copied from today's newspaper

 with all the fuss about mail deliveries being late or not arriving at all, I thought this would be appropriate: 

"Funny how Christmas cards, birthday cards and general mail arrive late or get lost but our utility bills always seem to be on time." GFE

He or she makes an excellent point. If the bills can get through, why not other important things like birthday and Christmas cards?


  1. I wish I could test that, but there's no going back from electronic delivery.

  2. The doctor bills still come in the mail, and yes, they are always on time.

  3. Mail. Not trustworthy for anything at the moment.

    1. Andrew; package deliveries of things I buy online are pretty reliable.

  4. Sadly true.
    I have never, ever had any bill held up in the post.

    1. Elephant's Child; I only get one paper bill now, the other is online and my IP is a direct debit. But still, that one paper bill always gets to me in plenty of time to arrange payment, which I do online so I'm never late paying.

  5. MY bills are late. I must get special treatment! Today (19th) I got one that came out on the 10th, and is due on the 25th.

    1. Val; your country is a mess, hopefully things will clear up soonish, unless the bills have ALWAYS been late? In that case someone needs to kick someone's butt.

  6. I've had bills late as well - even one disappearing totally so that we got fined for not paying. But I also had ordinary mail delayed more than 14 days! But then the Danish postal service (now) is notorious or its slowness. 5 days is the set and accepted norm for an ordinary letter!

    1. Charlotte; up to ten days seems to be normal for regular mail these days, but at least my online purchases packages are arriving in a timely manner. The local ones that is, anything from the USA takes a couple of months at least. I think they use a rowboat.
      I'm currently waiting on something for my son's 40th birthday, but the stock comes from Scotland and they are in lockdown, so nothing is leaving those shores. Thankfully my son is very understanding.

  7. That is so true, most of our bills are sent online these days.

    1. Margaret D; I have one online and one paper bill, that's it for me. I don't have accounts with stores or anything like that.

  8. I get all my bills electronically but snail mail can be iffy. Online orders though? Nearly always timely. Letters and cards can take a while. I do believe the post offices have doubled their business.


    1. WWW; I get one paper bill still, but plan to switch that for online when the next one arrives. With people stuck at home so buying more online, I think Post offices have doubled or tripled their business, certainly there are more package delivery vans around now.

  9. I pay all my bills online and do not receive any paper bills. Actually I have not had any delay in my letters or cards...unless I don't know any are coming!

    1. Granny Annie; I don't usually know when cards or letters are arriving and only know they are late if I check the stamped area and the date the writer puts at the top.

  10. So far tiny town Arkansas has done well. I get all the packages I order in just a couple of days and of course the bills are right on time. No complaints.

    1. Arkansas; so we should all move there? Just kidding.

  11. Yes, and if your taxes is late they come unglued, but if owe you money it a complete different story.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; we pay taxes through our weekly (fortnightly or monthly) pay cheques, the amount is automatically deducted before we get paid, and sales tax here is called GST and already added to the price of the goods, so we don't have to worry about sending money to the tax offices. Each year we fill out our tax form stating incomes from all jobs and any investments and if we have paid too much tax we get a refund, but that goes straight into our bank accounts electronically, so we don't even have that to wait for in the mail.

  12. LOL, that is so true!
    I still have a parcel for Perth sitting here since November. Christmas Gummy-Bears for Easter, maybe? Australia: Still code orange!

    1. Iris Flavia; perhaps restrictions will ease enough for the parcel to be sent in time for next Christmas.


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