Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here.

This week's words are:





  1. Wow...all kinds of ideas spinning around after reading those words. Hopefully I'll have something for you tomorrow.

    1. only slightly confused; I look forward to reading what you come up with.

  2. Great set of words. I am going to be busy today so we will see...

    1. Elephant's Child; take your time, tomorrow, next week, we'll read when ever you're ready.

    2. Several of us have to wait for another day to post our stories. You can certainly do the same. But sometimes we are too busy for inspiration.

  3. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; and I'm wondering what you will do with them.

  4. Let the games begin....

    "Fran rapidly reached the CONCLUSION that Mark had not a clue about what he was supposed to do for the FOUNTAINville annual picnic that was, once more, being held on the RIVERBANK of the mighty Murray.

    Fran knew she was probably sticking out her NECK – again - and would get not only her hands SINGED, but perhaps her reputation, too, if things went belly-up, but she decided if the day was to be saved from Mark’s fumbling incompetence, she would have to take over the LEADERSHIP. The whole family and local community would be WATCHFUL of her performance, of that she was aware.

    The annual event had begun 98 years ago, following the end of World War 1. It had started out as a small affair in honour of those who fought in the Great War. Many of the young men from the small town and the surrounding district never returned. Fran’s great-grandfather and his two brothers lost their lives during the Gallipoli campaign. Another brother returned, but his injuries and memories affected him for the rest of his life, most of which he spent in a wheelchair.

    Her grandfather and his three brothers were part of the Allied Forces in Papua New Guinea who helped to secure the airport at Kokoda from the advancing Japanese.

    Fran’s father and two of her uncles had been part of Australia’s military commitment to the Vietnam War. Her father had fought alongside, and had been an advisor to the acclaimed US Army Colonel, David H. Hackworth. During the Vietnam war Hackworth, who had the heart and will of a LION had been the recipient of an IMPRESSIVE eight PURPLE Hearts.

    In August, 1966, Fran’s father was hit by a bullet to his NECK during the Battle of Long Tan. Fortunately, he was one of the lucky ones who survived to tell the tale.

    As Fran placed the final CHEESECAKE in the oven tears filled her eyes. Her thoughts lingered on the many sacrifices made, not only by members of her own family, but the selfless sacrifices made by the rest of the small community.

    Fran was an expert at delegation. Her three daughters and her sister had been put in charge of organising the GIFTS that would be handed out during the picnic to the elderly residents of the Aged Care home who would be attending.

    Come hail, rain or shine...it would be a great day. Fran would see to that!"

    1. Lee; this is fabulous, a riverbank picnic with cheesecake, old folks with stories to tell, an all-round lovely day will be had I'm sure. Great use of the words.

    2. Lovely story Lee. I believe this somehow relates to your real life. I certainly know who David Hackworth is.

    3. In a round-about way, (mixing some fiction with fact)it does, Annie. I knew David personally. He was a wonderful guy. Lots of fun to know, and I will always feel honoured to have called him a frined. He lived here in Australia for a time; marrying and having a son, before the marriage broke up and he moved back to the US.

      Thanks. :)

  5. What an interesting choice ...

    Now if I were to take part ...

    I would have to include a story about sitting by the riverbank eating an impressive cheesecake under the watchful eye of Miss Pike whose leadership qualities had once again came to the fore as she guided us effortlessly on our local walk.

    She had also reminded us to be sure to take our handpicked floral gifts home to give to our mothers ...

    Well, I think this is a first for me in Words For Wednesday

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; I'm so pleased to see you joining in and I like your story. You've used the words very well.

    2. Hooray Jan! Glad you joined in and welcome to WFW. Excellent story and use of the words.

  6. Replies
    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I hope it inspires you to write.

  7. Here is my story also posted on my blog.

    ROOMMATES by Granny Annie

    Blanche stood at the RIVERBANK waiting. She was sure this was the place he designated for their rendezvous. Blanche was happy that she had attended this silly seminar. It had been about how to get along with roommates. Three women shared her home and sometimes they would also share disagreements.

    The handsome man's LEADERSHIP at the gathering had been very IMPRESSIVE. It did not take long for her flirting to catch his eye. As always Blanche had wound up getting a date with the tall, dark stranger.

    Blanche remained WATCHFUL believing he would arrive carrying GIFTS and hopefully one would be CHEESECAKE that she could take back to share.

    Blanche often stayed out all night but for some reason, this felt different. That morning Dorothy, Rose and Sophia sat around the kitchen table worrying.

    THE END (or is it?)

    I could have ended my story using the other six words but my heart wouldn't let me do this to Blanche...

    This unknown woman had been thrown in the river and her body had drifted to the FOUNTAIN. Her NECK was broken and the only CONCLUSION was murder. There was a note around her neck SIGNED by the notorious PURPLE LION. It read, "Never talk to strangers!"


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