ta da!! here it is...

Remember this?

I liked it a lot, so much that I thought I'd "Go Gold" myself this year.
Here's my effort.

What do you think?
Really, be honest, I don't mind....not everybody thinks the way I do, and that's okay.
Of course it would look more like the display model if I had a taller, fatter tree, but since I'm limited for space, this will have to do. I may get something with fatter branches for next year, but it will still have to be a small tree. 

Here's a few close-ups of the ornaments.

I do love shimmery, shiny things that catch the light and sparkle.

I've used strings of bead chain instead of the "tinsel rain" that I used for years, because it doesn't blow off the tree when I have the fan running. I bought a long length and cut it at 30cm lengths.

Oh look! There's my reflection. You probably don't want to see that.

As always, there are more images, but the computer isn't playing along nicely, so this will have to do.


  1. Oh my gosh River, I think it looks wonderful! It looks like a totally different tree than the small one you showed us the other day.

    Awesome job!

  2. I think it looks fantastic...I like the way you disguised the base (always a problem) and the different shapes of the ornaments...great job.

  3. I think it looks great River, and I really like the way you've used the beads rather than tinsel. Very pretty!

  4. Nice effort.

    (Will you mail my present or shall I come and collect it?)

    -Robert. Ph.D

  5. It's just right and I love the gold.
    I really have to start on my project or it will never be finished.

  6. It looks great. Pity it is not in a window for passers by to admire.

  7. Oh wow. It looks really amazing!! You've done a fantastic job and I bet it will be beautiful to look at all throughout Christmas.

  8. Maybe a couple more splashes of white here and there otherwise you done a Bonza job :-).

  9. Just brilliant. Thank you. I may have to get into the spirit of things.....

  10. I think it looks great! It has serious bling to it. :D

  11. That's sensational!!! So much better than the overstyled, contrived look of the WW - yours has character AND a great reflection! Merry Xmas!! (if it's not too early to say that ...)

  12. It looks better than the photo because those 'fatter' trees always strike me as too huge and show-offy. Yours is beautiful!

  13. Bah, Humbug! Yeah, I've kinda given up on Christmas and dont have a tree anymore. Of course the kids do..and they still like a present or two... Nice tree!

  14. Jennifer Kay; thank you. It's amazing how much difference a bit of sparkle makes...

    a Farmer's Wife; Me too!

    Delores; the base used to get disguised with gift wrapped parcels, now tinsel does the job.

    Rubye Jack; the beads will last longer too, I'll probably get twenty years out of them.

    R.H. you're going to have to come and get it, it won't fit in the post box...

    JahTeh; it looks rather classy doesn't it? Yes, get started...

    Andrew; I only have one small front window and it isn't floor level, plus the couch is in front of it, so I really can't put a tree there, much as I'd like to.

    Sarah; I have a feeling I'll leave this one up quite a bit longer than usual, just so I can keep looking at it.

    Windsmoke; more white? Hmmm. Thanks.

    EC; thanks. Yes, join in the Christmas spirit.

    Melissa; I never thought I'd be into bling, but it seems I am after all.

    Red Nomad; I didn't see the magazine one as over-styled...I just saw inspiration and I love my result. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Kath Lockett; they are show-offy, but if you have the space for it, a large tree does look good if you have enough ornaments to do it justice.

    Tempo; given up on Christmas?? Tsk Tsk! Toss a little tinsel around your lightshades at least.

  15. RIVER.

    Christmas tree:
    Love set free.
    May it ever
    Shine for thee.


  16. I'm liking it too! you did a great job with it River -- and you can NEVER have too much gold at Christmas!!

  17. Okay I'll be around next week.

  18. ohhhh look!!something shiny!!!

    I love it!!!

  19. It looks perfect, River, just right.
    Love the colour and style :)

  20. Lord Rochester; that's so sweet! Thank you.

    Toni; there's no such thing as too much gold. Ever. Just like there can never be too much chocolate. Ever.

    R.H. okay.

    peskypixies; it's very shiny. I'm loving it!

    Jayne; thank you. I like how it turned out too.

  21. Oh it's just stunning! Great tree.


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