the exotic lilies

The exotic lilies beginning to grow in the previous post are the scilla peruviana that I featured in August last year.
I still want one and will look for them at nurseries soon.

one is all I need, as it will reproduce and grow into a large clump which I can then divide and replant.


  1. A beautiful thing. It might be worth looking on line.

    1. Elephant's Child; I've thought of that and made enquiries at local nurseries. If it is available in Australia I'll get one, but if it it only available overseas, I'll do without. I'm not paying overseas shipping charges for something that may not pass customs.

  2. Gee that is pretty - good luck when you looking for one to buy.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; if all else fails, I'll ask the neighbour down the road if he would sell me one. I'm holding off on that because he is elderly and doesn't speak good English.

  3. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; it starts off with a yellow cone and the flowers open from the bottom up over time. Then the flowers last just a few months, but they're worth it.

  4. Your thumb is green while mine is black!!

    1. fishducky; this plant isn't mine, it grows in the yard down the road a bit, but I'd love the chance to try it in my garden. A lot of the time my thumb is brown.

  5. Replies
    1. Lee; and yet quite large overall. The spread of the strappy leaves is wide and once the flowers open from the yellow cone the spread from those is maybe dinner plate sized.


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