Sunday Selections #701

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

This one is for Val and The Pony, she'll get the joke and won't mind, I hope

this is my one and only glass paperweight, side view

bottom view

top view

and a closer look so you can see the tiny stamens in the flower

I bought a couple of new hoodies and put them through the wash to remove excess "fluffing" before wearing

after they dried I took the filter from the clothes dryer

look how much excess fluff came off them!! and they are still leaving fluff on any t-shirt I wear under them!

bluebells are popping up in my garden again

two garlic cloves seem to be growing well

in a garden on the way to the shops a flower bed of alyssum has pretty pansies dotted throughout

in different colours

another garden has clumps of paperwhite jonquils

wisteria vines are still bare

but there are buds beginning to fatten along them

a memory from the 1980s, my dog Mad Max, he saved our house from being burgled, and if you walked past him without an ear scratch or a "hello" he would jump up and put his paws on your shoulders to remind you. 

also in the 80s, my youngest burying himself in the sand at Glenelg beach, this one is now the father of the twins

and here they are chasing bubbles in their yard, Genevieve in the dark pink top, Anastasia in the light pink top

joy, freedom, space to run

things to climb on

bubbles to study

I may take a break next week, I've been tired a lot lately, part of that is dealing with Lola who is again peeing in the bed which means loads and loads of extra washing being done every week, sheets, waterproof mattress cover, feather doona on top of all the usual clothes and towels. 


  1. Beautiful jonquils! That is a HUGE amount of extra hoodie fluff. I never even recognized extra fluff as a problem, but then, it's been a while since I've bought a hoodie or sweatshirt. Take a break if you need one! We'll all still be here when you get back!

    1. Steve Reed; It's a fairy-ton of fluff! I expected some, having bought a cheap brand, but fluff dust has spread right through my flat as well, so we know what that means! Vacuuming! Ugh.

  2. Heh, heh! I'll pass that one on to The Pony. He'll appreciate the humor. I like your pretty paperweight.
    Nice doggie. It's good that you have a picture of him to remember. I love the kid pictures. Such a good time, whether burying himself on the beach, or the girls with their bubbles.

    1. Val; He''l get a laugh I'm sure. I've had that paperweight so long I don't remember where it came from. I have quite a few pictures of Max, he was the best dog in the world. To me anyway. The girls love being outside, with or without bubbles.

  3. The jonquils are so lovely. You're moving into spring?

    1. Susan kane; yes, spring and pollens and hayfever and antihistamines every single day. It's a pretty season.

  4. Love that paper weight. And your garden, and the twins. I hear you on being tired to the bone.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Winter has been a bit hard this year as I'm reluctant to turn on the heating too soon in the day because of the running costs, but then I really hate feeling cold enough to be shivering. I can add clothing layers but too many makes moving around uncomfortable. All I want to do is stay in bed and sleep. Thankfully this coming week is warmer, including today.

  5. To save you from taking the mattress cover off every time...
    You can get these almost anywhere. I put two down overlapped. Buy four so you can have two on the bed and two in the wash.

    1. Mike; I thought about something similar but do they stay in place with tossing and turning? My current solution is to ban Lola from the bed, she's not very happy about that, but nights aren't so frosty anymore and days are warmer too so she will adjust.

  6. Hoodies used to be associated with bad boys who your mum warned you about. Now they seem to be a very sensible winter outfit.

    1. hels; I remember that and still wonder about all teens and boys I see slouching along the streets; are they up to no good or are they just keeping warm?

  7. Lovely paper jonquils. Spring is springing! The girls hair is growing so long and pretty.

    1. Joanne; spring is definitely springing. When the girls hair is wet from shampooing it is about three inches longer.

  8. Sorry to read about the peeing - hope you get some rest during your break.

    1. The Happy Whisk; The peeing may be partly my fault, Lola sleeps in the bed with me at night and simply stays there keeping warm all day while I get up and do stuff. This is the fourth incident and now with warmer weather I have banned her from the bed. I plan to rest more, but we'll see how that goes...

  9. It's a very nice paperweight. They are a thing of beauty.
    It looks like you are only getting half the hoodies you paid for.
    The gardens in your city seem well advanced over ours.
    The bubble makers now are terrific compared to the little pipes we used to have as kids. It's good to see the girls having such fun.

