from the Sunday mail

this is disturbing:

"The Ruby Princess cruise ship was controversially allowed to unload 2700 passengers in Sydney on Friday. 
Four people have since tested positive to covid-19 and NSW authorities are now trying to trace all those who were on the ship. Two cases in Darwin also have been linked to the Ruby Princess.
It was reported that the Ruby Princess had docked in Sydney on March 8 with 158 sick passengers, although the captain had told authorities he had no ill passengers.
Meanwhile, Ovation of the Seas passengers were told - three days after arriving in Sydney - of a confirmed coronavirus case on board."

This is a little scary. Those Ruby Princess passengers could be scattered far and wide by now!

In other newspaper news, our Premier, Steven Marshall is considering closing our state borders.  Opposition leader, Peter Malinauskas, is supportive of the idea. 

as written:  " We are now increasingly concerned about the rate of infection coming from sources interstate and we will look at this very closely over the next 24 hours," Mr Marshall said. 
"There's still no evidence in South Australia of community transmission and this is something we must protect."

Here's my idea, forget "considering", CLOSE THE BORDERS while you're "looking very closely at the situation".

Northern Territory, Tasmania and Queensland have closed their borders and I believe we should do the same toot sweet. 
NSW and Victoria too.


  1. It seems sensible to me. Our local government is considering a shutdown of all but essential services. And how I pity the people who will be compelled to staff those essential services.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm of the opinion that borders everywhere should have been closed sooner, like as soon as the virus began, but I suppose now is better than never. One of my daughters works in a hospital, so I worry for her, my younger son lives close enough to his work that he can walk to and from and doesn't need to use public transport.

    2. I agree with you - and hope your daughter can stay safe and healthy.

    3. Elephant's Child; she has her own office and isn't in the front lines, so I'm not overly concerned. She isn't a nurse or doctor.

    4. Sooner would have been better. And here, all non-essential services have their doors closed to the public. Drive-through/takeaways still open. And some stores are doing a no contact drop off pick up thing.

    5. The Happy Whisk; sooner, yes, but now we are being told it will be around for 6 months or more, that's a LOT of self-isolation :(

  2. I am afraid it cannot be stopped, and the governments are doing to little too late. I am very pessimistic concerning this corona situation. Self isolation is my only answer.

    1. Charlotte; isolation of the infected and self-isolation of those who are well, seems to be the way to stop it, but the isolations measures should have been implemented sooner. I guess nobody knew just how bad and how fast it would spread.

  3. I agree with you. Close all borders.
    Keep safe and well R..

    1. Margaret D; the borders are closed now, although truckies carrying goods and supplies are still allowed. I hope they are being checked at every opportunity.

  4. The ship passengers should have gone into two weeks isolation, at the very least. Am I correct in thinking your borders are now closed?

    1. Andrew; agreed and yes. Funny that I don't feel any safer for it though. I wasn't worried at first, but I am now.

  5. has to happen. It's too late after the horse has bolted, as the saying goes.

    In the early stages, I think no one thought it was gong to be as concerning as it is turning out to be...tough decisions have to be made; strong precautions have to be taken....and

    And people have to take responsibility for their own actions, too. They have to start using their brains for change!

    1. Lee; the horse did bolt, now they're trying to rein it in, a bit too late, but better than never.

  6. Almost impossible to just quarantine those infected, too many people who have it and don't know, and a world that has less a lot of stoopid people. All areas need to stay put for at least two weeks just to get a grip on where we are with this thing. Stay safe!

    1. joeh; that's true, many people don't know until the symptoms appear and by then everyone they have been in contact with is also at risk. I think all areas need to stay closed off a bit longer than two weeks, that's the time for the infected ones, but what about those who haven't shown symptoms and might after the two weeks? In week three perhaps. I'd suggest a month or six weeks, which will be devastating for the world's economies, but it has to be done. The economies will recover over time.

  7. They think about shutdowns in towns, but Merkel ("chancellor") lets in anyone into the country anyways. Germans. Dumb. And yes, I am German....

    1. Iris Flavia; Italy has shut down, why can't the rest just copy and be safe? Germany is as highly populated as Italy, and in just as much danger. I know the two don't share borders, but that hasn't stopped the virus, as travellers are the carriers. Merkel needs to be more aware and take action before it's too late.

  8. Sadly we are playing catch up now. I do think isolating and that means boarders as well as individuals may give us a chance. Praying that we are not just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

    1. Arkansas Patti; we are playing catch up too, as is the rest of the world. All we can do is hope it doesn't last too long. I sincerely hope this ISN'T just the tip of the iceberg.

  9. It really makes sense to restrict movement as much as possible between countries, states, provinces and maybe even cities.

    1. only slightly confused; yes it does make sense, but some young people seem to think they're invincible and still going to nightclubs and beaches, so our government has closed those too. People need to learn to stay home and entertain themselves. they can still communicate via phone, computer, skype etc.

  10. The only way to totally stop this is for every person on the planet to stay at least six feet from every other person for the next 14 days. Next best is to approximate that and everyone stay away from everyone as much as possible, as far as possible, and stay put as much as possible.

    While it's not my place to stick my nose in the politics of your nation since i am not there or a citizen, i will say i agree with your assesment that the sooner the better as far as border closings go.

    1. messymimi; borders are closed as are zoos, pubs, clubs and most restaurants who are now only providing takeaway foods no inhouse dining. Cafes that rely on businesses for the lunch trade are doing it hard with more than a few closed and probably will not survive because of it.

  11. You need to get ahead of this, close the borders, SOE, some of our provinces have done so but here they are lollygagging and putting incoming flights on an "honour system" of self isolation. Absolutely enraging as they are spreading it like locusts.


    1. WWW; borders are closed, swimming pools, casino, etc, yet the schools remain open with parents deciding whether or not to send their kids.

  12. When I was younger I thought it would be cool to on cruise ship, not so much anymore. Our two boarders are close...

    1. Dora; I planned on taking cruises after I retired, but I couldn't afford it and now I'm glad I'm not stuck on a cruise ship somewhere.


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