Sunday Selections #?

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child usually participates, but she is taking a blog break right now. 

There's something new in my garden:

early last Thursday a cement mixer truck backed into the driveway

and poured concrete into the prepared formwork

for a nice little edging to my garden bed

this is the end that edges the bit by the mailboxes, not cleaned off at the base yet, that happened a bit later, the men did a great clean up job.

the long front edge, where they even lifted a long disused access point to keep the level, one day that point/tap/whatever it is may be needed and now it is easily visible, where before it was buried under inches of mulch and dirt.
I had this done so I can water better, there won't be mulch and water flooding out onto the footpath now.

I set a chair at each end to protect the corners while it dried and set.

some of the ants are very confused, they've lost their nest, hopefully they'll make a new one far, far away

this rescued plant is doing well

with four new babies, three at the back here and one on the front side

a smaller section now has four leaves instead of one

and the smallest one has three leaves, the newest leaf just half unfurled. I still don't know what the plant is.


  1. Did you pay to have the concrete edging put in or did the building management do it? It looks great and I'm sure it will be helpful in keeping things neat and tidy.

    1. I think our place must have been built on a giant ant hill...hope yours move on...but not over here okay lol.

    2. Grace; housing (building) management would never do this, I asked for permission to have it done and I'll pay for it when the bill comes in.
      only slightly confused; this area is riddled with ant nests, every single garden bed and the lawns too.

  2. The new edge looks wonderful, and yes, the fellows did a nice job of pouring it.

    1. Joanne; they're professionals, I knew they would do a good job, I'm really happy with it.

  3. That really looks good and will last forever. They did a great job.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I went out and checked it often while it was drying, I worried someone would come along and scratch their name into it.

  4. Like everyone else is saying this is a very nice job, professionally done and will last forever.

    1. Jimmy; it will make a big difference to my little garden, I can water without the precious fluid just running down the slight slope and out onto the road.

  5. So much neater and easier for you to manage. Job well done.

    Have a great week, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)


    The couple of weeds I failed to pull from my Veggie patch last month have not only children but G G Grandchildren.

    1. Vest; if the weeds are pretty perhaps you could leave them. Unless they are like triffids and taking over.

  7. Very neat and the the edging will hold the water in better to soak in than just run off. Also good for blind people to tap their white cane against.

    1. Andrew; I hadn't thought of blind people, there aren't any here.

  8. It's good to set boundaries, even for a garden. This job really turned out well.

    1. Val; I would have liked to add a fence above the concrete to stop people tramping through, no one else here has such a thing and I didn't want to be seen to be alienating neighbours. On the other hand, who knows what will happen in years to come? Fence, fortress :)

  9. A new look to the garden and so neat. Is the plant an Elephants' Ear? Only a thought. You are having some awfully hot days over there but we are heading that way at the end of this week.

    1. Mimsie; thank you for dropping in :)
      I've been told by several people that it is Elephant's Ear, so I'll take their word for it. At first I thought it was a monstera, then I realised the stem was wrong. We're having a slightly cooler spell right now.

  10. That looks a very neat piece of concrete edging - always looks tidy that does.
    Your plant is doing ok there.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; these men take pride in their work, that's easy to see. I'm surprised the plant is doing so well, it was half dead when I found it hidden in a corner of the larger yard.

  11. I didn't see your hand print. I can never resist pressing my hand into fresh cement. LOL

    1. Granny Annie; I don't do hand prints, I don't think I'd like the feel of cement on my skin.

  12. They did a nice, neat job on that edging. I love seeing the new green of a growing plant. One of the nicest sights, I think!

    1. jenny_o; brand new baby green is one of the prettiest sights, I agree.

  13. It looks like it is certainly going to help keep the water where it will do the most good.

    It's late, but i finally have time to
    link up.

    1. messymimi; it's such a great improvement to the whole look of the garden, now I need to work on loosening up the soil which is very dry and packed hard, like the cement.


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