Ahh....spring cleaning

That one time you get into nooks and crannies that don't rate so much as a passing thought 99.9% of the time.

meanwhile, Lola sleeps on, comfortably curled in her basket on the small piece I kept from Angel's favourite quilt.


  1. Ouch, my bathrooms need cleaning, maybe today.

    1. joeh; toss me your keys, I'll get right to it.

  2. I like Lola's idea best. Toilets are never fun.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't mind, I only have the one toilet and it's clean pretty much always. I just take of the seat to clean under the screw section a couple of times a year. I like Lola's idea too and think I'll copy her right after lunch.

  3. I have NEVER removed my toilet seats to clean them!!

    1. fishducky; never? you'll have to wear rubber gloves then when you do get around to it. With men in the house there's a fair bit of "splashback" that collects there. I remember discovering that about 35 years ago and I've done the seat-off clean twice a year since then.

  4. Glad i have a few months till spring!

    1. Peace Thyme; get a head start and do it now, then when spring rolls around you'll have the worst item already crossed off the list.

  5. Like Fishducky, I go the easiest route.

    Another note is when my daughter from Switzerland tricked her day by putting a peel on sticker on the toilet lid--T rex charging, mouth, open mouth first. Great reaction.

    1. Susan Kane; I used to not do this, but one hot summer I tracked down the wee-stink that I couldn't seem to eradicate to the screws in those holes. Splashback, you see, it happens when there are males in the home.
      I'd love something like that T-Rex to startle any visitors :) perhaps a great white shark, jaws wide open.

  6. Add me to the list of people who hasn't (yet) removed the toilet seat to clean them.
    I wonder whether I would be horrified at the grime if I did. Probably.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was horrified, now I do it a couple of times a year even without any men in the house.

  7. I hang my head in toilet-shame, but that doesn't mean I'll change my ways! Lola looks quite cozy.

    1. Val; lift your head, there's no shame here. Just finicky me. Lola stays in there more often now than she did at first. I had to rip out the original liner that was covered in fluff and hair from previous cats. A neighbour gave me the basket.

  8. Whew! I'm glad I read the other comments first. Now, I don't feel too bad saying I don't remove my toilet seats just to clean under them, either. When we need a new seat, fine. Then, I might wipe it down before putting the new one on, but it's never looked like it NEEDED to be cleaned.

    1. Susan; I just do it now from habit, mostly there's only dust under there. The first time I ever cleaned there was one summer when the pee smell wouldn't leave the bathroom, so I took the seat off and was horrified at the amount of crusted yellow around and in the holes and on the screws.

  9. That's how i clean at client homes. My own, not nearly as often.

    How i love watching a cat sleep.

    1. messymimi; that's how I cleaned at the facilities for disabled people when I was a cleaner. I've never done private homes except once recently a neighbour asked for help, she'd been in hospital and had a home inspection coming up. I don't watch Lola sleep, I'm just glad she isn't running across my keyboard on her way to the windowsill.

  10. I know a person who Owned"The Posh Cleaning Services" within the Sydney Metro area.from 1971 until 1996 This person had clients Who were able to afford the exorbitant charges for his services. Initially the work was done by his family who eventually branched out. the owners were by then employing casual workers. but the parent company owner before he retired admits to cleaning at least 2000 or more bathrooms during the earlier years of of his ownership.

    1. Vest; I've never done private homes, mostly because I'd have to travel by bus and that takes up more time than the actual cleaning would.

    2. Lola, our showgirl, is resting up, in readiness for the opening of the Copacabana!

    3. Copacabana? No No. This Lola is no showgirl, she's a shy girl, no yellow feathers in her hair.

  11. BTW. Right at this moment (True) his cleaning lady is cleaning his kitchen floor.

    1. Vest; I did my miniscule kitchen floor yesterday, took about three seconds.


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