I'm not missing the sweet stuff...

...not much anyway, I'm allowing myself one cup of coffee a day, with sugar, instead of my usual three or four, and that seems to be enough.

But yesterday, I ate a banana and a kiwi fruit and with each bite, I wished they were on a pavlova.

I should have lost enough weight by my birthday (August) to allow a pavlova, that's if my triglycerides are behaving themselves.


  1. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; I expect the walking to get easier as time goes by, also when the weather cools down.

  2. Even though I bake, I actually don't bake with real sugar, I use dates and local maple. That said, I don't have a big sweet tooth. However, there's this cinnamon tea that Tim got me from Newman's Own and I call it my dessert tea because I'll just have that after a meal. So nice. Anyway, here's to your goal by your birthday. Go you. You got this!

    1. The Happy Whisk; I do bake with real sugar and did quite a lot of baking last year, taking cakes etc to neighbours for a chat and cup of tea, but I've stopped that now and don't bake at all. Before this I baked only when the kids were little and at home. I like licorice tea.

  3. Oh River, stop! (I say grinning) Pav is my absolute favourite and I'm on a strict diet momentarily. Good luck, sounds like you're doing great.

    1. Rose~from Oz; Pav is a great favourite with me too, along with properly made Black Forest Cake with REAL cream and real cherries. Some people use cherry jam which is fine as long as it has cherry pieces in it. But a lot of places use mock cream, which is a real travesty. 3kg down so far.

  4. Oh, so sorry, but you made me laugh so big.
    My sweet tooth is an "invalid" one, hence I had to look up what "pavlova" even is.
    (Pizza, fries and stuff get me, though!).
    Hubby once said to me, "hey, you´re not 20 anymore, don´t bother" - that.does.not.help!
    But maybe take my Hubby´s advice? At least in August!!!

    1. Iris Flavia; who cares if you are not 20 anymore? Eat pizza if you want to. I still love pizza, I just don't eat it very often. Maybe once a year.

  5. It's the triglycerides that get me too.

    1. Andrew; find out where you are taking too much sugar and cut back or cut out. Could it possibly be the wine?

  6. Had to look up pavlova for when I first saw the word my mind went right to pavlov's dog:)) Sounds like you are make some good inroads. Keep up the good work.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I forget sometimes that most Americans don't know what pavlova is. I plan on keeping up the routine, I don't want to be diabetic.

  7. Losing is so hard, gaining so easy, it's not fair. Good luck!

    1. messymimi; it took me about 15 years to gain this amount, but I'm losing it quite fast with all the walking and no snacking, plus limited coffee.

  8. Pavlova is a new word, but not a new thing to me. It sure is delicious. I hope you can eat a big one on your birhtday.

    1. Charlotte; I'll definitely have some on my birthday, but not a big one, that's far too much.

  9. By August you will have earned a Pavlova, Oh, how good it will be.

    1. Joanne; I'm really looking forward to it. I hope to be able to fit into my jeans again by then. I haven't worn them in three years and refuse to buy a larger size.

  10. One day at a time. August will be here before you know it!

    1. Val; it's like Christmas, here before we are ready and over too soon.

  11. Omgosh. I've been eating less than 20 carbs a day but yesterday, no matter what I tried I could not get rid of my craving for chocolate milk and so I caved. The chocolate milk led to cookies... And then to Cheese Its... But.. That was yesterday, today I'm back on track. I've lost 15lbs. :) - Like riding a bike, if you fall off get back up. I'm cheering you on!


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