and the results are in

 sometime before Christmas I sent a spit sample to

today I received an email with DNA results

so here it is>>

Ethnicity Estimate:

40% Swedish

    -Southern Sweden: Ostra Smaland and Blekinge areas

    -Tingsryd, Emmaboda and Ronneby towns

the above would be from my Mother's side where ancestors have been found way back to 5x great grandparents.

23% Eastern Europe & Russia

    -Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland & Lithuania countries

    -Pomerania area

this lot would be from my Father's side, his surname was Polish although we were all born in Germany.

18% Germanic Europe

8% Baltics

6% England (there's a surprise)& North Western Europe

2% European Jewish (not at all surprised)

2% Irish (another surprise)

1% Norwegian

and there we have it, the parts that make up River.


  1. I've been thinking about this, River, as I'd like to know about distant cousins and one possible scandal :)

    Yours is fascinating. I hope you find rellies.


    1. WWW; finding rellies locally is a no go, there are only three of us and my children here in Aus. There is a long, long, long, list of DNA matches that could be 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th cousins.

  2. Nice to know your true makeup, just don't start following Putin. :-) My sister was given this as a Christmas present and I am excited about her outcome. It should reflect fairly close to my own I would think.

    1. Granny Annie; I would never follow Putin, I barely understand my local politicians. I am pleased to find I am mostly Swedish.

  3. You're a nice mixture. Just like the rest of us. My ancestry is Swedish, Danish, and northern European in general with a sprinkle of Southern European, Roma and Asian.

    1. Charlotte; I think most of the world is similar, a mix of many areas.

  4. I suspect that we would share some similar ancestry (from my father's side).

    1. Elephant's Child; I was hoping to find out more from my father's side, all I know is my dad and his parents. He had two brothers and I might add them to the family tree, maybe more will come from that source. I don't even know if they had children or even if they are still living, it's unlikely.

  5. Well that is a grand mix. I have been tempted but so far haven't done it. My step sister did and found she had a half brother she had no idea existed. Her father got around.
    Well at least now you know you can legitimately celebrate St. Patrick's day:))

    1. Arkansas Patti; as long as I don't have to learn River Dancing. I should buy something green to wear on St Patrick's Day. I have three half brothers, (Mum got around), all with different fathers, so they are listed as first cousins.

  6. Did you add them up and they came to 100%? Nothing missing?

    1. Andrew; it is 100%, nothing missing at all.

  7. Since my test told me very little about my father's heritage, I convinced a nephew to take the test. My father and my brothers are gone, so I'm glad he agreed. His ethnicity comes up only a bit more British than mine. Whoever we used sends reports of "new relatives" constantly, and after his I had an email shoot in announcing the find of a nephew. And it was my nephew.

    1. Joanne; I wish I had nephews and nieces, but my mum was an only child. My dad had two brothers who I never met, we left Germany when I was six months old and I don't believe my dad ever kept in touch. My mum told me once they were alcoholics, the ones who were always drunk in the gutters in their small village. I don't know if that is true but there has never been any contact and they would be in their mid/late nineties now if still alive. There is nothing about them in the family tree book my mum made for me, it all focused on her side.

  8. Isn't it fascinating what we can find out these days. Maybe someday i will be brave enough to do this.

    1. messymimi; I was amazed to find the names of 4xgreat and 5xgreat grandparents.


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