Musical Monday # 148

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Chris LeDoux

Under This Old Hat


  1. Replies
    1. peppylady (Dora); he did have a lovely voice.

  2. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; as always, the beat is what caught my attention first.Then the song was easy to listen to as well.

  3. Another melodious start to the week by the late Chris LeDoux to get us two-stepping around the kitchen. LeDoux passed away far too soon at the age of 56. His music remains to give us much pleasure.

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly, River...have a good one. :)

    1. Lee; I hope you enjoyed your two stepping, my kitchen is too small, but I foot tapped my way around the lounge room. Too many go too soon :(

  4. he looks very cleancut country.
    I do love Mr Willie Nelson, a legend and a monument.

  5. A little more country two-step. Yah Hoo

  6. Being rhythmic impaired, I could mess up a two-step, but I'd try to tap my foot in time, and enjoy the song.

  7. ... wonderful ... thank you River .. xxxx

  8. Never heard of that singer, a pleasant voice and bright song.

  9. Thanks for this, and also thanks to Lee for the additional information.

    All the best Jan

  10. How could you have not loved Chris Ledoux, great choice.

  11. Boy, I could really scrub the kitchen to this one.


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