Calendar Tuesday #7

Welcome back to Calendar Tuesday, which you might remember only happens on the first Tuesday of the month.

First up: Violent Veg

Dear Mr Grape,
Unfortunately, all our tests confirm you are seedless.
Regards, Dr How

Moving on to Life of Teddy:

Teddies have Fun in the Snow, which is a little inappropriate in both hemispheres, since the North gets snow in December and the South rarely gets snow at all.

Lastly, Suzy Toronto: 

and here is what it says:

 Make Waves

"Now be a good girl and don't make any waves."
That's got to be the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

Not only do I plan on making waves, I'm trying to figure out how to start a typhoon and really rock the world.  I believe that playing small and timid doesn't serve anyone. When we let our power and light fully shine from within, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same.
And by doing so, we get up each day to a life that is not only worth living but worth truly loving as well.
So be the change the world needs. Set the new standard. Make a difference whenever and wherever you can.

And while you're at it...go ahead and make some waves!



  1. Suzy Toronto is braver than I am. I am a puddle rather than a wave maker.
    Love the poor seedless grape. And the bears are cute. What snow we get is likely to fall around this time.

    1. Elephant's Child; I hope you get some snow, I know you love the cold and you'll get plenty of frozen bubbles too. I'm not a wave maker either, I might cause a ripple now and then.

  2. It's Calendar Tuesday again ALREADY???? Where has the time gone?

    1. only slightly confused; time went wherever time goes, if only we could find it and bring it back. We can find the good times in our memories at least.

    2. The time goes to Cleveland; no, I don't know why!!

  3. You go girl, Make some waves...

    1. Jimmy; not me. I make an occasional ripple, but I'm not one of the world's mover and shakers. Maybe in my next lifetime.

  4. Well, I don't intend making any waves, nor do I intending changing the world.

    That's not to say I couldn't make waves if I took the effort to do so (I prefer a quiet existence); nor does it mean I wouldn't like to be able to change the world into a better place.

    However, I'm smart enough to know I'm not smart enough to be capable of achieving the latter!

    1. Lee; your last sentence is me too. How about we dangle our feet in the water and just make a ripple or two?

    2. Sounds good to me, River! :)

  5. The advancement of the world depends on people making waves, so give those who ideas you like some support when they make waves.

  6. Been catching up on my reading! :)

    Those ants? I think they are termites. Do a bit of googling and compare it to what you saw. Especially if they are swarming; that's BAD.

  7. Happy Elf Christine; they're not termites, just regular ants, searching for a new nesting area. Termites would never expose themselves to sunlight, they build mud tunnels and travel through those. The ones with wings are probably the new young queens, who set up a new nest similar to the way bees do.

  8. If lots of like minded people get together and make ripples River that could constitute a wave. So gather them round you and get wet 😊

    Cathy @ Still Waters

  9. A great way of looking at life.


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