Sunday Selections #507

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

This is one of my attempts to photograph the full moon, just as a breeze blew the leaves of the tree I was leaning against


second attempt, not as close as I hoped, but I am not able to see the horizon and get a better, fuller shot from where I am.

I have no idea what this is, I accidentally pressed the shutter button as I lowered the camera on my way  back inside. I would have liked to stay out longer and try for more photos, but people kept looking out their front doors wondering why someone was  wandering around with a camera late at night, plus there was traffic coming and going.

Mum! I got a letter!

It's from Penny Cooper, my Calendar cousin in America. I hope she doesn't catch that awful virus.

She sent me a dress just like hers! It fits perfectly 😃

Look at me Yoda, I feel like a real schoolgirl now

 😃I received some mail myself, a tulip fridge magnet from Elephant's Child, that's it on the top right of the collection from previous years.

My one remaining frog (there were three) enjoys a bubble bath before I decide where to put him back in the garden

Lola is doing her "I don't care what else is going on as long as I get dinner on time" act

I put my blue butterfly back in the garden, I hope the new owner of the other one and the two hearts is enjoying them.

My yellow butterflies went back also

and my favourite windspinner, it almost blends into the background there

 a very pretty gate in a driveway around the block from my home.

lastly, a moon photo taken by my K, with sparkly bits. I'm guessing that is one of the polar regions at the bottom just right of centre.  

NOT taken by me 😞

She is further away from the city, so has less buildings to get in the way of the camera, I only get to see the moon once it is fairly high in the sky.


  1. Love that first shot!
    And Meg sure has some friends surprising her, how cool is that.
    Lola, awww.
    You´re getting ready for the wonderful time of the year huh (can´t get hot enough for me).

    1. Iris Flavia; I like the first moon shot too. And you can have all the heat you want, just come and get it. I hate the extremes of temperatures, anything over 25C is too much for me.

  2. That leafy moon shot is just so nice, it's pure, unplanned beauty. I love your garden ornament and envy you the warmer temperatures.

    1. Charlotte; that shot turned out better than I expected. My garden frog is the last of four originals, all in different poses. One got broken soon after I moved in, the painters doing the outside of the building set up a scaffold and put one leg right through the poor froggie. Two others were stolen earlier this year along with other items.

  3. #507 today. I love that you have joined us, and love your selections today. The moon shot is a stunner - something I always struggle with.
    I suspect (strongly) that Meg is better dressed and much more stylish than I am.
    I hope that your garden ornaments remain this time - remain and give you and everyone else some smiles.

    1. Elephant's Child; I shall fix the title in just a minute. I like the moon shot too. Meg is certainly better dressed than I am. Garden ornaments are being attached to trees and heavier pots this time, anyone wanting to quickly grab and run will get a surprise to find most things are now weighted down.

  4. There is definitely a sly face peeking from behind the leaves in the first one and loved the frog. He looks blissed out.
    Of course it is always fun to see Meg's new outfits. You may need a bigger closet.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Meg keeps her clothes in an old school case I found on ebay. I must look more closely at the moon, I didn't notice a face. Of course frog was blissed out, who doesn't love a warm bubble bath?

  5. A lovely array of photos, River. And I like your "accidental" one very much.

    Lola is looking very much at home...Queen of the Roost.

    Have a good week...and cuddles to the Queen. :)

    1. Lee; sometimes the accidental shots are the best. Lola does think she owns the place, I have to remind her now and then just who controls the scissors that open her food pouches. The Queen is currently hiding under the TV cabinet because it is thundering outside.

  6. Your moon photos are good. All I ever manage is a white blur. The dress looks lovely!

    1. Sarah; white dot in a black background is all I used to get, now I have a camera with more zoom, so that helps and having slightly unsteady hands, I usually lean against something like a tree. Meg is very happy with the dress. She's ready to go to school now.

  7. Yes., the moon is high, high in the sky before I see it.
    So glad you put the garden ornaments back out.

    1. Joanne; I put the ornaments back because the little boy was disappointed when he couldn't see the frogs. Now he will have at least one frog to see, until I can buy more.
      wouldn't it be lovely to have an uninterrupted view of the horizon for full moon photos?

  8. Great photo of moon.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Dora; I am happy with the photo. No coffee here, I use too much sugar, so had to give it up. I haven't had any coffee since March.

  9. The windspinner picture is my favorite! So many shapes and textures, and the colors that match or complement each other.

    1. Val; I usually put the windspinner in a more prominent place, but I like where it is too.

  10. Lovely selection. Do love the butterflies and Lola, of course the frog in a bubble bath.
    You have such a great imagination R.

  11. Wonderful Sunday Selections. I can never photograph the moon because I don't have a good camera. A full moon is always beautiful to see.

    1. Granny Annie; I rarely see the moon at all, I have to make a time to get outside after dark and usually it isn't high enough until around 9pm.

  12. Thank you, i enjoyed those, very much!

  13. Penny Cooper is over the moon to see Meg enjoying the gift of her dress!


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