Sunday Selections # 321

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

This week I took a little trip to Harbourtown, our local discount? outlet? shopping centre. It's grown quite a bit since I was there seven years ago, there is a supermarket there now as well as the outlet shops. When I was there last, it was a weekend, or school holiday time, and it was crowded; wall to wall people.
Last Wednesday however, there was plenty of room to move, with most people being at work or school and it was a chilly, rainy day too.

So here it is:

Harbourtown. Not anywhere near the harbour,

it is right behind the Airport,

close enough to see planes on the ground, and to see them taking off and landing. I was there about two hours and in that time saw only two planes taking off. Must have been a slow day.

rest room signs are large and easy to spot

I loved the name of this tiny shop

which has everything a dog could possibly want. I didn't see a similar store for cats 😞

All the stores face inwards, with a mall between for walking, chatting and so on, but outside the mall were pots of sago palms between concrete block seats.

big seats, with plenty of room for a family, and plenty of them. I do like a place that has lots of seating.

This is the shop I came to see. They used to advertise via leaflets in newspapers, but I hadn't seen any of those for several years and suddenly wondered if the shop was still around. I googled and found nothing, so put 'no-one' onto it. She discovered they were under and I always forget about that option, searching only
The website gave a list of locations, this was the one easiest for me to get to and from.

it's a variety shop, with gifts, homewares, stationery, party things. I had a wonderful time browsing.

I spotted a Donut King, which used to have outlets all over Adelaide, but most have closed since Krispy Kreme arrived here.

I was amused by the sign on the napkin dispenser, so bought a glazed twist and asked if I could take the photo.

This is one of my favourite shops, I love to see shelves stacked with neatly folded sheets and towels etc

They had a lovely Easter display too,

which I received permission to photograph.

there are rides for small children, but not as many as I expected there would be. I think I saw three.

The Coffee Club was doing good business, a hot cuppa on a cold day is always welcome.

This cafe was almost filled with diners and if you like watching the planes come and go, the far end is the place to be, with clear plastic heavy duty blinds to keep the cold out, I imagine they might open them on hot days, but I can't be sure.

Seating within the mall is also plentiful and pretty too, although not many were sitting in the open areas in the chilly air.

Finishing with a photo that should have been at the beginning:

seen from the stop where I was waiting for my bus, the city, lit by the sun through a break in the clouds.



  1. Lovely, window shopping without leaving my chair.

    1. only slightly confused; sometimes that's the best way :)

  2. Seems to be a worthy spot to while away the day and window shop to your heart's content. Did you buy anything?

    1. S.J.Qualls; I did buy a small bottle of blue glitter, to repair the paint work on my dragon. He was a cheap buy and over the years his glittery paint has just vanished, leaving a white plastic wing. Now that wing is blue and glittery again.

  3. Krispy Kreme failed here. I think we got two or three stores and they lasted less than six months.
    Love the napkins you spotted at Donut King. And hooray for lots of generous seating.
    Our factory outlet is near the airport too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wish they had failed here. They put one location very close to my favourite city store, Gourmet Glaze, which had better doughnuts in my opinion. Being near an airport is handy for tourists I guess.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There is a Harbourtown up this way on the Gold Coast, too. I've only visited it once, quite a few years ago, now. I don't do my shopping down at the Gold Coast (I've not been down to the Gold Coast in ages and ages - I stay well away from it. Too much hustle and bustle for my liking). I prefer to stay up here on my little hill and shop locally - I like the village-style atmosphere. I'm not fond of large shopping centres etc., never have been, so it's nothing new. It's just the way I am. :)

      I hope you have a good week, River. Cuddles to Angel. :)

    2. Lee; I don't go to Harbourtown much, twice in 31 years is probably enough. There aren't any other shops around there, so it really isn't worth the trip out. Anything I can buy there, I can get anywhere else in Adelaide, the shops are the same except for Ned's and Donut King.

  5. Krispy Kreme has pretty well failed here too, but there are still a few around. I don't like their doughnuts. I like evidence removal kit, very amusing. We too have a Harbour Town and it least it is near the water at Docklands.

    1. Andrew; as far as I know, we only have two Krispy Kreme shops and they do decent business because all other doughnut shops closed since they arrived. I tried their doughnuts a few years ago when a friend brought some back from Sydney Airport and they were nice enough but not much different from any other. Much sweeter and the 'creme' filling is absolutely the worst thing I ever put in my mouth. Nice to have a Harbourtown that is near a harbour.

  6. You are so right they do have the lovely folded towels and sheets my linen cupboard often looks like a bomb hit it.
    Doughnuts I very fond of them but not so Krispy Kreme they are just too sweet.

    1. Merle; my linen cupboard always looked neatly stacked; now I don't have one so sheets and towels are crammed into drawers or in the wardrobe, wherever they fit.
      I don't like the Krispy Kremes, they are too sweet, but any icing, no matter what flavour, leaves a bad aftertaste.

  7. I try to avoid doughtnut shops. The other day I saw one called "Gross Doughnuts" what a name.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; Gross Doughnuts sounds like a shop to avoid. I almost never eat doughnuts, I think I have about three or four in a year.

  8. You have Krispy Kreme? Those are local here also! There is a Donut King in Kansas City but it isn't part of that chain in Aus.

    It's really a shame that Krispy Kreme is pushing out an Aussie company. I would rather see local places personally esp. if I travelled allllll the way there. I mean... I can eat at a McDonald's here as well, right?

  9. Interesting to go shopping or window shopping there at Harbour Town, have been to the one in Surfers.

  10. You make shopping an adventure!!

  11. I used to love Harbourtown, whenever we get back to Adelaide for a visit we usually stop in there. We normally go to the Canberra Outlet Centre when we visit Canberra which is sort of like Harbourtown except inside. :)

    Speaking of shops near the airport, I wonder how one would get to the IKEA at the airport there, via public transport. The potato peeler I bought on our most recent visit is the best one I have ever bought, and they always have a great range of stuff at very reasonable prices there. It opened just as we left and before they opened the new terminal, and I wondered how people without a car would get there as there was never any good public transport links to the airport - that I was aware of, anyway. :)


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