
Tuesday 13th December

10am and already 33C

that's 91.4 for all you northern hemisphere people

hot enough to fry eggs on cars

this is what our Aussie Christmas is like, hot

some people enjoy

this kind of heat

I am not one of them

if there was a swimming pool nearby, this would be me

sadly, there isn't, so I will be inside all day with the air-con running 😀😀😀😀😀😀


  1. I always visualized you as cool (though not necessarily in temperature)!!

    1. fishducky; I am uber-cool. Very laid back. I have go-with-the-flow serenity.

  2. I have never thought to fry an egg on a car, I hope I can remember to try that come summer here! I do know you can cook soap in the car.
    Enjoy the pool!

    1. S.J.Qualls; the pool is only in my mind :( but my brain is happily swimming in it:)

  3. Cute drawings, and I am with you about heat.

    1. Andrew; isn't air conditioning one of life's happiest blessings?

  4. We had more than thirty days of ninety plus heat this summer. I was inside with the air on, too.

    1. Joanne; before blogging, I used to think the northern side never got that hot, now I know better. I also know now just how cold your winters are and wish you could experience one of our much milder winters,even just once.

  5. Bleah. And yes on the heat front.
    We are warmer than I like, though not quite as hot as you. I went out early because I had to, and am hunkered down in the cool.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was out early too, posting Christmas Cards, then stopping off at the mulberry tree for a snack on the way home. There isn't much fruit left on it now, the season is almost done. Tomorrow will be cooler here, so I'll get my shopping done then and maybe pull a weed or two in the garden.

  6. I was thinking almost cold enough for snow. That whole centigrade thing throws me. Our thermostat for some reason flips every winter to centigrade and I have a big problem figuring out that 21 is actually pretty warm.

    1. joeh; can't you change the thermostat to read your regular temperature so you don't get confused? I think it's odd for it to flip like that.
      21C is where I have my airconditioner set for the summer, that's about 69F which is comfortable for me, but when we get up over 38C-40C (100F-104F)and higher,45C which is 113F, I may set it down at 19C for comfortable sleeping.

  7. Yeah, that's a bit too warm even tho this past Summer we were over 90 more days than I care to remember.

    1. Grace; I remember hearing about heatwaves in the northern hemisphere and while I know it's uncomfortable, I couldn't help thinking about your winter and hoping we DON'T get a taste of that cold.

  8. My oldest son would love that heat...He refuse to come up to North Idaho as long as there snow on ground..Had check how cold it is on Monday the 12th of December shortly before 9 at night...21 and or -6.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; your oldest son would love Australia then. We have that heat for most of the summer and sometimes get quite a bit warmer, especially in the outback, where the winds get hot and there is no water, few people and even fewer towns. It's a vast country with an inhospitable interior. All our major cities are on the coastline.

  9. Wow!! That's hot for that time of morning - hope you are keeping cool..love the Australian things.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; it's carry-over heat from yesterday, tonight will be much cooler and tomorrow is set to be 23 and possible showers. Much more comfortable :)

  10. I love you blog posts and my other Aussie friends who remind me of the differences in our worlds. You should wait a few months to celebrate Christmas.

  11. Granny Annie; wait? and miss all the fun? that's actually a good idea. I could be a trend setter. I don't think the rest of the family would approve though.

  12. I'm used to Christmas being cold, and think it would be interesting to experience the opposite.


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