Safety First

from the newspaper: "An unexpected loss of the sense of smell may be the first sign a person has the coronavirus, according to medical specialists. And some may develop no other symptoms, meaning they could innocently infect others around them. 
Surgeons around the world are reporting that between a third and two-thirds of patients with coronavirus report a loss of smell as their first symptom."

Be aware people, if you wander outside and can't smell the roses, get yourself tested. If you are frying onions for dinner but can't smell them, get tested. 

In other news, "Woolworths is planning to install protective plexiglass shields at its checkouts to reduce contact between staff and customers and to help stop the spread of the coronavirus."

Seems like a great idea to me, fit them out like banks and keep our checkers safe. 


  1. I saw that story too. Sadly I have had no sense of smell since I developed this cold nearly six weeks ago.
    The plexiglass screens sound like an excellent idea. I do feel for the staff, who have copped abuse as well as being put at increased risk. I feel sure that we will pay increased prices to ensure their safety and don't mind (much).

    1. Elephant's Child; we're already paying increased prices, with broccoli almost $12 per kilo and so on. I hope your cold gets better soon, six weeks is a long time to have one. Are you sure it isn't something else? Like hayfever? What's blooming around your way?

  2. That's a new symptom I hadn't hear of. Not sure it would be accurate for me. Unless I've been coming down with the virus every morning for the last 20 years, before my shower. The shield sounds like a good idea for the checkers, with no undue hardship for the customers.

    1. Val; if you've had no sense of smell for 20 years we can safely say you don't have the virus. I'm wondering what the shields will look like and will there be room for the groceries on the conveyor belts?

  3. Thanks for that advice, I have a good sniffer so will be on guard.
    Keep well.

    1. Margaret D; I have a good sniffer too, it came in handy when I worked on checkout, I could smell if there was a bad potato in someone's bag, and I could smell off chicken or deli meat while customers were still standing in line waiting, so I could let them know to go back to the deli counter and exchange it.

  4. No tests or masks available here. If you feel sick, try to stay home, no doctor, if not a total must. Crazy times. Hubby has no appetite and we both cough. Now, do we have "it" or not? He drove to work :-( Otherwise he might loose his job.

    1. Iris Flavia; crazy here too now, stay home unless absolutely necessary. I think both of you coughing is "must" enough reason to request to see a doctor..

    2. River, I still can smell and taste, so... and Hubby (who´s 7 1/2 years older than me) refuses to go.

  5. Like Irirs Flavia, we're not tested here except with dire symptoms. The parole is, if you feel ill, you have it, stay at home, wash your hands and keep your distance. Loss of smells? Good to know. I can smell the dough rising in the adjacent room, ...
    Our local supermarket installed plexiglass screens and red "distance dots" at the floor a week ago now. Good initiative I think.
    Stay safe!

    1. Charlotte; similar here, people going to certain places are checked for temperature rises and if they have a fever they are sent home to isolate in case they develop symptoms. Most people are being sensible and just staying home anyway.

  6. I, too, saw that story. Thanks, River. Take care.

    1. Lee; taking as much care as I can. You be safe too.

  7. I read about that also. I guess I am OK, my wife says I still stink.

    1. joeh; take a bath and spritz on a little of her perfume, she should like that, you'll smell just like her, and if she still says you stink, remind her it is HER perfume you are wearing. HA HA

  8. We keep getting new cautions each day. That is OK. I am sure it is taking time to sort out all the possibilities. The shields sound good. Haven't heard if or when we will be doing that.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't think we have any new restrictions, not since yesterday anyway. I walked to my local store today for the paper and was disappointed not to see screens up yet.

  9. One store here already has those screens up, and i am very glad!

    1. messymimi; I bet the workers are just as glad.

  10. The screens should be up sooner rather than later in all grocery type and convenience stores.

    1. Andrew; I would have thought they'd get busy right away after the announcement and fit them overnight, but it hasn't happened here yet.

  11. Several big stores here have installed the screen. Good idea.

    1. Joanne; I'm sure everyone feels safer with them in place.

  12. I read about the loss of smell and taste as well. And our grocery stores have installed those plexiglass barriers. They seem to have a lot of gaps around them; I'm not sure how effective they'll be. I really feel badly for grocery store employees. They are in contact with so many of the public. It's only a matter of time, I feel, before many of them end up infected. This virus is so sneaky and so virulent. To keep our sanity we must remember that most cases resolve well ... but the thing is that when they don't resolve well, there are not enough health care workers and equipment to support those who need it. Take good care, River. By the way, I am so impressed by your self-discipline in walking and cutting out sugar! You are doing an excellent job!

  13. Some of our stores have done that too. And wow, I didn't even know Woolworths was even in business anymore. Ours went out decades ago.


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