    1. Andrew; I like my paperweight but won't buy more. Where would I put them?? The hoodies are a cheaper brand and probably the fabric didn't get washed and defluffed before it was made up, presumably that adds to the cost. They are very warm though and big enough to wear layers under, I'm thankful for that.
      Our city is warmer and drier than yours all years so it's not surprising the flowers are coming out.
      The bubble maker was my gift for their first birthday and it has lasted well.

  10. Well those two top will keep you warm but what a lot of fluff out of them, wow.
    Gorgeous dog you had, good memories.
    The girls are beautiful having fun.
    Take care and hope Lola is ok.

    1. Margaret D; the tops are very warm and they have pockets. Max was the best dog, great with kids and so easily trained. The girls are growing so fast. Lola is fine, just getting a bit old.

  11. A nice mixed bag today. The paperweight is so pretty and all the spring flowers are lovely to see and so hopeful.
    Poor Lola - poor you. Has she got an infection?
    Children just love bubbles - they're an endless source of pleasure and it's so nice to be able to play outside.
    I keep reading that lots of people are weary at the moment - I hope you can shake yours off. A break would probably be good.

    1. jabblog; Lola has no infection, she is just getting old and has been sleeping all day in my bed during the cold weather, I think maybe she pees in her sleep and doesn't realise, or else she is just too comfortable and lazy to get out to her litter tray.
      I remember loving bubbles when I was young though we didn't have bubble machines back then, just tiny bottles of liquid with a wand to blow through.
      Many people get weary when the weather is too hot or too cold or the cost of living rises and rises and then rises again as well as other things that happen to dampen spirits.

  12. That sign made me laugh!
    A neighbour once offered me "hash biscuit" or whatever you call that. I said no and he could not believe this.
    I´m happy with my life, I drink a beer but no drugs, thank you, man.
    Your paperweight is very pretty.
    Ack. Those warm clothes will pop up here sooner than I want.
    Oh-wow. I only have a rack to dry our clothes on! You really got me thinking (we have no space for such a dryer, so I stop thinking).
    Oh. Your Mad Max (I cannot stand that movie, but we drove by where it was filmed and Ingo sure let me know)... he looks a bit like our Inka. She liked to knock me over when I was little. Oh, what fun (to her).
    Oh. How times fly by!
    Your boy and then the twins. In just a snip of time.

    I am sorry about Lola. Max pukes every day and cannot hold his poop always, either. He even does not clean himself as he should.
    It´s getting old, that´s the way of life. How old is Lola again?

    I want to go like Udo Jürgens. He was on a walk in the Switzer Alps... and kaboom.

    I hope Lola gives you sweet moments still - like Max does, too!

    1. Iris; I don't do drugs either but many of my neighbours do and sometimes the smell is so strong, ugh! I have a rack to dry clothes too, and hang things in the summer,sometimes in the winter too, and then next day when almost dry I put them in the dryer just to make sure thicker parts like seams and pockets are properly dry before I fold things away.
      Lola is 15 now, 76 in cat years and your Max would be 92 in cat years. When Lola gets to that stage I hope I can still cope.
      I want to go in my sleep when I am ready, just go to sleep and not wake up, no suffering, but not for a long time yet.
      Lola does give me sweet moments, yesterday we shared ice cream though I didn't give her very much, just a half teaspoon. Then she asked (meow meow) for a taste of my steak at dinner so I gave her a tiny bit and she devoured it like a hungry lion.

    2. 92 years, yes. But! Max can still jump!
      As long as I don´t end up in hospital I am happy.
      Cute you shared some "food", some snacks.

  13. Hoodies are just great for Fall weather.

    1. Dora; and for winter too here in Australia where we don't have ice and snow.

  14. Chasing bubbles is just so much fun. A break is in order when you're up to there, May you return with renewed vigour.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I love seeing the girls have so much fun with the bubbles.

  15. As always love your pics and tale so much joy in the twins' antics. And bluebells are one of my favourites.

    1. WWW; thank you. The girls do bring lots of joy. The bluebells are all that is left of a variety of bulbs planted years ago.

  16. These are all beautiful photos, the flowers and the girls.

    We had a cat doing this once, and had to put a waterproof tarpaulin on the bed any time we were not in it. It worked, but it was clumsy and hard to get on and off.

    Could she have a urinary tract infection?

    1. messymimi; thank you. No infection, just too lazy or too sound asleep I think, she burrows right under in the cold weather and once I get her out she's fine, using her tray like normal. I was letting her sleep with me and when I got up each morning she just stayed in bed, then I'd crawl back in at night. It was day three when she wet the bed. The nights are warmer now so I'm not letting her under the covers anymore.


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