April. Meanwhile my story is posted on my page.

  6. His advertising slogans had been everywhere:
    No one knew quite where Lionel Street came from, or what his background was, but he swore that the township could only flourish if he were elected Mayor. He promised that he valued education and the health and safety of local residents. We were told he had been involved in big (but unspecified) business for some time but that for the longest time he wanted to become involved in his local community.
    He was believed. And elected. By a landslide. Anyone questioning his background or asking for details of his policies was dismissed as 'needling for attention'.
    His first action?
    'Change and decay in all around I see' sang Joan. It was her favourite hymn and today it seemed prophetic.
    Some of the public claimed to be astounded. She was not.
    She had tried to remain positive but failed. And now she was angry. Very, very angry.

    1. Great use of the words, EC...very inventive! Well done! :)

    2. Elephant's Child;another great use of the words. Do I detect a resemblance to a large oompa-loompa (orange) type person living elsewhere? I like this.

    3. And so we continue to believe and learn they lie. Great story E.C. What a twist. My story is up on my blog.

  7. Wow...two great stories already. We're off to a terrific start this week.

    1. only slightly confused; everyone is doing so well this week! A+ all round from me.

  8. I'm not good at this anymore ...

    Mason, a solitary observer, sat quietly on a park bench overlooking the library steps. It was a good spot to people watch on the busy street, without drawing attention to himself. The first person to draw his attention was an angry young man, screaming that someone had slashed his tires.
    “Did you see who did it?” the red-faced man asked.
    Mason shook his head. He wasn’t going to tell. He tried not to get involved in other people’s problems. The man swore at him and called the police on his cell phone, blocking Mason’s view.
    “If you don’t mind moving over,” he asked, “You are blocking my sight.”
    The astounded young man gave him a longest cold stare, saying nothing. He didn’t move until an officer approached him. The two spoke, both eyeing Mason with suspicion.
    Mason decided that in this case he could change. “I’ll tell you what I know without you needling me. It was a girl wearing a Maverick sweatshirt and she was very upset. She called out a long string of nasty names as she did it. I would guess she was a girlfriend.”
    He grabbed his jacket; the day had become garbage now.

    1. Love this. Poor Mason. I am glad (sort of) that he told them what he knew, but suspect that the girlfriend had her reasons...

    2. Don't sell yourself short, S.J. Qualls...this is very good. :)

    3. S.J.Qualls; Lee is right, this is very good. I suspect the girlfriend had good reason for the extreme behaviour. Poor Mason though, he just wanted to sit quietly and people watch.

    4. I will say you still can do it. Neat story and poor Mason. He only wanted to help and the mad fellow needs to do better picking his girlfriends. LOL

  9. Margaret-whiteangel; so much talent, right?


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