Sunday Selections # 307

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules. 
Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost in your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, old or new, good or not-so-good, anything you like, but nothing rude, please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates and her photos are always worth seeing.

This week I'm showing off some of the ornaments others here have in their gardens.

this little ceramic fisherman sits on my front porch table, he used to hold a thin bamboo fishing rod, but that got broken many years ago.

I don't recall where I saw this happy little chappy, but I am sad I forgot to photograph the cheery frog holding a bright yellow umbrella next to him.

solar powered mama and baby koala, but I'm not sure which part lights up after dark, maybe the whole thing glows?

meerkat and bluebird rain gauge

a trio of meerkats

a tiny pair of owls, barely six inches high

another owl, somewhat larger

and a third owl. Owls seem to be popular here.

a family of Teddys

a slightly blurry, very small turtle

a wombat with his own water dish

and here we are back on my own front porch with my wind spinner

Don't forget, next week is Christmas Day, so Sunday Selections is taking a break.


  1. Some cute yard art. I see you are plagued with ants, too! Love the little turtle.

    1. S.J.Qualls; I love everyone's little decorative bits around here, but the ants are the worst I've ever seen. Most pot plants have nests in them as well.

  2. It's nice to know others are as serious about their ornaments as I am.

    1. Joanne; it makes for interesting walks, some people have random choices, others have a theme.

  3. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; it makes the gardens more interesting when the trees are bare for winter and most flowers aren't flowering.

  4. Lovely to see. Other than at home, I don't see many garden ornaments. Perhaps I need to look better.

    1. Elephant's Child; possibly many people keep them in their backyards so they don't 'go walkabout'.

  5. I have quite a few wind spinner but there in shed now.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; this is my only wind spinner right now, the rest were damaged in the winter winds. I need to get some that are more sturdy.

  6. I think whimsical trinkets in gardens are the most fun...

  7. The fisherman is my favourite but I like the meerkats too and I have never seen garden sculptures of them.

    1. Andrew; I've had the fisherman for many years and originally planned to have him beside a small pond, but that never got built. Meerkats aren't a common ornament.

  8. Ornamental gardens in the true sense of the word! They are beautiful!

    I hope your week leading up to Christmas is not too hectic for you, River...don't over do things....take care...cuddles to Angel. :)

    I'll "see" you before Christmas.

    1. Lee; I almost never overdo things and certainly not at Christmas. The only things I do a lot of is bake mince pies and sleep.

  9. Interesting it's the gnomes that some people have that get me, many have them plasted all over the place and not my cut of tea.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I have gnomes, about ten of them, two live inside and the rest have been on the blog, but a while ago now. They're all grouped together close to the windmill and I call that area Gnome City.

  10. Replies
    1. Devilish Angel; welcome to drifting. They are cute aren't they. Not all mine though, I was roaming around the flats here.

  11. What interesting things people have in their gardens.
    Perhaps you could find something to replace the fishing rod?
    I envy you your baking but I am so far past it as not to worry any more. The family buy their mince pies and none are keen on cake or pudding.
    Will miss you next week but have a great day.

    1. Mimsie; perhaps a length of thin sprung steel, to replace the fishing rod, but then I would have to make him a little pond too.
      I don't buy mince pies, I've tried the store bought ones and they are too stodgy for me. I much prefer my lighter, buttery pastry. I would have sent you some, but the are very sugary too and I thought it best not to with you and Phil both being diabetic.

  12. I would happily display ALL of those in my yard including the wind spinner:-)

  13. Your ceramic fisherman is VERY similar to some handmade pieces our neighbour brought back from Hiroshima just after the war. They also have little brushes or bamboo sticks and that sort of thing as part of the piece.

  14. Very cute. I think your garden is adorable.


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