Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Margaret Adamson and Sue Fulcher and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. botanic 

2. gathering 

3. finger 

4. port 

5. canine 

6. elastic band 


1. department 

2. prose 

3. stable 

4. wink 

5. chandelier 

6. pirouette

Here is my story:

Jill could hardly contain her excitement. She had joined the company only last February, so had never been involved in the Christmas Festivities. She danced her way along the path and pirouetted through the wrought iron gates of the Botanic Gardens. After entering, Jill stayed fairly close to the others, not wanting to get lost in the four acre spread of trees, gardens and paths. 

Pam and Martha were busy nattering, as usual, going on about how nice the weather was, and how pleased they were that instead of cancelling, because of the restrictions, the Boss had decided each department be allowed to take a day for their own Christmas party. Everyone would be happy, no one would be left out and a huge illegal gathering would not be raided by police. 

When they reached the first fork in the path, a small group of earlier arrivals waited to show them the finger shaped signs leading the way to the old stable where the party tables had been set up. "Each fork in the path has a sign," said Elaine, "so there will be no getting lost."

"A clever idea," said Julie, "are they all the same shocking pink colour?" "Yes," said Janet, "Peter got wind of another company also having a gathering and using finger signs, so he checked what colour and theirs are just plain wood, so we three are here to tell all of you the right colour to follow."

"Wouldn't want any of us ending up in the upmarket restaurant gathering by mistake," said Elaine, "they'll probably have so much of the Christmas 'spirit', they'll be swinging from the chandelier," she winked as she said it to be sure young Jill understood it was a joke, not a disparagement on the other company.

The women made their way along the paths, meeting up with others along the way who had stopped to watch a small group of canine trainers in a fenced area. The dogs were very young puppies enjoying their first ever training lesson and were quite funny to watch as they all preferred playing and rolling about to "sit, stay" and other such commands. 

"Are we only women here today?" said Jill, refastening the elastic band that held her ponytail. "No," said Melissa, "the men arrived early and got the tables set up and the barbecue fired up so it would be ready for the cooking. I hear they managed to get a couple of dozen lobster tails after all." Frances cheered at that, she loved seafood and barbecued marinated prawns were her favourite, but lobster tails ran a close second.

Martha pointed out the slightly decrepit building off to one side as they neared the converted stable, "Ladies, there is your nearest 'port of call' when you need to go, just remember to enter by the door with the pink ribbon as the other one leads to a rather smelly urinal." A few giggles followed that announcement, then they spied the party set up and waved to the men, Steve setting out buckets of ice and glasses, Bill and Rodney brandishing barbecue tongs and pretending to sword fight as they waited for the coals to heat. A couple of fridges along the back wall held salads, soft drinks and cake.

Jill took out her camera for the photos she needed for the company newsletter and began taking notes on the prose that would accompany them. It was going to be a fabulous afternoon, and she had yet to discover the best part. No one had told her the Boss would be arriving, dressed as Santa Claus with a small gift for each of them.


  1. What a lovely story and I love how you captured the atmosphere of the anticipated party. Well done!


    1. WWW; thank you. I've been to a few company Christmas gatherings so I just tried to remember bits of those.

  2. What a fun take on the prompts. I suspect that smaller parties like this one would be much more to my taste - and having it in the Botanic Gardens would be icing on the cake.

    1. Elephant's Child; the Botanic Gardens would be perfect. I didn't mind the bigger gatherings at the factories I worked at, it meant I could sit back from it all and just enjoy while everyone else grouped according to age or friends and workstations. The best part I remember is the bosses did all the work manning the barbecues and carrying around food and drinks until everyone had been served, after that it was get your own for refills and seconds.

  3. Boy does that make me long for such a party. Almost forgot how fun they could be. It has been such a long time thanks to Covid.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the time for gatherings will come again, hopefully soon.

  4. This sounds like a very nice arrangemant, and nicely written as well.

  5. Lovely story. Seems like a good spread, made me hungry thing about it plus a touch of Christmas too...

    1. Margaret D; I thought it was appropriate with the nearing of Christmas and slow releasing of restrictions here now.

  6. Being lost is state of mind, are animals every lost in wild.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Dora; it is easy to get a bit lost in the paths winding all through the Botanic Gardens, I usually pick up a paper map when I walk through the gates, just so I can find my way around.

  7. Cute story! And certainly a typical Aussie-Christmas. Which we´ll miss this year.

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you. Hopefully you will get to Australia for Christmas 2021.

  8. I loved reading through this and stumbling across your use of the prompts. Especially liked "port-of-call". Very clever. You always do an excellent joy writing these stories.

    1. Granny Annie; thank you. I do enjoy the challenge each week.

  9. I'm ready for a party and grilled shrimp and a small gift! Hopefully there's a broccoli salad and Diet Coke in the fridges. You have set the scene well.

    1. Val; I love barbecued prawns myself, lobster tails too and crab claws. Not a fan of broccoli salad but there's probably some in the fridge, along with potato salad, Greek salad, maybe some coleslaw. Definitely diet coke and other non-alcoholic drinks.

  10. Congratulations! This is a really relevant and amusing piece - I loved it!

  11. Now that's a nice place to work, where the people are like that.


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