Sunday Selections #509

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Let's begin in my back porch today:

Introducing Mr Herb Karret

who loves to tend his carrot patch, but when all is done there...

he climbs aboard his Harley and hits the open road for a well-earned break

once home again, he often climbs the stairs to visit with Sam Baker

for tea and cakes

the other side of the porch is a messy work-in-progress, but not much progress has been made since the weather heated up and often enough the air out there is a bit lot too strong with whatever certain neighbours are smoking

there are boards with tile adhesive coating

that became cliffs as a background with "grass" on top and  more "grass" in front of that. To the left of the grassed area I plan to make a beach area.

other construction, not done by me, has seen a giant mushroom evolve from odd bits and pieces glued together and shaped, again, not by me, then painted by me.

most recently two bunnies have been added to the base. This will be moved into the garden tomorrow,
it weighs more than I do, so I can't see anyone  picking it up and walking off with it.

Here is Henry, my autographed bear from my factory days. 

a little hard to see through the cellophane and there were fewer signatures than I'd hoped for as quite a few rats workers had already left the sinking ship factory for greener pastures

Still enough names to be memorable, but sadly I have forgotten so many of them now.

Henry continues to smile though.

we had some very welcome downpours last week, I thought about dancing in the rain, then thought about slipping and falling, so I didn't 😀

Lady Lola, queen of the house, actually posing for the camera for a change

lastly, something to dream about: rainbows with pots of gold at both ends!


  1. Your beautiful scenes and characters thrill me to no end.

  2. Love your creativity.
    I have been watching your temperatures and shuddering.
    Hooray for the rain.
    And for precious memories.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I have been locked inside with the aircon running all week, thankfully today is cooler, so I was able to get out and sweep up all the plums dropped by the parrots.

  3. You have a regular little city going on. Hope those bunnies don't eat all Mr. Herb's carrots.
    Lola looks like she is wishing for you to please hurry.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Lola was indeed wishing I would finish with the camera. The bunnies will be outside, so Mr Herb's carrots will be safe. He lives in closed-in the back porch.

  4. You certainly do have a lot of fun things, River...fairy and goblin garden....

    I hope the coming week treats you kindly...keep cool if you can. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. She looks very much like my Shama! :)

    1. Lee; my original plan was to have all this stuff in the garden, but the plants grew over them, then thieves had a go, so most things are in the back porch now. I'll be staying in the cool as much as I can for sure.

  5. Your back porch looks like a fun to be, perhaps more fun still if you breathe in deeply when the neighbours are 'smoking'. The bear is a very nice keepsake. Just over twelve months after leaving work, I am starting to forget names. How good does Lola look now.

    1. Andrew; shame on you! With my asthma? I check out there every morning and evening to see if the air is safe, one lungful of whatever that is can have me coughing for days and that gets very painful. I have mentioned it a few times to one neighbour who told the other and more often now the air out there is better, so I'm hopeful of getting more work done on the gnome villages and beach. Lola does look so much better than when I first brought home a skinny frightened little girl.

  6. She does look like a queen.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  7. That is the biggest, best picture ever I have seen of Lola. She is one beautiful animal. The beautiful cream chest highlights the tortoise markings.

    1. Joanne; it is a lovely photo, I agree, but she is a tabby, not a tortoiseshell. I was really surprised when I asked her to look at the camera and she did even when I zoomed in.

  8. I love Sam Baker's house, but he'd have to bring the tea and cakes down those steps to me! Lola is looking regal and content. Your bear is much nicer than the ones my students brought on the last day of school.

    1. Val; I'm sure Sam Baker wouldn't mind bringing things downstairs or even lowering them in a basket. Lola is quite content these days, but still skitters into hiding when unknown people knock on the door. She has got used to the voices of several neighbours and stays on the windowsill. I've seen the newer generation of bears and I'm glad I bought mine when I did. Today's bears are skinny, underfed little things.

  9. Lovely Lola, isn't she ever so sweet with that look.
    Your porch is most welcome and how lovely to see it.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; that look was telling me to hurry up and get it over with. I'm glad you like my porch.

  10. You have so many beautiful spaces, i love the adventures of your gnomes and others around your home.

    The remembrance of the possibility of slipping in the rain reminds me of the advice to never dance in the shower either, because dancing leads to slipping and falling and getting hurt, which can lead to the emergency workers seeing you in the altogether!

    1. messymimi; dancing in the shower is something I have never even thought of doing, lucky me. I'm looking forward to doing more work on the back porch gnome villages now that the mushroom is in the garden. It took up so much space.

  11. Mr Herb Karret looks very happy in his little patch. The toadstool is great too. Lola looks very like my cat Cassie, especially her expression, though she is different in that Cassie loves to pose! If I am doing eBay photos I can't get her off the table!

    1. Sarah; I like my gnomes to look happy, although grumpy gnomes do have their place too, I just haven't been able to find any to buy. Lola usually hates the camera.

  12. Replies
    1. Charlotte; I was lucky to find a motorbike just the right size.

  13. I love Lola's markings, so unusual a very distinctive feline. Love your "stuff" always makes me smile :)


    1. WWW; Lola is very pretty. Thank you, I like my stuff too :)

  14. Gnomes! When we moved, many of my own gnomes were left behind. Your creations always make me smile.

  15. Cute story (sorry I´m like very late) - awwww, Henry says hi to Henry!!!
    Slipping and falling, no, DANCE only! Ahhh, I miss the rain. It´s grey, every day, but no rain...
    Lady Lola is very cute (reckon she knows this).


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