Sunday Selections 512

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

another moon shot with clouds

a bit dark, but maybe you can make out Lola's white feet as she disappears into the shadows off the path? She snuck outside when I stepped out to take moon photos and I didn't see her until she streaked past me. I waited for her to come back, and waited, waited, waited, almost 1 o'clock in the morning I heard a tiny meow at the door and let her in.

what to do with left over veggies, stir in one beaten egg, add as many cornflakes crumbs as it takes to get a firm mixture, fry spoonfuls in butter until golden and serve with a squirt of tomato sauce. YUM.

Christmas in the River House is a bit understated this year:

outside is a cheerful little meerkat girl

inside: on the corner of the TV bench is a pinecone with fake greenery

on the opposite corner my Christmas Elf has his two favourite trees, the white and clear one is battery operated with changing light colours along the outline, the green one is a handblown glass tree I bought when I visited Freemantle  seven years ago

just inside the front door is this display

no room for Santa on this sleigh

there is a miniature Mrs Claus with a tray of gingerbread men, she is actually a tree ornament

and up on the high shelf, even "Raymond Reddington" is in the Christmas spirit


  1. Sunday Selections 512 this week.
    You must have been so worried until Lola returned. And so happy when she did.
    Your minimalist decorations are more impressive than mine. I put up my Christmas Stars yesterday, and then discovered that only half of each star lights up. Big sigh but I am not going into the shops now to try and hunt down a replacement.
    I love your Mrs Claus - who is too often ignored.

    1. Elephant's Child; number is fixed, oops! I was more worried that Lola would get hurt, the garden she headed into has rose bushes and the "gardeners" trim them with chain saws and often don't pick up every little thorny bit.

  2. Well, you have put up more Christmas decoration than I have. But today the Christmas holidays bagan, maybe the Owlets, The Writer and I will catch up in days to come.
    I too like mrs. Claus. She looks just like a wonderful granny Claus to me. Although maybe a bit ill at ease.

    1. Charlotte; I added a bit more today, I wasn't going to, but decided to unpack the snow globes and the vintage Santa.

  3. Hey, Christmas decorations here. I stopped putting them up a few years ago, and I gave them all away. Once upon a time I went the "whole hog", but no more. My Christmas will be spent very quietly...just me and my two furry best mates.

    I wish you a very Merry Christmas...take good care....and an extra big cuddle or more to the lovely Lady Lola for Christmas. Maybe she snuck outside in search of Santa and his four-legged mates! :)

    1. Lee; I wasn't going to do any decorating, but Meg insisted, she is currently lost somewhere in a mountain of tinsel. Lola will get her cuddles whenever she chooses to crawl out from under the bed.

  4. I assumed Lola was an inside cat and never went outside.
    Meerkat girl is cute and I like Mrs Claus.
    I think I might throw in some chopped bacon to your vegetable creation, but given I don't cook, what would I know.
    RR is looking very fine with his Christmas hat.

    1. Andrew; she is an inside cat, I have no idea why she snuck out, but since then she has gone to the screen door a few times and clearly wants to be out there, but I'm keeping a close eye on her, making sure she is nowhere near when I step outside. Chopped bacon might be nice, or even chopped ham, lightly fried then mixed in.

  5. Raymond Reddington! He should be at the top shelf! I don't know what he will do up there, but I know it will be something violent and aggressive.

    Your decorations are great. I enjoyed looking at them all. And, where is the Misses?

    1. Susan Kane; Raymond Reddington is on the top shelf, but keeping out of trouble for now. Which Misses do you mean?

  6. I could not see her little white feet. I'm glad you did.

    1. Joanne; in the center of the photo, near the bottom, it was almost 10pm, so quite dark and shadowy, I'm glad I saw her so knew where to look with the torch, but of course she ran from that and took off down the driveway to another garden bed, which is when I gave up and just waited inside near the door.

  7. I am ketchup fan.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I don't eat a lot of tomato sauce, one bottle lasts me a long time. I use more in winter when I add it to gravy and casseroles.

  8. So pleased Lola returned. I bet she had a good wander before returning home. Not easy to catch a cat when they go out unexpectedly. Your Christmas ornaments are looking much better than mine.

    1. Margaret D; I was glad she came home, I wasn't about to go chasing her in the dark.
      I have only a few Christmas things out, don't put up the tree anymore, I just don't have space for it.

  9. Eggs and leftover veggies! I wonder why I never think of it, but thank you so much for mentioning it though! I won't throw away my leftovers anymore>.<

    1. Kim Young; some leftovers work better than others. I did this often when my kids were little, a quick and easy weekend lunch and I always made sure to cook extra veggies the day before to have enough leftovers.

  10. LOL!!! My eyes were on the cookies already when I read about the white feet (certainly assumed a person). Hm. Not so yummy. Glad I read on!

    Good idea. I have a very wrinkly pepper in the fridge... And eggs. And sauce, too!

    Ohhhhh. I remember that insurance ad we saw in Perth so often, that was one of these sweet meerkat-guys!

    The last one made me laugh for sure, thank you for hat! A happy 4th of Advent!

    1. Iris Flavia; I rarely make cookies anymore, I tend to eat far too many when I do bake.
      That ad was cute, but I got sick of hearing it, they played it far too often for my liking.

  11. It looks like just the right amount of celebrating to me!

    1. messymimi; certainly it is the right amount for me :)

  12. Nice moon shot! I was worried about Lola until the end of the paragraph! I like your Mrs. Claus and the elf. Looks like they're ready for a party.

    1. Val; thank you. Mrs Claus is definitely ready for at least a hot chocolate with that tray of gingerbread men. The little red elf is something I've had since I was four.

  13. I was a news special the other evening that made me think of you. A young girl made a tiny village around a large tree near a sidewalk. A woman passing studied it then went back the next day with a letter for the girl. The woman identified herself as an elf and they began exchanging notes on a regular basis. It was a delightful story and something I could see you doing.

    1. Granny Annie; I would love to create something like that, but around here things would just disappear overnight as passersby help themselves, just as they did from tenants gardens earlier this year.

  14. hopefully this year's Christmas event goes well

    have a nice day guy


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