Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. has the cat got your tongue?

2. curiosity killed the cat

3. let the cat out of the bag

4. dog tired

5. sick as a dog

6. like a dog with two tails

7. the elephant in the room

8. a one-trick pony

9. open a can of worms

10. busy as a bee

Here is my story:

Vera staggered through the door and collapsed into a wing chair, legs splayed out before her and mopping at her sweaty face with a large handkerchief. Across the room, in a matching wing chair, Arthur merely raised his eyebrows and waited. A few seconds later, Vera managed to speak. "Dog tired I am," she said. "Be a dear and get me a glass of something cold would you?"

Arthur left the room and soon came back with a tall glass of homemade lemonade, tinkling with ice cubes. "Did it all go as well as expected Dear?" "Some parts did," said Vera, between sips of icy refreshment. "I was kept as busy as a bee, with Edna giving orders then contradicting herself and wanting things done differently, but we are used to that and just sort of went with the flow, as they say. Helen couldn't make it, phoned in to say she was sick as a dog, we all knew what that meant, Sid was horrendously hungover so she had to stay home with him. His company Christmas 'do' is far too liberal with the alcohol if you ask me." 

"I'm rather glad I'm retired," said Arthur. "No more Christmas 'do's' for me. None of us ever got so drunk we couldn't walk, but I remember a headache or two over the years." "You never were a big drinker anyway," said Vera. "Not like Sid. If it's laid on free, he dives right in. Gets his money's worth he says. I know he's my brother and I shouldn't say things like that, but he does chug it down like there's no tomorrow." 

Arthur gave a quiet chuckle, then took Vera's glass for a refill, "unless you'd prefer a cup of tea this time?" "Tea would be lovely, love. I'll just go and wash my face and get these shoes off. I should have worn the sandshoes, knowing what Edna is like." Arthur called back from the kitchen, "plate of biscuits with the cuppa?" "Oooh, no thank you," said Vera kicking off her shoes as she went towards the bathroom. "We sampled plenty of the goodies on offer as we set up we did. Mabel and I really loved the Christmas Cookies Helen made. Her youngest, Carolyn, brought them in and there were just dozens and dozens! Helen must have baked half the night while she waited for Sid to get home." 

"Carolyn didn't stay to help?' asked Arthur. "No, she has rehearsal for the school Christmas play, she got the part of Mrs Claus this year. Edna and Mabel and I managed to get it all done, then right as we were finishing up, in waltzes Sylvia, all smiles, happy as a dog with two tails, saying what a wonderful job "we've" done, like she'd been there helping. Does that every years, she does." Arthur said, "why doesn't anyone challenge her on that? She can't just take credit for all your work." "There's a lot of history behind that," said Vera, "and nobody wants to open that can of worms!" 

"What time do you have to be there this evening?" said Arthur. "About five thirty, we need time to warm up the hot food and set out plates and cutlery, the doors open at six and then it's go go go, as we serve up about sixty Christmas dinners and desserts, then make sure every single one of those homeless people have a gift as they leave. We have extras on hand in case more turn up."

"Could you use an extra hand?' asked Arthur. "I'd be glad to help, since you're already a man down, and you know I can serve soup and carve out dessert helpings as well as any chef," he said with that cheeky twinkle Vera loved so much. "Don't you need to rest up since you are playing Santa at the Children's Hospital tomorrow?" "I'll be fine, I'm not just a one-trick pony you know," said Arthur. "Now go and lie down for a bit, I'll call you in plenty of time and we'll be there by five thirty."


  1. Cozy and nice story. They both sound like dears and a well coupled pair. Thank you.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I don't know much about elderly couples who are still together and happy, so I hoped it would seem "true".

  2. Tears in my eyes. And a big smile on my face. Hope our future will be like that, very sweet story, thank you!

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you, I hope your future is as sweet.

  3. Gee I want that guy in my life, what a sweetie.


  4. This is just lovely. You MORE than met the challenge - as you always do.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you and it WAS a challenge, I was almost ready to give up this week.

  5. What nice people and you gotta love Arthur. Supportive and willing to help.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it's the sort of thing that happens when you are raised by parents who do the same and of course he loves his Vera very much.

  6. Awww, what lovely people. Yes, some take credit and others just go ahead and do the kindnesses. It all gets sorted out, i believe, in the end.

    1. messymimi; thank you. It does seem to all get sorted sooner or later doesn't it?

  7. Replies
    1. Margaret D; thank you. I'm not sure which part of my mind they came from, but I'm glad they were in there somewhere.

  8. Such a sweet picture of two people who love each other intensely!

    1. Susan Kane; I was hoping the love would shine through.

  9. They're a good team. I'm glad there was no elephant in the room!

    1. Val; I just couldn't think of a way to put an elephant in there. Couldn't let any cats out of any bags either.


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