oh dear! and a small Lucky Streak

Lola has recently begun sleeping in my bed with me. 
Not on top of the covers, not at the foot of the bed, nor on top of the covers snuggled up by my side.
No, now she crawls under the covers and snuggles up by my ribs. 

The first night she did this passed without incident.

Last night was a different story. 
In my sleep, I'd rolled over and was facing away from her.
Still in my sleep I rolled back and in doing so must have flung an arm over my sleeping kitty. 

Not a wise move.

I now have several bandaids on that arm, another of the larger patches is higher up and another regular bandaid is on the under side of the arm.

Never unexpectedly wake a sleeping kitty!

The black band you see on my wrist is the hand brace I wear for sleeping every night. Two of them, one for each wrist.

it's padded for comfort and has a shaped metal splint in an inside pocket that keeps the forearm and wrist in a straight line, keeping even pressure along the carpal tunnel area. The metal splint is bent inwards at the base of the hand to fit comfortably into the palm of my hand. 

the grey area with small black velcro tabs pulls open to allow easy access into the inner sleeve, then the wrist tab is pulled closed firmly with base and top tabs being adjusted for comfort. 

Without these braces, I wake up with excruciating pain in my hands, it feels like a freezing hot burn, (that's the only way I can describe it), along the back of the hand, with painful tingling and numbness in the middle fingers. 
It's often worse in the winter and much, much worse if I do a lot of fine finger work, such as typing here on the blog, knitting, sewing, unpicking bad sewing when necessary and so on. 

This is the main reason I'm giving serious thought to giving up the Sunday Selections for a few months, (the photo sorting and processing causes a lot of pain even in the daytime) and just doing the Words for Wednesday challenge.
I'll see how things go. I've already scheduled next Sunday's selection.

On the upside, I have had a small lucky streak lately.  Nothing as spectacular as Val of Hillbilly Mom fame , but I recently found myself with $1 change from the shopping I'd done, so bought a $1 scratcher lottery ticket.

Won $5! 
So of course I went back to the same place and cashed it in for five more of the same type. When you're on a good thing, stick to it. That's what my mum used to say.

with the five new tickets, number one was a winner, getting me $2, tickets 2, 3, 4, were losers,

ticket  5 was another $2 winner. So $4 altogether and off I went the next day to cash those in for four more of the same
Got them home and tickets 1 and 2 were losers, but tickets 3 and 4?

No cash this time, but two free tickets. 

Val, here in Australia, we have to scratch the same amount or the "free ticket" token three times on the one ticket to win anything.

Tomorrow, I'll cash in those free tickets and hope the new tickets are also winners, even if they only get me one or two more free tickets. 

All in all, I've had quite a bit of fun from that original $1 ticket. 


  1. It's fun when it works out that way...eventually it will dry up but it's great while it lasts. And you only spent $1.00.

    1. only slightly confused; I have a feeling it will dry up when I take the free tickets winners in later today.

  2. Good luck on the free tickets, I consider myself lucky if I break even.

    Mrs. C wears a bowling glove when typing for that carpal thing...not as bad as yours, but she sends her sympathy.

    I'm sure Lola is sorry, or as sorry as a cat could be.

    1. joeh; I've never won more than a few dollars on the scratchers, but it's fun while they last. Does a bowling glove have support along the wrist? I don't think I've ever seen one. But whatever helps is a good thing.
      I don't think Lola realised what she'd done. By the time I got back from disinfecting the scratches, she was sound asleep again.

  3. That is great luck on those tickets! We have a version like that, but I NEVER win on them, so I buy a different denomination.

    I know what you mean about the freezing hot pain. I used to get it in my inner wrist area and hands, when I worked in a junk store, writing prices on items with a Sharpie all day. I'd wake up in the night in agony, and have to plunge my hands into a bowl of ice water.

    Poor you and poor Lola. She was just doing what cats do.

    1. Val; it was fun seeing the winners come up and I'll stick with the "raining cash" until the luck runs out.
      I'm sorry to hear you know exactly what the pain feels like, I can get relief by putting my hands in hot water, it's one reason why I like washing dishes.
      Lola was sound asleep again by the time I got back from cleaning and dressing the scratches, I don't think she realised. I forgave her of course. I need a bigger bed, but then she would still snuggle in close, so maybe that's not the solution.

