Sunday Selections # 134

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who now writes over at "The Shake"), as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of the recent holiday I had in WA.

the first few photos are from the Fishing Boat Harbour area that has the bronze fishermen statues featured a couple of weeks back.

this plastic dog intrigued me.
Who made him? Why?
Is he part of some art project?
He was quite friendly, standing very still for the photo shoot, not even wagging his tail....

I saw a Ferris Wheel across the road from the boats, it's part of a small amusement park, with a grassed area next to it. Apparently there is talk of bulldozing the green area and creating a carpark....

I loved the look of Joe's Fish Shack which had a sign painted on it...

urging all and sundry to "Eat at Joe's"
We didn't....we were on our way somewhere.

Out the front of Joe's was this....

brightly painted old row boat.

pretty isn't she?
Can you tell I like boats?

Further up the coast is Hillary's Boat Harbour,

with resort apartments for rent. Holiday accommodation.
I'm not sure how far in advance you would have to book for these, they're right on the waterfront and probably very expensive.

back view of the apartments. I like the symmetry here.

there are two rows of apartments, this is the front view of the ones right on the waterfront.

The second row faces the parklands on the other side.

 long distance (sort of) view of the back row that faces the parklands.


  1. The plastic pooch is a charmer. And I too, really like boats and water. Beautiful.
    I hope that the green area near the amusement park stays green.
    Thank you for taking us on holiday with you - I am really enjoying it.

  2. Thank you for sharing parts of Fremantle and Hillarys that I've never seen. Love that dog and that boat too. I know the green area you speak of and I'd hate to think that would ever be made into a carpark.
    Boats and the sea or them all.
    I am determined that somehow I am definitely going to get out and see more if I possibly can. Just as long as it doesn't involve walking very far.

  3. I like the dog, too. An apartment overlooking the sea would be wonderful - very expensive here in UK. As for desecrating green space with a car park - NO!

  4. Elephant's Child; plastic is the way to go, no feeding, no walking, no picking up poop....then again, patting a plastic pooch wouldn't be at all satisfying.

    Mimsie; Perhaps you could have someone chauffeur you around. There might be social workers who could arrange an occasional expedition.

    jabblog; waterfront property is hellish expensive no matter where you are.

  5. I rather like the painted signs at Joe' flashy neon for them.

  6. I like the plastic doggie he would be cheap to feed.

  7. I see that one apartment unit is two peaks wide, fortunately. Nice for a vacation.

  8. That dog is perfect. The sculptor has captured his facial expression and the tension in his body as if he's perked up waiting on his master to offer him a walk.

  9. I think you are correct about the apartments being expensive, but it would be nice to have the views. The dog is interesting.

  10. Yet again I squeaked in, you've already done your Monday post but we are just going going to bed in the UK after an exhausting weekend! Will be back to read your posttomorrow!

  11. Delores; there is a little neon tubing, around at the other gable which I haven't shown here, but it's just a bit to highlight the painted words, not a flashy stand alone big neon sign.

    Merelesworld; very cheap indeed, but he won't fetch your slippers.

    Joanne; I hadn't noticed that. I suppose one peak would be quite narrow. And who wants to rent a closet?

    Jackie K; he does look a bit like that.

    Andrew; I wouldn't consider renting one, there'd be no cash left for me to enjoy a holiday with.

    Gillie; there'll be another post by then.


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