I heard it on the news

Australian borders are to close at 9pm tomorrow night, that's Friday 20th our time, only Australians coming home will be allowed in and I think there will be no flights out. I didn't hear anything about visitors to Australia being allowed to go home but I expect they will. 


  1. I am not even certain that Australians will be able to get home - it assumes that they will find a flight willing and able to take them.
    Similarly visitors to Australia may struggle to find a flight home - where ever home is.

  2. Elephant's Child; I hope that all people everywhere are able to get home to be with their families.

  3. Yes. Hubby does not know if to book the next flight to Perth (will be February, so I ireckon it should be safe?). Crazy times.

    1. Iris Flavia; I think by next February things will be okay, that's almost a year away.

  4. Crazy times.


    Hugs...ugh, I mean, polite wave from a great distance.

    Peace to all.

  5. It is a day to day world we live in. Stay safe.

    1. Arkansas Patti; day to day even more than before. I'm staying as safe as I can.

  6. I wish our government would have taken this seriously before the virus had already entered the country. But, don't get me started about the buffoon in the big white house.

    1. Kathy's Klothesline; I wish all governments had taken it more seriously sooner, particularly with the panic buying at supermarkets. That should have been cracked down on much sooner.

  7. If visitors here can get flights. No matter what country you live in, you will want to be home.

    1. Andrew; I imagine most people will be trying to get out before the borders close tonight. I hope also people can get home to Aus. before then.

  8. So glad I am not an international traveler.
    Be well.

    1. Joanne; me too, I haven't left Australia since arriving as a baby in 1953. My youngest booked a flight to Bali, paid for the ticket, for a 60th birthday party before all this happened, now he's hoping to get his money back

  9. Not sure what to say except that i do wish there was a way everyone could get home, wherever it happens to be.

    1. messymimi; there are people on cruise ships in limbo as no port will allow them to dock, may are elderly and fast running out of their medications. I hope a helicopter medications drop can be done for them at least.


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