Whimsical Wednesday # 256

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

everybody remembers the song by Queen?
Of course you do.

And this not-so-whimsical cartoon that was in our newspaper a few week ago:

Death With Dignity

this dog really loves his master: 

"If only you had four legs Master, then we could just have you put down."


  1. The only death with dignity that I know is in battle - but they won't send us ...

    1. S.J.Qualls; I disagree. Being sent to die by others who probably wouldn't go themselves is not at all dignified.

  2. Don't let me drown in the Fanta Sea! Yes dogs have it good when it comes to legal euthanasia.

    1. Granny Annie; we do so much more for our animals than we do for ourselves. I'm firmly in favour of legal euthanasia.

  3. The second cartoon is rather topical here as right to die legislation is again being talked about and will go before parliament.

    1. Andrew; I'd read in the papers here the subject was being discussed again. Perhaps there will be a satisfactory outcome this time.

  4. Love the first. And agree wholeheartedly with the second.

    1. Elephant's Child; me too. I do NOT want to be in a hospital bed with a machine doing my breathing, maybe for years, while I have zero awareness of what is going on around me.

  5. Everyone has the right to die with dignity...I sincerely agree with the last one.

    As for Queen...great band. Freddie Mercury was the best. Brilliant to watch - brilliant to hear.

  6. Lee; I'm considering asking my doctor about a 'living will', made while one is still healthy and of sound mind, that states specifically I must be allowed to die if I'm in a coma with no chance of waking up, or if I am brain dead.
    I have one of Queen's CDs, but only one.

    1. I believe it is a good idea, River. I should do similar. I don't ever want to be laying in bed, useless and hopeless...not my idea of the way to go! I can see no good purpose in prolonging life when there is absolutely no hope. It's not for me,that's for sure.

  7. My Son lives in state of Oregon and under very straight reason. One can have death with doctor assistant death.
    Coffee is on

  8. Love the first one.

    The second? Sad, but true. I made up my living will some years ago, and granted my daughter medical power of attorney. I know she has the strength to tell the doctors to pull the plug if need be.

  9. .. Love the Fanta-sea ... River... I do like queen.. xxxxx
    as for the other one.. it is sad... but true .
    The last time Mum was in hospital (2 years ago)... she was asked to sign a form stating whether she wanted to be revived or not if it became necessary to make this decision.... she signed Not to be Revived... she said she wanted to go without any machines or tubes keeping her alive....happily for us , she recovered and is still with us .
    .. Barb xxxx

  10. I like the last one because I'm once again learning to "speak dog." New puppy at my house and they can be very easy to train when you learn their language. Then it actually becomes a "polite compromise." Hahaha


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