
 Just watching the news now, tough restrictions from midnight tonight, for six days: lockdown, mandatory masks when leaving the home, only one person per household allowed to go to shops, no outdoor exercise, so no walking around the block for me. 

After six days further decisions will be made.

Schools and universities are closed, pubs, cafes, takeaway food outlets closed.

There's more as I listen but I can't type that fast. 


  1. I saw that - and hope it is effective. Quickly.
    Stay safe.

    1. Elephant's Child; me too, but it's a wait and see game now. Is there a case in Canberra now? I thought I saw a headline to that effect when I turned on the computer.

    2. There is. It is a returned diplomat - as the last couple were. I think it is a definite argument about keeping our international borders shut.

  2. While it may be an overreaction it is probably best to stay on the safe side. You certainly don't want what happened here to happen there.

    1. Andrew; I'm happy with an over reaction, we need to stamp this out and it can't travel if people can't leave their homes.

  3. I like what you do. Our place numbers are on the rise, and restrictions ...? Well, masks mandatory in public transportation and while indoor at public places, but not sitting down. No more than X in one place - a function of the size of the room. You're kindly asked to go shopping alone ect, but corona tiredness means that not many are listening, and the numbers keep increasing ... sigh. I'd welcome a lockdown.

    1. Charlotte; do your own personal lockdown by shopping only when absolutely necessary and wearing masks in public and not having visitors to your home.

    2. Great idea, but with three children still at school/higher learning places, and hubby teaching at the university long way away from home, I doubt that isolating little me would help one bit ;) I hope we go free, but daily infections are above 1000 (6 millions of us). In spring we were in lockdown for less! People are thinking with their money sack instead of their brains.

  4. Oh, boy, hope it helps! I so wish people would understand the rules! Just yesterday a woman came so near at the grocery shop she really bumped me - am I thankful for thick winter-clothes.

    1. Iris Flavia; I hope it works too. At our supermarkets here there are security guards to ensure people keep their distance while waiting in line to get in and only a certain number are allowed in at any one time.

  5. I hope this gets rid of the monster for you River. Re-opening far too quickly has killed so many people. Lives have to come before the economy.


    1. WWW; I also hope this will be effective. We are fortunate to have people who don't mind enforcing these restrictions and the general populace obeys without fuss.

  6. I know it must be hard but it can so be worth it if it stops the rise. I wish we would get serious and our politicians had the courage to take the steps necessary. We wouldn't be in the terrible shape we are in right now if they had just made the right calls. Stay safe and hope this will be effective and brief.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it will be hard for those who are used to going out every day and socialising etc. It's fine for me since I stay at home most of the time anyway.
      I know your politicians didn't issue similar orders, but I don't understand why so many people didn't take the common sense road and wear masks, stay home etc, just because they weren't told to.

  7. Finally people in this small town are starting to pay attention. The news is telling a frightening story.

    1. Granny Annie; I wish people had paid attention right from the beginning.

  8. May this action nip everything in the bud.


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