OMG Facts

1. The Empire State Building in New York gets struck by lightning about 23 times a year.

2. In Britain's 2001 census, 390,000 people listed "Jedi" as their religious affiliation.

3. The idea of painting fingernails originated in China, where the colour of someone's nails indicated their social rank.

4. Not legitimately an OMG fact, this from a magazine I looked at in the supermarket: "blah blah blah, in the compact - just twelve square metres- cooking and casual eating zone, blah blah blah"

the blah blahs are mine of course, magazines don't print stuff like that, but look at what they call compact!   'just' twelve square metres.
That's bigger than my entire living room, which is also my dining room, work space etc. 
Do I sound a teeny bit jealous? Darn tootin' I do. 


  1. That's a lot of lightning strikes, I had no idea wow.

    Jealous? Noooo it's just a matter of perspective...or a little jealously. Ha ha

    1. Jimmy; I'm not sure about this, but doesn't the Empire State building have a lightning rod atop it? To catch lightning that might otherwise strike nearby buildings and damage them or hurt people. That's an excellent safety measure.
      I didn't know it got that many strikes though.

  2. I guess maybe that saying should be "Lightning never strikes 24 times in the same place."

    1. Val; joeh; somebody should keep track of storms and check on that, which one of you lives closest?

  3. yeah...I got a 'decorating small spaces magazine ' once and just about died laughing. Their idea of a small space was quite a bit larger than our house. WE have a little over a 1000 feet and I was wanting some ideas on how to downsize and organize when we move to the condo (some day some day) but the magazine was of absolutely no help.

    1. only slightly confused; I bought a similar magazine for decorating/utilising small gardens, ha ha. Their idea of a small garden is what I would call a small home farm. About a 1/2 an acre. my small garden is half the size of my living room, my kitchen is about 3 1/2 square metres. My whole flat is a teeny bit over 400 square feet. I'd like to know where these people get their idea of size from.

  4. My brother always writes in "Druid" when asked for his religion...

    1. grace; my youngest son changes from year to year, he was a Druid once, then a Jedi, then a Droid (these are not the Droids you're looking for), a Rastafarian, a Buddhist, sometimes he makes stuff up. Once he put Pope-in-training.

  5. I am pleased to remember that it was a very fine day when we visited the Empire State Building. IK suppose this happens to all tall buildings.

    1. Andrew; I'm glad to hear that, but I think you would have been safe anyway as I'm pretty sure the tip of The Empire State building is a lightning rod, to protect the people by earthing the charge.

  6. Replies
    1. Joanne; that's true, but it would also mean much more storage space and much less bumping into things. In my tiny kitchen I take two steps and bam! I'm up against anything. And my storage space is laughable, a bit less than what I would call minimal.

  7. I'm so glad I popped in. I learned several things here today--all of them interesting.

    1. cleemckenzie; welcome to drifting. These facts are on a tear off calendar, one fact per page and I thought people might enjoy the more interesting ones.

  8. That's about the size of my cabin!! :)

    I have no desire to live in a large house. Even if I won the Lotto, a small cabin/cottage is all that I would want. I don't need a lot of space. I hate wasting time on housework!! :)

    1. Lee; 12 square metres is your cabin? That's just a tiny bit bigger than my living room. I think I would hate something that small.
      I don't want a huge house anymore either, just a bigger kitchen with more storage space and one extra room. So grandkids could sleep over.

  9. Gosh didn't know any of those. Amazing the fingernails must research into that so i wear the correct colour:)

  10. I love, love, love reading about trivia and facts like these! Hugs...RO


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