Sunday Selections #518

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

The dozen of today's photos are NOT mine, they come from the camera of my daughter "no-one", taken as the rain bucketed down last Monday.

The very welcome rain which also extinguished most of the Cherry Gardens fires.

I don't believe any commentary is needed. Well, maybe a little.

does that tiny twisted pink leaf look like  a cartoon bird to anyone else?

waiting out the rain

these are just a few of the books I have newly read or reread since the pandemic shut us all in or homes

Three of these are biographies: "A Year in the Mud and the Toast and the Tears"

  "Thirty Thousand Bottles of Wine and a Pig Called Helga"

"Don't Tell Mum I Work On the Rigs, She thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whore House"                      this last one disappointed me a little, I thought it would be funnier.

Crazy Rich Asians. I've seen the movie, but think the book is better. When reading, you "see" it as your mind imagines it, not as some producer imagines it. The other two books are sequels, but not movies. Yet.

A couple of biographies here: Paul Hogan's "The Tap-Dancing Knife-Thrower" and Kirk Douglas "The Ragman's Son"

And here is Lola who was sound asleep right up until I pushed the shutter button, and was sound asleep again a few seconds later.


  1. A lovely selection River, thank you!


    1. WWW; I'll pass the message to 'no-one', she took the rain photos.

  2. I like the close ups of the clear water and the ripples on it. I read memoirs and biographies too, the titles of the memoirs are so funny, they might be good to read.

    1. Terra; long time no see, welcome back. I love watching rain water and the pretty droplets too. I don't often read biographies, but when they're funny I do.

  3. All were fine but I was captivated by the water and ripples. Your daughter has a good eye. The Piano Player in a Whore house does sound like it would be a funny book. Sorry it wasn't for the title sure is.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I love water and ripples too. She has a better eye than I do and a steadier camera hand too. The Piano player was a funny book, just not quite what I was expecting.

  4. A great selection. We have both featured rain drops this week.
    And yes, the pink leaf DOES look like a bird.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm glad you see the bird in the leaf. I'll see your rain drops soon.

  5. I can see mud in one of the photos. I found the movie Crazy Rich Asians disappointing. I note you have at least three books in your stack about rich people. What should I make of that?

    1. Andrew; Crazy Rich Asians is the original book, the other two are sequels to the story. I'm sure there was plenty of mud about on that rainy day, not surprising some found its way into a photo shoot.

  6. Oooh, I love to see piles of books and hear what people have been reading!
    (But, where is Meg? :)

    1. Fresca; Meg is busy, as you will see next week. I love seeing what others are reading too, it makes me try a few new books now and again.

  7. G'day River...a lot of pages were turned there! :) And, your first question re your first pic!

    What a beautiful girl Lola is! She's lovely. I hope both you and the lovely Lady Lola have a wonderful week ahead. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee; thank you. Lola is in the throes of allergy again, scratching frantically and ripping off patches of fur. I'll need to get her back to the vet asap. She's averaging three shots per summer.

  8. Excellent pictures of the rain. I must check out some of those books.
    I'm sorry Lola has allergy problems yet.

    1. Joanne; they are great rain photos. Lola will have allergies all her life, every year from September to March.

  9. Like water picture. You capture it quite well.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. Lovely selection and wonderful to see and hear about your rain and thank goodness for it to put our the bush fires.

    1. Margaret D; thank you, it was a very welcome rain.

  11. Yes, the pink leaf looks like a cartoon Roadrunner. I loved "Airport." Even the movie, though it was a bit of a depressing subject.

    1. Val; I'm glad you see the roadrunner. I liked Hotel better, but I don't know if they made a movie, probably I wouldn't like it, the books are better.

  12. Hi River,

    I would be tempted to read the Paul Hogan autobography. I remember his TV show, which was shown over here before he became a superstar as Crocodile Dundee. He used to also advertise Australian lager over here too in his youth.




    1. Plasman; would that be Fosters Lager? not too many Aussies drink that, mostly Queenslanders. VB (Victoria Bitter) is more popular. Paul Hogan is currently living in LA, USA, with his son, although he would prefer to be home in Australia. Perhaps you could buy the book from Book Depository?

    2. Yes. It was Fosters and I remember when I came to Australia that Fosters was not around. I tried VB too plus a few others.

  13. Those are fabulous, your "no one" is a photographer indeed. Yes, it looks like a cartoon bird to me, too.

  14. Beautiful, I love rain and yes, that looks like a tiny bird indeed!
    A pig named Helga?!!! Oh, help. I still tease my brother cause he got a lot of girly stuff for his confirmation as many misread "Helge" for Helga. And now I´m very tempted to buy him this book! If you never hear from me again, I did just that (kidding).

    Hmmm, dunno about Paul Hogan. I liked him but was so disappointed when he sued Grill´d for using his slogan instead of being proud of it.

    Lola is very cute!

    1. Iris Flavia; the book is about a gay couple who give up city life, buy an old vineyard and start a winery and they have a pig called Helga.

  15. Why yes, as a matter of fact, the moment I looked at it, I DID see a cartoon-y bird in that twisted leaf. Great minds think alike, eh?

    You did a fantastic job capturing the droplets of water. You show not only the beauty, but the "feel" of rain.

    Well, darn. That book title "Don't Tell Mum..." is sooooo good. Too bad the book didn't live up to it.

    Take care, kiddo, and be safe.


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