Sunday Selections #515

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Here's a great way to end 2020>

Five winning lottery tickets! Small prizes for a total of just over $40. Guess I won't be buying that house on the beach just yet.

It's Movie Night! Meg is very excited, she has her little tray of popcorn and lemonade

We're watching Heaven Can Wait, an old movie from last century with Warren Beatty and Julie Christie

Next morning, Meg read snippets from her newspaper to Caramel, the stuffed baby polar bear behind her,

while I went out to check on my tomatoes. They're looking not too shabby, in spite of being planted way too late. These are from the seeds I saved last summer, family and friends I gave some to have all reported failures, so I'm not expecting tomatoes, just hoping.

behind the bigger plants is a row of smaller ones from seeds that I bought, they're more likely to produce fruit and in the meantime, they'll be shaded from direct sun by the front rows.  Clever, right?

The biggest surprise this week is finding a tiny, tiny shoot hiding behind the Black Prince aeonium, looks like my Christmas Cactus has survived after all! I was very happy to see it, I thought for sure it had died after every single bug in the garden had feasted on it.


  1. Oh, a house on the beach, just imagine!!!
    Our Mielebaer got all excited and said hi to the polar bear!
    Tomatoes I got from the market today. In snow. Gah! (OK, as I don´t have to drive the walk TO the market was nearly romantic, way back... don´t slip!)

    1. Iris Flavia; I grew up in a house 5 minutes walk away from a beach and I really miss it.

    2. Oh, THAT I can guess. Can´t you go back?

    3. No, it is in the small town I grew up in and I am never going back. It is too far north of Adelaide, so I would never see my kids again, they won't travel there as they dislike the heat, the dry, the flies, the remoteness. There used to be a train going there, which would make it easier, but now the train goes right past and only buses go there. Hot crowded buses for a four hour drive. No thank you. Also the beach area is much changed with more grit and less sand, the kiosk where I bought icecreams is gone.

    4. Yes, understandable reasons for sure, sadly. Four hours sure is a no-go! I even dread the one hour-train-ride to my Brother.
      Oh. The mural btw... I should´ve added: Reckon it´s what the artist felt about 2020 maybe and I just wanted to show that. I add that... Thank you!

  2. Meg is so nice to read to Caramel. Glad your Christmas cactus is surviving.

    1. Granny Annie; Meg is a nice polite girl who loves to help out. I'm really surprised at the Christmas Cactus making an appearance after all this time.

  3. No, you - like I - are never going to earn our living from lottery tickets. But gratz on winning at least a smaa amount!

    1. Charlotte; we have to get rich the hard way, by working and saving. For me these days it is only saving as I am retired from working. I'll keep dreaming though.

  4. Meg is leading the good life.
    Hooray for even small wins - and I love that your Christmas cactus is putting out hopeful new shoots
    Our tomatoes (some of them) are just starting to change colour. Yay.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm crossing my fingers for more growth, already the tiny cactus is just over an inch tall. I'm hoping for tomatoes, but prepared to buy from the shop if I don't grow any.

    2. EC, when I enlarged the photo I saw another new shoot! Too the left and right behind a small white rock, a very thin shoot, Yay! :)

  5. Hi River...I saw that movie a long time was a nice film...made in 1978, it was a remake of the 1941, "Here Comes Mr. Jordan".

    I bet Meg is a real movie buff! :)

    Take good care...any win in Lotto is a good matter the amount, in my opinion...have a great week, and I hope soon the Lotto gives you enough for your dream house looking out to the ocean with a bit extra. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I didn't know the movie was a remake, but I won't bother looking for the original. Meg is not yet a movie buff, we're working on it though.
      It's too late for my dream house overlooking the ocean, I found it last year and drooled over the images for months, then it sold two weeks before Christmas. Ho Hum, life goes on..
      Usually I win just enough to buy another ticket, that's good enough.

  6. Hey, I get excited even for the small wins. Love Meg's little popcorn. Caramel's smile says how much he is enjoying Meg's reading to him.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I get excited over small wins too. I found the little popcorn in a bag of Barbie stuff in a thrift shop last year. Caramel was a favourite with small children, so soft and cuddly, but I don't know any little ones now. My family is grown, even the grandchildren.

  7. Looks like Meg’s like a lot of little ones.......needs a cushion to sit up at the table:). I wonder who the superstitious one or Meg......don’t open an umbrella indoors!

    1. Cathy; neither of us is superstitious, the umbrella isn't open because it is broken. I tried to open it and the tiny plastic fitting at the top snapped apart.

  8. With our seasons seemingly coming later now, the recommended time for planting tomatoes might be out of date. At family's yesterday, there was a fine crop of tomatoes with a lot just waiting for some heat to finish ripening and the heat will come this week.

    1. Andrew; there are tomato varieties for almost all seasons, only the coldest days of winter being left out and even then you can start plants inside ready to plant out. I usually end up planting things too late, being the procrastinator I am.

  9. I hope the back side tomato comes through for you.

    1. Joanne; I'll be happy to get just one or two tomatoes.

  10. Well, $40 sounds like a good start at the week's groceries anyway.

    Love the pictures of Meg, and i hope your tomato dreams come true.

    1. messymimi; it bought quite a lot of cat food for Lola. I hope for tomatoes but won't hold my breath.

  11. Our tomatoes didn't do all that well during our garden season.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; sometimes tomatoes are just too fussy, maybe try a few different varieties and see what does better.

  12. Hi RIver,

    I wish I could win the lottery - I wouldn't need much to retire (I'm getting closer every day).




  13. Fingers crossed on those tomatoes and how lovely your cactus survived. I lost mine a few months ago and miss it.


    1. WWW; I'll have to keep a close eye on it, the earwigs are back. I went out this morning to water and found a few of the tomatoes have been stripped of leaves :(

    2. Congrats on your lottery wins! Meg has a great seat to watch the movie. And refreshments, too! I'm sure that's a major part of the enjoyment, even is she was not so fond of the film.

    3. Val; she loves movies so much she barely touched the popcorn :)

  14. Just won the lottery, too!! A whopping $4, which eternal optimist that I am, I see as the money I'll use to buy the BIG winner. Beach house here I come.

    1. Marty; that's exactly what I do, use winnings to buy the next ticket. Fingers crossed for the beach house.

  15. Meg is a lucky girl! My little redheads have not had popcorn yet...

    I loved "Heaven Can Wait", years ago. Now I want to rewatch it.

    1. P.S. Whoops--signed into wrong account. Frex = Fresca.


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