Sunday Selections # 324

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

A random selection today:

It's autumn here so many footpaths are covered in gloriously coloured leaves. These here looked so much prettier before I got the camera out, the sun was out briefly, then gone by the time I focused.

I'm not sure if this tree has storm damage or if this is the normal bark peeling, it seems a little deep, but rather pretty also.

much progress has been made in cutting back dead undergrowth in  this yard I'm working on. Some new growth has gone too, but it was right at the end of what I thought was dead branches and already this Buddleia has new shoots along the stumps of the cut branches, so it will survive this. That black spot on the ground is Missy, sound asleep. I check every time to be sure she is still breathing.

these branches are from the hayfever/headache inducing Murraya, which I plan to remove completely.

the two bright green leafy branches here are all that is left to cut down from the Murraya. I have to be careful which way they fall** as they are up against the neighbours fence and I don't want them dropping onto his car. 
**(edit) they are down now, I cut a notch on the side I wanted them to fall, then cut into the opposite side and pushed them over as I cut. Can you believe I'm doing this with a small $5 pruning saw? 

Her kangaroo paws are flowering again, but mine have died, so I dug them out and they won't be replaced.

we had some rain on Thursday, everything not under shelter got a good drink,

it began on Wednesday night and I hoped it would wet the garden enough that I didn't have to water.  It didn't of course, and I should have watered by now, but early morning seems to be the best time and I've been sleeping until 10am. I'll have to make the effort soon.

Thursday evening the air had that lovely golden tint that hints at a coming storm, which didn't happen, Friday was sunny all day and by evening long shafts of setting sun were slicing through the garden

to highlight parts not generally standing out from the rest of the green.

Angel has found a new favourite spot to sleep, on the table right by the front door. I used to have pots with cuttings here, they have all been planted out in the garden now and seem to be surviving, but I won't know for sure until next spring.
You can see his fur is growing back nicely, he is looking much more like his old fluffy self now.



  1. The leaves are still pretty. Looks like you are getting a lot of cleaning/clearing done.

    1. S.J.Qualls; the cleaning/clearing is about ten years overdue, so it's a big job. All that "dead" ground where Missy is lying used to be part of the lawn and I hope to get it growing there again eventually.

  2. We had some good rain on Wednesday I think. Be careful with your pruning. Too easy to injure yourself. Posted 430am at Melbourne Airport and my eyes are so tired I can hardly see.

    1. Andrew; I'm being as careful as I know how, taking plenty of rest breaks too. When your eyes are that tired it's best to just take a nap. I'm sure someone will wheel you onto the plane.

  3. You have been super busy. Look after yourself.
    We got a tiny dribble of rain yesterday too.
    I have given up on kangaroo paws as well. It just seems wrong to keep buying something I am pretty sure I will kill.

    1. Elephant's Child; super busy in spurts, with lots of resting and naps in between.
      Many of the nursery bought kangaroo paws don't survive more than a couple of years anyway, they just aren't suited to gardens. They're best left wild in the outback.

  4. Looks like you are doing well, even pruning with a five dollar saw, just goes to prove it's in the know how not necessarily the price.

    1. Jimmy; I don't know much about the 'know-how', what I have is tons of determination and stamina. It's a voluntary job, so there are no time limits to getting the work done, which also helps.

  5. Angel is looking very comfortable as he lords of his realm.

    When I visited my landlords over Easter to give their grand-kiddies some Easter treats, Molly, their cat (the one I look after when they go away) was sleeping on the platform on a post in the garden that surrounds their verandah. The platform-post is meant to hold a bowl filled with bird feed, but Molly thinks its her look-out spot! She was probably being pretty smart, too...being out of reach of the little kids! Cats aren't dumb!! :)

    I hope you have a good week, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; finding the highest comfortable spot is what cats do, especially when they're banished outside so their bedding (my quilt) can be washed.

    2. "lords over" is what I meant to type this morning in my comment above, but I'm sure you realised that. :)

  6. Nice photos, as usual and some kitty is looking well and happy.

    1. Grace; Angel is mostly a happy boy, spoiled rotten of course.

  7. I always like the colours of Autumn.
    I enjoyed your photographs here, especially the one of Angel looking very comfortable.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; autumn colours are my favourites too. We don't have the spectacular changes of the northern hemisphere, but we do pretty well.

  8. Angel looks content there.
    Nice Sunday selection.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; angel is content 99% of the time, he has plenty of observation posts to view his world and plenty pf people to pass by and give him attention.

  9. Hope your enjoying your fall season. Things up here is starting to bloom.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); our fall season is wonderful. We still get sunny blue skies a lot of the time and plenty of our trees are green all ear round, plus we don't get the ice and snow. What we call cold is probably quite warm to you.

  10. ... good work there River... glad to see you
    re taking breaks and pacing yourself ..
    I love the Autumn leaves... so pretty ....
    Hugs to you and Angel .. xxx .. Barb xx

  11. Barbara; rests are important, I know my back to well to take risks. I've had too many sprains and too much pain. I stop at the first feeling of tiredness which usually shows as tension around the ribs.

  12. Ohhhh before I clicked over and got a good look at the leaves I thought it was a huge pile of trash - Earth Day on the mind I guess. :)

    1. Happy Elf Christine; there is one pile of trash in there, the dead wood cut from under the Buddleia, that won't be there much longer, it's dried out enough that I can break it up to fit in the green waste bin.

  13. Most interesting. Love the leaves and the purple cactus.

    1. Granny Annie; the purple cactus is one of my aeoniums, I have about a dozen of them and a few green ones too.

  14. no thoughts...just wanted you to know I stopped in :)

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; thank you, hope you enjoyed my selection today.


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