Lola has a problem.

 She is well, as always, lives inside and eats only the foods I give her. 

For just over seven years now. 

Nothing has changed. 

She drinks her water and uses her litter tray daily. 

But yesterday, she yawned hugely right under my nose and I just about keeled over from the stink. 

Her breath smelled like something died and today she still smells like she should be three days dead already. 

A visit to the vet is out of the question, way too expensive. As long as she continues healthy, I'll just keep an eye on her. 

Right now she is sleeping peacefully right beside the laptop and every now and again there is that whiff of something dead. 


  1. I am so sorry. Teeth? Poor Lola and poor you.

    1. Elephant's Child; her teeth seem fine, she crunches her dry food easily.

  2. Pet Medical Crisis was created in Victoria to financially assist pet owners if they can't afford full costs of veterinary treatment. Pet owners are asked to explain their financial and social circumstances to the vet, but it isn't embarrassing.
    I am sure there is an equivalent in other states.

    1. Hels; there probably is, but I don't think she needs a vet yet. I'll keep an eye on her and if she goes downhill the local vet is just around the corner.

  3. A good suggestion from Hels. It sounds like teeth, but you think not. Not gums either? Well, if she seems ok otherwise...maybe not worry. Pet breath never promised you a rose garden.

    1. Andrew; she is fine again now, so I won't worry unless it happens again.

  4. Poor Lola. Poor you. Jellicoe's breath is fairly flattening, too, so I guess he'll be requiring some dental work, as everything else seems fine.

    1. jabblog; my first thought was dental too, but she is eating without problems, even her dry food.

  5. Bad news. Frida, my parents In Law´s boxer dog has bad breath sometimes, too.
    Let´s hope it´s nothing serious.... Stomach problems? Digestive system? Might be gone in no time, fingers and toes crossed it´s but that!

    1. Iris; it might have just been an upset tummy, she seems fine again now, no bad breath.

  6. I have no clue, with everything remaining the same. As with others, my only guess would be the teeth. My mom's friends had a teacup poodle, and brushed her teeth with a toothbrush every day! I can't imagine brushing a CAT'S teeth!

    1. Val; when she yawns I get a good look at her teeth and can't see any problems, also, the bad breath is gone now, so maybe just an upset tummy.

  7. Like everyone else, I'm thinking teeth. I wonder if your local vet does pro bono or discounted treatments for animals whose owners can't afford a standard vet bill? Some vets do.

    1. Steve Reed; I haven't asked about payments at the vet and hope I don't have to. Lola's breath is fine again now.

  8. I know that teeth issues are the most common cause, but bad breath can also be a sign of something more serious. Even though she's crunching her dry food well you could think about dental treats that help remove tartar.

    1. Kathy G; I see her teeth when she yawns and they are fine. Also the be=ad breath has fixed itself. But I'll still take more notice of things just in case.

  9. I know some bigger pet store. Here they are called Petco. They have a vet or someone who has training in veterinary medicine. Could be cheaper than vet visit.
    Then some of animal shelter also help people with vet visit.
    One of my daughter took their dog to see the vet, and it ran $300.

    1. Dora; we have PetBarn here. They don't have a vet, they are just a warehouse for pet supplies. Animal shelters are many hours away on the outskirts of the city, one North and one South. I have a local vet just around the corner and will go there if I have to.

  10. She could just have bad breath and need her teeth cleaned. There are cat toothbrushes and special toothpastes, if you could get her accustomed to them.

    1. messymimi; she doesn't normally have bad breath. I remember Angel did in the beginning until I changed his food. There is NO WAY I could get Lola accustomed to tooth brushing.

  11. Oh dear me R. It's not good that smell. Hope all come well.

    1. Margaret D; she's fine today, no smell at all. I think maybe a tummy upset. But I'll keep watch on her anyway.


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