  4. You gotta be in it to win it! - A dollar and a dream!

    1. Grace; I don't often have the dollar, but I've always got the dream :)

  5. Goodness, Lola is certainly cranky when suddenly awakened. Carefully of infection.
    Congrats on the winning streak. Keep it going.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't get infected, always clean things right away when they happen. I think most cats react that way when an arm is suddenly flung across them while sleeping.
      I'll cross my fingers for the winning streak.

  6. Glad you have had some small wins.
    Sigh on the bandaids. And a bigger sigh on the ongoing pain.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm happy with the small wins, it's better than no wins and my original outlay was only $1. I need to buy more bandaids, I get the big box these days with 100 and they don't last long. The ongoing pain is troublesome, but if that's the worst that ever happens, I can live with it. I just need to cut down on working with my hands. All sewing is on hold for now, and knitting is given up altogether.

  7. I find sometimes you win but mostly you lose but it's still fun to try.

    1. Merle; losing isn't fun, but since I very rarely buy scratcher tickets, it isn't a big problem. Usually my lucky streaks don't last as long as this one has.

  8. I wonder if Lola learned her lesson, or if she'll be back for more.

    1. Kathy G; there's no lesson to be learned here, Lola was just doing what cats do and I'll be more careful when rolling over in bed.

  9. We'll miss you if you take time off, but do what you have to do!!

    1. fishducky; I'm limiting a lot of things I normally do during the day, to rest the hands as much as possible. But I may leave a lot fewer comments on other blogs and skip a Sunday or two here and there.

  10. Carpal Tunnel is a big pain, i am sorry it's hurting you to sort photos.

    Please do what is best for your health, although i will miss the Sunday Selections.

    What fun you've gotten from $1 of entertainment money!

    1. messymimi; the carpal tunnel injury is from years of repetetive factory work and used to only flare up now and again, but with all the typing on the computer it's become more of a bother than in the past.
      I've enjoyed my little lucky streak.

  11. Carpal tunnel is worse than horrid; those braces and I are old friends. Of course, I never gave up the offending activity (knitting). That was before the days of computers.

    1. Joanne; I gave up the knitting and set aside the sewing so I could keep the Sunday Selections going, but I'm going to have to limit that too. Perhaps just process fewer photos, it's the typing to select, resize and add the blog name to each photo that takes so long, since I only type with two fingers. I'm actually glad I have braces to wear again. The old pair I had in factory days gave up the ghost long ago.

  12. I can imagine how quickly you must have wakened up after Lola's attack . . . I hope everything heals well and she decides to sleep somewhere else.

    So sorry you have such pain with your carpal tunnel issue; definitely cut back at least for awhile. Sometimes taking a rest can reduce inflammation if there is any, and you may be able to do more again later. In any case, the pain is trying to tell you something, so it's best to listen.

    1. jenny_o; Lola was sleeping somewhere else for a while and I had the bed to myself for almost a month, sleeping was heaven, but now she's decided I'm where she wants to be and I'll just be more careful when rolling over.
      I'll be resting the hands as much as possible, usually there's improvement with warmer weather, but that's a wait and see thing now. Last summer I suffered less, but it was still there.

  13. It has taken two occasions for me to confirm your theory.that caution is necessary when waking a sleeping pussycat. Voice first and touch last.

  14. Boy! You sure are having problems with your hands and arms.

    Lola must have had a hard time when she was younger, before she came into your loving care and home...for her to behave that way. Remy and Shama sleep snuggled up beside...and often either one will be under the covers similar to your description, but they've never struck out at me like that.

    Sadly, I think our lovely Lady Lola has been mistreated in the past. It takes them a long time to forget...if they ever do. She is lucky to have found you, River.

    Take good care.

  15. Ow, ow, ow! Our cats both sleep with us, but we've never gotten scratched like that. But I DO clip their nails every couple weeks to keep their claws a little less lethal.


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