Sunday Selections # 335

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

here we go:

a photo of a page in a magazine, these cute little penguins are actually chocolate coated poached pears

 I went out early to catch the dozen or so birds that are usually fluffed up sitting on this gutter, yesterday there were only three

raindrops on branches. I love raindrops on anything 😎

my garden, from the opposite end this time

this coprosma is doing so much better since I dug it up and trimmed the roots, then spread them out to grow.

here's a closeup of the leaves, they're quite small, about 2cm.

Bluebells are pushing up through the mulch now.

and I believe these are the daffodils I rescued from the front corner by the footpath, where people keep nipping off the blossoms, or yanking out whole plants. this is all that's left of the two dozen I eventually planted there, hoping they would spread into a large clump.

I used to think this clown (it's a money box) looked happy, now I think he looks creepy crazy.

my pigface is growing fast now, it had a blossom a while ago, which has since died, you can see the remains on the far right in the photo. Next to it is another flower head, yet unopened and another in the centre and a third left of centre. Not easy to spot.

I found this little sunflower vase half buried under the oleander when I was looking for Angel, rescued it and now it sits in my garden patch. 

neighbour P has this pretty pink and grey thing in front of her balcony/porch.

here is a closeup of the flowers, pretty, yes?

someone has lost a pretty bracelet, it's small, but not child sized, probably one of the teens on her way to or from school.

the new house has scaffolding all around now as they work on putting on the roof,

the houses at the back of the block are also two storey.

all alone, and keeping an eye on me.

T's birdbath, almost hidden in the tall grasses.

right in front of this oleander, close up to the trunks, is the last place I saw Angel 😢

here is my favourite wind spinner, not seen much in summer because the trees are all leaved out. It doesn't spin much, not sure if it is in the wrong place or the cups are too small and just don't catch the wind.





  1. We're all silly about our gardens and our pets. But, my garden could be weeds if a lost cat came home. My heart is sad, and my big cat is still obnoxious about needing lap room.

    1. Joanne; my garden doesn't grow many weeds, just a few tiny things that pop up from the mulch and I rip those out right away, then don't see any for months at a time. Angel was never a lap cat, which is a god thing, he's too big, but I miss him jumping up to lie in front of the keyboard here for a belly scratch.

  2. Some interesting photos, river. I quite like the raindrops on branches effort.

    1. Treey Stynes; thank you. It had rained quite heavily just before dawn, so I knew there would be raindrops somewhere.

  3. Echoing Joanne. Love your garden - but am still longing for Angel to come home to you.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I'm echoing your longing. I miss coming home after a day out and saying "did you miss me?" and Angel gives me that look that says "were you gone?"

  4. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; I think I might have to get rid of him. I want a happy garden.

  5. I remember the excitement when the first bluebell leaves broke through the surface. The spinner looks really interesting. Is the pink flowering plant some kind of heath? The clown's smile is too knowing. He is not a clown for children.

    1. Andrew; I'd forgotten about then bluebells and was pleased to see them come up again. The pink plant is a type of Heath, I just don't know which is growing fairly tall though. I find myself not liking the clown anymore.

  6. That clown could very well be LL's alter-ego!

    I hope you have a happy week, River...and I hope good news strolls through your door. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; alter-ego?? Right, that clown is going! I would love to have good news scratching at the door wanting to come in.

  7. That vase you found is really nice, and the windmill in the background of your wind spinner I have the very same one in my front yard, the chicken on top I moved around to my chicken coop and replaced it with a horse that also came in the package.

    Still hoping for Angels return.

    1. Jimmy; I like the vase and was thinking first of washing it, but I like the way it looks all grubby and forgotten. My chicken used to spin with the wind, but "someone unknown" didn't like the squeak it developed and pulled it off and left it on the ground a couple of times, so now it's glued in position, ditto the windmill part. I'm still hoping too.

  8. ALL clowns are creepy crazy.
    Love your photos though, and I hope there's a way to reunite the bracelet with the loser, and that the rest of that birdie familie turns up tomorrow.
    x x

    1. Ann ODyne; I don't think all clowns are creepy, but I don't like them like I used to, and certainly don't like this particular one. The rest of the bird family were probably off getting breakfast.

  9. .. I have realised that Angel is missing from reading these comments... so sorry to hear this River.. I do hope he finds his way home to you.
    I love the garden and your bulbs will look wonderful when they bloom .. xxxx Barb xxxxx

    1. Barabara; thank you, Angel has been gone for 20 days now, I hope whoever has him is being kind. If he is simply lost I think he would have been home by now.
      I'm looking forward to the bulbs blooming, especially the daffodils, I've only ever seen one bloom from those, then people started pinching them, that's why I moved what was left.

  10. Hi River,

    You have a lovely garden. Some very interesting photos and I'm quite fond of creepy clowns in, well, a creepy sort of way.

    I hope Angel returns soon.


    1. klahanie; you like creepy clowns? I'll clean up this one and send him over. I'm hoping for Angel to be home soon too. I miss the furry big so-and-so.

  11. I like your wide assortment of pictures, River. I came over hoping against hope that Angel had returned. Still wishing hard for it to happen.

    1. jenny_o; thank you. I like putting up an assortment, bit of this, bit of that. I still rush to the door every time I hear a noise on the porch, even in the middle of the night.

  12. Great selection of photos there, I kinda like that bracelet! I'm back blogging after a break of 12 months so I'll be be visiting you again!

  13. Farmers Wifey; I noticed you were back, read your post yesterday. Happy Birthday.

  14. Look at all those big ol' fluffy doves. Must be cold there given how poofy they are right now.

  15. Still keeping my fingers crossed for Angel's return!!


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