Sunday Selections 510

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Lola in stalking mode, the curtain was blowing in the breeze from the fan and she could see Draco's nose every time it moved.

this is the carved wood statue just to the left of stalking Lola, looking so much better since I began feeding the wood, which was so dry it was grey and beginning to crack quite badly

I managed to get a rainbow, but it was quite pale

large fungii growing in the pot of aeonium

new leaf growth on the monstera

the mushroom made by (-) and painted by me has finally made it to the garden

top view, the bunnies are bought from Cheap as Chips

the view from the back which also shows the flats across the driveway

one of the two larger bunnies we put out there

and the other one, sitting up on his pedestal, otherwise identical to the first one

some bright cosmos which have turned out to be a smaller variety than I'd wanted, but just as pretty

my tomato seedlings have been a disappointment, these are from the seeds I saved from the delicious heritage tomatoes, messages from my children say their seeds didn't amount to anything, so I have thrown away the rest of the saved seeds and will plant bought seed instead.

here is my next paint project, this little girl, about 6 inches high, has been out in the weather for years and is beginning to crumble, so I will paint her in light cream colour then add a bit of pink and green on the flower wreath climbing around her.

Meg: "the outside is soooo biiiig!"

"can we go?"

"Maybe another day, I'll visit with some friends instead" the teddy is Jackson, the witch is Drusilla and the Biker Beanie Boy is Harley


  1. Another lovely selection. Thank you for joining us this week.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'd finished reading two books so I had time on my hands and more than a few photos ready to go.

  2. Loved the volunteer fungi and of course the bunnies are always a treat. But again, Meg stole the show. She wants to be a real girl--or is she all ready?

    1. Arkansas Patti; the fungi were pretty, but probably poisonous so they got disposed of. Meg is not a real girl yet.

  3. You have so many fun little friends and bits and pieces, River. I hope those outside remain safe from greedy fingers, if you know what I mean!

    The mushroom is terrific.

    May the coming week treat you kindly (we've been having some wonderful, heavy rain over the past few poured heavily throughout the night)...cuddles to the lovely, stalking Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; all the new garden pieces are safe, most of them weigh more than I do and are buried pretty deeply.

  4. I love the rabbits. Pity about the tomatoes and yes, it is not too late to try again with seedlings.

    1. Andrew; I don't know if anyone has noticed the rabbits yet, the little boy who comes with his Grandma hasn't been around lately. He misses the frogs and of course two of them got stolen and the third is still in the back porch.
      I don't have tomato seedlings, but I do have a packet of seeds, so I'll plant some of those and hope for the best.

  5. Your picture posts are a lovely adventure.

  6. Spring is growing up well around you. I do love the inhabitants of the garden, too.

    1. Joanne; spring is pretty much done now, summer is one foot in the door already, still plenty of pollen about though. I'm liking the garden, too, there are more things planned for it.

  7. My your cat has a long tail
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Dora; it seems normal to me, but maybe it is a bit longer than usual.

  8. These all look good and a good selection.
    Do like you mushroom you painted.

  9. Each picture is wonderful and love ending with Meg enjoying the big world outside.

    1. Granny Annie; thank you. Meg is a little adventurous and can't wait to explore out there.

  10. Some day... I´ll talk Ingo into having such a furry friend, too!
    And the statue, I maybe show a pic of mine, too, it´s a joy to see - as your garden!

    Funny. Just looking up tomato-soup-recipe as I found some very tired ones!

    Oh, and the door! When we´re in Perth we live in a cheap cabin (60´s/70´s as old as we are), but friends of ours have doors just like yours!
    Very cute pic of Meg, too! And hi you friends of hers! Ow. We sold our Harley years ago, I kinda regret it...


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