Calendar Tuesday # 12

It’s December 6th ….time again for Calendar Tuesday, which only happens on the first Tuesday of each month.

Let's begin with the Country Homes Ideas calendar, which probably won't be featured here next year as I haven't been able to find one.

I like the general look of the room, but not the blue trim on the chairs.

Moving on to the Violent Veg calendar:

"Thought he would enjoy me tickling his baubles"

And the final Suzy Toronto for this year:

and here is what it says:

If you only PRAY when you’re in trouble…you’re in trouble!

Prayer is a mighty thing. You know it as well as I do. But often it’s not until our world starts to crumble and we’re about to go down in flames that it finally dawns on us to ask for help from a power greater than ourselves.

When we just can’t stand anymore, we finally realize we need to kneel.

When did God become our last resort instead of our first defense? When did we decide we’d only pray once we’d run out of options instead of making it a foundation of our daily lives?

What if we made a prayer a priority right now, as if He is #1 on our celestial speed dial?
The truth is there are always five bars glowing on our heavenly cell phones.

Living a life filled with prayer can strengthen us beyond our abilities and give us an understanding beyond our comprehension. It infuses us with courage and hope and allows us to create a life worth loving despite the challenges we may face.
So give it a try…and do not delay.
Bottom line, if you only pray when you’re in trouble, bless your heart…you’re in trouble.

And we shall now finish the year with the back page of the Suzy Toronto calendar:



Back page, about Suzy Toronto
So this is me…I’m a tad wacky and just shy of crazy. I’m fifty something and live in the sleepy village of Tangerine, Florida, with my husband Al, and a big goofy dog named Lucy. And because life wasn’t crazy enough, my eighty something-year-old parents live with us too. (In my home, the nuts don’t fall far from the tree I eat far too much chocolate, and I drink sparkling water by the gallon. I practice yoga, ride a little red scooter, and go to the beach every chance I get. I have five grown children and over a dozen grandkids who love me as much as I adore them.
I teach them to dip their French fries in their chocolate shakes and to make up any old words to the tunes they like. But most of all, I teach them to never, ever colour inside the lines. This is the Wild Wacky Wonderful life I lead, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Welcome to my world!


  1. Yes, the blue fringe is a bit too much.
    That Suzy must be something else!

    1. S.J.Qualls; I'd like to be a fly on the wall at her place :) Join me?

  2. Yeah..the blue has to go. Maybe a nice soft green. Those are some cool calendars.

    1. only slightly confused; no, no, no green. No trim at all. I must get busy photographing next year's calendars.

  3. I don't color between the lines either, the difference is I TRY to color between the lines.

    1. joeh; I've given up colouring altogether, it's much easier to splash a bucket of paint at something and hope for the best.

  4. I totally agree that prayer should not be a last resort, but a constant communication! And I think I'm a little in love with Suzy! :)

    1. Diane; I can't say I love Suzy because I've never met her, but I do love her calendars. I have next year's one waiting in a drawer.

  5. That blue? No. No way, no how.
    And Suzy sounds like good people.

    1. Elephant's Child; I like the blue colour, but don't like the trim, the chairs don't need it. Suzy sounds like good people for sure.

  6. My dinning room sure isn't all that fancy.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; I don't have a dining room at all, just a small table in the living room, pushed up against a wall. If I had one it wouldn't be fancy, just clean and neat.

  7. I LOVE her philosophy on life!!

    1. fishducky; me too, I wish I'd discovered her calendars years ago. I don't know how long she has been producing them though, maybe this was the first.

  8. .. hi River.. I like the blue colour.. but the fringes would have to go .. a bit too much for me .....
    Prayer does need to be a constant and regular part of our lives.. .I like Suzy's ideas .. xxxxx
    ... Barb xxx

    1. Barbara; you're right, the fringe is too much. I don't pray on a regular basis, unless you count "please god, let me win the mega lotto draw"

  9. The blue fringing totally spoils the room. What possessed someone. I am not fussed on the floor rug either. If I keep at it with the picking, I will end up not liking the room.

    1. Andrew; I hadn't noticed the rug so had another look. You're right, it's too fussy and has to go, like the trim, it's just that little bit too much. I'm wondering if a flatter rug, in a dark colour might be better. Or just the polished floor. I often end up not liking a whole room or house after I've "picked" it to pieces.

  10. i like the room look .
    prays should flow through breathing .
    if one want to feel most powerful he should pray when even he thinks he does not need because he needs it then too

  11. The room is a little to formal for my some it might be beautiful, but it's not my style.

    1. In response to your question re Conway Twitty Mobile Homes, River....

      And -


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